Hitoshi Obuchi


四谷怪談 お岩の亡霊
Assistant Director
About 1786 the doings of a demented lord results in many masterless samurai, including Iyemon (Kei Sato) who is used to luxury and cannot adjust to the hand-to-mouth conditions & piecework of umbrella making. Having hired ruffians to make him look like a superior swordsman, he arranges for himself the opportunity of a profitable marriage. He hires the half-blind masseur Takuetsu (Sawamura Sounosuke) to seduce or rape his wife (Kyoko Mikage), so that she can be divorced or killed for adultery. But the masseur takes pity & informs Oiwa of her husband's horrid plot. Assisted by the merchant's daughter he intends to marry, Iyemon disfigures his wife attempting to poison her so he can marry higher. There's a lovingly gruesome sequence as she combs blad patches into her hair, kneeling deformed at her mirror, weeping with bitterness. She eventually cuts her own throat, swearing revenge.
Assistant Director
大魔神シリーズ第三弾。非道な領主のもとで強制労働をから逃げ出した村人たちを救うため、四人の子供たちが禁足地の山中へ向かう。領主側は追っ手を放ち、子供の一人が命を落としてしまう。そしてついに、山の武神像が動き出す。  吹雪の特撮が印象的で、大魔神がその宝剣を初めて抜いたことでも話題になった。今回は子供の涙によって魔神が動くというのが新味だが、虐げられた良民の祈りが魔神に通じ怒りが爆発という基本パターンから脱却しきれず、新しいインパクトを与えるには及ばなかった。本作でシリーズは終了し、大映の特撮時代劇は妖怪シリーズへと移る。『マグマ大使』のガム役で知られる二宮秀樹が鶴吉を好演。
陸軍中野学校 雲一号指令
Assistant Director
忍びの者 新・霧隠才蔵
Assistant Director
[Period covered: 1616] Kirigakure Saizo (Mist Saizo) returns for the final time as he sets out to assassinate Tokugawa Ieyasu in order to avenge the death of Lord Sanada Yukimura. But first he must contend with Ieyasu’s own ninja group led by the powerful Fuma Daijuro, who has a score to settle with the men of Iga that dates back 280 years to the war between the Genji and the Heike at the Battle of Dan-no-Ura. Tremendous fighting and great plot twists highlight this exceptional look into the lives of the mysterious ninja of Japan.
忍びの者 伊賀屋敷
Assistant Director
[Period covered: 1637-1651] This is one of the most complicated plots of any of the Shinobi no Mono films! This film tells the story of Saizo’s son, Kirigakure Saisuke, who after seeing his father die at the Battle Of Shimabara, grows up to be an expert ninja. Before he dies, “Mist” Saizo tells his children Saisuke, and Yuri that they are not really brother and sister. She, in fact, is the daughter of the late lord Sanada Yukimura, and must be saved from the shogun’s forces. In the chess match of spy versus spy, can Saisuke defeat the shogun’s chief strategist, Matsudaira Izunokami at his own game? Showing many exciting ninja tactics, it is not to be missed.
Assistant Director
An entertaining historical drama featuring popular comedians from the Kansai region of the time, such as Makoto Fujita, Minoru Shiraki, and Gannosuke Ashiya. Raizo Ichikawa as the famous yakuza boss Jirocho.