Milan Chadima


Director of Photography
「感謝祭(=サンクスギビング)」発祥の地とされるアメリカ・マサチューセッツの田舎町。感謝祭とは、家族や愛する人々と共に日々の収穫や恩恵に感謝し祝福する、一年でもっとも盛大な祝祭。ハッピーなお祭りムードを楽しんでいた人々だったが、突如として現れた清教徒<ピルグリム・ファーザーズ>の指導者ジョン・カーヴァーのお面に身を隠した連続殺人鬼によって、町は恐怖のどん底へと突き落される。残虐なやり口で殺人鬼の犠牲になった人々は何者かによって謎のインスタグラムの投稿にタグ付けされていた。感謝祭のおしゃれな食卓が映る投稿には、意味深に配された住民たちの名札が! なぜ彼らは狙われるのか──。饗宴が狂宴と化し、一夜が永遠のトラウマとなる史上最悪の感謝祭<サンクスギビング>が始まる!
The Devil Conspiracy
The hottest biotech company in the world has discovered they can clone history’s most influential people from the dead. Now, they are auctioning clones of Michelangelo, Galileo, Vivaldi, and others for tens of millions of dollars to the world’s ultra-rich. But when they steal the Shroud of Turin and clone the DNA of Jesus Christ, all hell breaks loose.
Camera Operator
"C" Camera Operator
Camera Operator
Once a hugely popular clown trio, Oskar, Max, and Viktor are now living very different lives. The intense fight that ended their friendship has left them on bad terms for over 40 years. Max is battling colon cancer, Viktor's wife is losing a battle to Alzheimer's, and Oskar, who's never been the best dad, is trying to rescue his daughter from an abusive relationship. The good old days are gone indeed. Despite their situations, each one still tries to maintain a sense of humor. They look fondly on the days when they were slapstick superstars. However, when it comes to the issues that led to their career demise, they just can't seem to let their anger go. As they hesitantly agree to a reunion, they begin to find that the only way back to the top is through forgiveness.
Second Unit Cinematographer
Director of Photography
Three American college students studying abroad are lured to a Slovakian hostel, and discover the grim reality behind it.
A short parody trailer by Eli Roth, included as part of Grindhouse.
Director of Photography
Two full-length feature horror movies written by Quentin Tarantino and Robert Rodriguez put together as a two-film feature. Including fake movie trailers in between both movies.
Camera Operator
Director of Photography
Camera Operator
Coal Tower
Camera Operator
Jakub, a young, small time drug dealer, wakes up to find the police storming the apartment building while his parents are both away on holiday. After flushing all of his "secret stashes" in the toilet, he finds out they are actually there to investigate the death of the girl upstairs, a close childhood friend of his and the family. He slowly retraces the past week that she has been lying dead in her flat and remembers that he asked her to "receive a package" unbeknownst to her from his drug dealer, Pexeso.
Second Unit Director of Photography
After the Harvest II
Director of Photography
A devastating, life-changing experience leads to a dangerous encounter.