

Meghdoot - The Cloud Messenger
Uniforms, morning roll call, order, and discipline determine life at a prestigious boarding school somewhere in the Himalaya’s misty foothills. 16-year-old Jaivardhana isn’t thriving in this authoritarian environment. An opportunity for temporary respite from this strict regime presents itself, when a former teacher visits the school and offers interested students a photography workshop. During Mr Sapru’s inspiring lessons, the young people don’t learn about depth of field or shutter speed, but they do learn to open their senses and experience the world around them.
King Agnimitra is at war with the neighbouring state Vidharbha. He has two wikfes, Dharini and Iravati. The beautiful Malavika a fugitive in war lives in cognitive as Dharini's maid in Agnimitra's Court. Agnimiytra happens to see Malavika in a dance competition which was arranged by his friend Goutama (Vidooshaka). Love grows between Agnimitra and Malavika. They find a rendezvous under an Asoka Tree. Informed by the King's commandoes, Dharini and Iravati catch the lovers together, Malavika is imprisoned. Vidooshaka devices a scheme to free Malavika and she is freed. Parivrajika who knows the secret about Malavika's latent power advises her to kick the dried Asoka tree. The tree immediately blossoms. This coincides with the victory of Agnimitra in the war with the Greeks. The play concludes with the King marrying Malavika.
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Theatre Play
Kumara Sambhavam
Kumara Sambhavam is based on the epic poem of the poet Kalidasa of the same name.