Rosie Goddard

Rosie Goddard


British actor known for her roles in The Knife That Killed Me and The King’s Man.


Rosie Goddard


coming soon...
Grand Duchess Anastasia
始まりも、超過激 世界大戦を止めろ!超過激なファースト・ミッション始動!!表の顔は、高貴なる英国紳士。裏の顔は、世界最強のスパイ組織“キングスマン”。国家に属さないこの秘密結社の最初の任務は、世界大戦を終わらせることだった…!──1914年。世界大戦を密かに操る謎の狂団に、英国貴族のオックスフォード公と息子コンラッドが立ち向かう。人類破滅へのタイムリミットが迫る中、彼らは仲間たちと共に戦争を止めることができるのか?歴史の裏に隠されたキングスマン誕生秘話を描く、超過激スパイ・アクションシリーズ第3弾。最も過激なファースト・ミッションが始まる!
The Knife That Killed Me
Maddy Bray
A journey through the memories of teenager Paul Varderman as he reflects on the events leading to the fatal moment his life is cut short. Paul moves to a new school and becomes involved with 'The Freaks', a group on the periphery of school life, those who don't fit in: scene kids, emo kids, indie kids. Outsiders. At the same time he attracts the attention of the schools twisted and manipulative bully, Roth. When Paul delivers a message from Roth to the leader of a gang at a rival school, it sparks a dangerous feud. Faced with growing pressures from both groups, Paul must decide where his friendship lies, a decision that may cost him his life.