Constance Allain


The Peace and Love Process
Costume Design
Marie and Simon, a couple with two children, are deeply in love despite constant fights in their paired life. To save their marriage, they come up with a chart of Ten Rules to seek love and peace.
Last Summer
Assistant Costume Designer
A lawyer, mother of two little girls, welcomes into her home the 17-year-old son from her husband's first marriage, with whom she will have an affair.
Love According to Dalva
Costume Designer
One evening, Dalva is suddenly taken away from her father’s house. Dumbfounded and outraged at first, she later meets Jayden, a social worker, and Samia, a teen with a temper. A new life seems to start for Dalva, that of a girl her age.
Costume Designer
Alone in his house, Leo, 12 years old, does not want to go to summer camp. When it is close to the time of departure, a disturbing presence prowls around, imitating his voice.
Additional Wardrobe Assistant
「ラバー」「ディアスキン 鹿革の殺人鬼」などの独創的な作品で知られるフランスの鬼才カンタン・デュピューが監督・脚本を手がけ、「時間が半日進んで肉体が3日分若返る」という不思議な穴に翻弄される夫婦の運命を描いた異色ドラマ。 平凡な中年夫婦アランとマリーは怪しげな不動産業者に案内され、郊外に建つモダニズム風の一軒家を下見に訪れる。不動産業者は購入すべきか迷う彼らに、奇妙なセールスポイントを教える。それは、家の地下室に空いた穴に入ると「時間が12時間進み、肉体が3日分若返る」というもの。夫婦は半信半疑でその家に引っ越すことを決めるが、やがてその穴の存在は、彼らが胸の奥深くに秘めていた欲望や衝動を呼び覚ましていく。 「恋愛睡眠のすすめ」のアラン・シャバと「ジュリアン」のレア・ドリュッケールが主人公夫婦を演じ、「ピアニスト」のブノワ・マジメル、「彼は秘密の女ともだち」のアナイス・ドゥムースティエが共演。
Magnetic Fields
Costume Designer
Alone in the middle of the forest, Solal, eleven years old, equipped with a magnetic field detector, is looking for his missing mother, convinced that she was abducted by aliens. His meeting with Lena, a runaway teenager intrigued by his behaviour, will disturb his quest...