Nell Dunn


Versus: The Life and Films of Ken Loach
A surprisingly candid behind-the-scenes account of the career of Ken Loach, one of Britain’s most celebrated and controversial filmmakers, as he prepares to release his final major film I, Daniel Blake.
Joseph Losey: The Man with Four Names
Documentary about director Joseph Losey featuring many of his collaborators.
Theatre Play
Steaming is the final film directed by Joseph Losey. It was adapted from Nell Dunn's play by Patricia Losey and Nell Dunn. It is about three women who meet regularly in a steam room and decide to fight its closure.
Up the Junction
A young woman trades her upper-class existence for a new life in an economically depressed suburb of London.
ロンドンの労働者階級に生まれた18 歳のジョイは、泥棒稼業で生計を立てている青年・トムと成り行きで結婚し妊娠、出産する。ところが、トムは赤ん坊に無関心ですぐ彼女に手をあげる始末。トラブル続きのある日、トムが逮捕され、ジョイは叔母の家に厄介に。そこに夫の仲間だったデイヴが訪ねてくる。やがて彼女は優しいデイヴに惹かれ⼀緒に幸せな日々を送るが、彼もまた逮捕されてしまう。獄中のデイヴに手紙を書き続けながらジョイはまだ幼い息子ジョニーとともに懸命に生きていくが・・・
Up the Junction
The lives and loves of three young working class women, set in the pubs, terraced houses and factories of Battersea, South London.