Kosuke Iwanaga


DELIVER POLICE/西東京市デリバー警察隊
Character Designer
In the near future, transportation has developed. The Japanese government, feeling that the conventional police were limited in their power of maintaining security, decided to allow citizens to assist with arresting criminals with the limitation of being limited to the designated area. This was the birth of the Deliver Police. The main character, Taichi, has dreamt of being a hero since he was a child, is active as one of those Delivery Police, in addition to his main job of making anime. Can he and operator Kazuko arrest the villains in time?
DELIVER POLICE/西東京市デリバー警察隊
Animation Director
In the near future, transportation has developed. The Japanese government, feeling that the conventional police were limited in their power of maintaining security, decided to allow citizens to assist with arresting criminals with the limitation of being limited to the designated area. This was the birth of the Deliver Police. The main character, Taichi, has dreamt of being a hero since he was a child, is active as one of those Delivery Police, in addition to his main job of making anime. Can he and operator Kazuko arrest the villains in time?
名探偵コナン 紺青の拳(フィスト)
Key Animation
名探偵コナン ゼロの執行人
Key Animation
東京サミットの会場を予定していたリゾート施設"エッジ・オブ・オーシャン"で大規模な爆発があった。現場を警備していた警察官が死傷したというニュースの中に、コナンは安室透の姿を見つける。一方、警視庁の捜査会議では現場の遺留品に小五郎の指紋があったことから、小五郎が容疑者として逮捕されてしまう。公安の捏造を疑うコナンは安室に問い詰めるが、安室の態度は冷たいもので……。安室透は敵なのか? そして事件の真実とは?
Key Animation
出会いは最低だったのに いつの間にか雛の胸は高鳴っていく。 雛は中学の先輩・恋雪に惹かれ 同じ高校に進学を決意して猛勉強。 幼なじみの虎太朗と桜丘高校に入学する。 冴えなかった恋雪は片思いの相手の為に、 休み明けにイメチェンしてモテ始める。 そんな状況に雛は「告白」を決意するけれど――!?
Key Animation