Kim Yu-jeong


Makeup & Hair
1968年1月、北朝鮮特殊工作部隊による韓国大統領府襲撃未遂事件が発生。同年4月、韓国政府はその報復として仁川沖のシルミド (実尾島)に死刑囚ら31人の男たちを集め、極秘に金日成暗殺指令を下した。こうして31人は、当時の暦から名付けられた684部隊の特殊工作員として、過酷な訓練を開始する。3年後、優秀な工作員に仕立て上げられた彼らに、いよいよ実行命令が下される。しかし、政府の対北政策は決行目前になって大きく転換、北への潜入に向け行動を開始した部隊に急遽命令の撤回が告げられる。
Makeup & Hair
After losing both her parents, Failan emmigrates to Korea to seek her only remaining relatives. Once she reaches Korea, she finds out that her relatives have moved to Canada well over a year ago. Desperate to stay and make a living in Korea, Failan is forced to have an arranged marriage through a match-making agency.
Korean Ghost Story – Ieodo
Makeup Artist
Korean Ghost Story was a popular TV series telling tales of the eerie and the uncanny. This episode took its inspiration from a legend that originated on Cheju island, whose inhabitants claim that fishermen who vanished around Socora Rock were now in Ieodo, an empire ruled by women who didn’t allow any man to leave. The legend, it seems, was popular in the 1970s.