Helen Colvig

出生 : 1922-04-08,


Costume Design
「ダーティハリー」のドン・シーゲル監督が、名優ウォルター・マッソー主演で描く犯罪アクション。 ニューメキシコの小さな村で農薬散布の仕事をしている、しがない中年男チャーリーが銀行強盗を計画した。彼は若い男を仲間に引き込み、まんまと大金をものにする。だが、その金はマフィアの隠し金だったのだ。警察とマフィアの両方から追われるチャーリーは、巧みに身をかわしていくが、彼の背後には殺し屋モリーが迫っていた。
Costume Design
Minnie and Moskowitz
Costume Design
Depressed and jaded after being dumped by her married boyfriend, aging beauty Minnie Moore wonders if she'll ever find love. After shaggy-haired parking lot attendant Seymour Moskowitz comes to her defense from an angry and rebuffed blind date, he falls hopelessly in love with her despite their myriad differences. Minnie reluctantly agrees to a date with Moskowitz, and, slowly but surely, an unlikely romance blossoms between the two.
Costume Design
クリント・イーストウッドが今でいうストーカーに題材を取った監督デビュー作のサイコスリラー。 カリフォルニア、モントレーの地方局でDJをしている男の前に、いつも“ミスティ”をリクエストしてくる女性が現れる。だが、出来心から一夜を共にして以来、女の態度が常軌を逸してくる……。
Costume Design
When eccentric candy man Willy Wonka promises a lifetime supply of sweets and a tour of his chocolate factory to five lucky kids, penniless Charlie Bucket seeks the golden ticket that will make him a winner.
The Beguiled
Costume Design
Offbeat Civil War drama in which a wounded Yankee soldier, after finding refuge in an isolated girls' school in the South towards the end of the war, becomes the object of the young women's sexual fantasies. The soldier manipulates the situation for his own gratification, but when he refuses to completely comply with the girls' wishes, they make it very difficult for him to leave.
Costume Design
How to Frame a Figg
Costume Design
Don Knotts is Hollis Figg, the dumbest bookkeeper in town. When the city fathers buy a second-hand computer to cover up their financial shenanigans, they promote Figg to look after things, knowing he'll never catch on. Their plan backfires when Figg becomes self-important and accidentally discovers their plot.
I Love My Wife
Costume Design
Young surgeon becomes bored with his wife and family, he has a very successful career, but even with having so much in life, he feels empty and goes through a series of brief and meaningless relations with attractive women.
Costume Design
メキシコを舞台に、ひょんなことから出会ったスゴ腕ガンマンの流れ者と秘密を抱えた尼僧が、一緒に旅をしながら褒賞金目的の戦いに手を組んで活躍する姿を描いた西部劇。  流れ者のホーガンは、三人の男に乱暴されそうになっている尼僧サラを助けた。メキシコの革命騒ぎを利用して大金を稼ごうとしていたホーガンは、フランス軍に追われているサラと共に、革命派のもとへやってくる。そしてフランス軍の輸送列車を襲撃する計画を請け負うが……。凄腕ガンマンのくせに、妙に色っぽい尼僧には手を出せないイーストウッドがオカシイ。憎めない女を演じさせたら天下一品のマクレーンがここでも魅力を発揮している。
Ritual of Evil
Costume Design
A psychiatrist investigates the death of one of his patients, a young heiress.
Change of Habit
Costume Design
Dr. John Carpenter takes the job of running a health center in a low-income district. He enlists three women to help out who — unbeknownst to him — are actually nuns in street clothes. The church wants to improve the neighborhood but fears that nuns in full habit would not be well received. Unaware of her unavailability, John falls for Sister Michelle, serenading her with his guitar — which, luckily for him, effectively wears away at her religious resolve.
The Love God?
Costume Design
Ornithologist Abner Peacock sells off his modest-selling birdwatching periodical to a charlatan who turns it into a girlie mag, making it a massive financial success. After Peacock and the magazine are taken to court on obscenity charges, he unwillingly becomes a reluctant hero and ends up a swinging libertine.
This Savage Land
Costume Design
Shortly after the Civil War, Kansas homesteaders are harrassed by Confederate marauders.
Costume Design
Fear No Evil
A psychiatrist specializing in the occult becomes involved in the case of a man who is possessed by a spirit in an antique mirror. The man's fiance discovers that the mirror is able to bring back her former boyfriend, who had been killed in a car accident, from the dead.
Costume Design
大ヒット作「ダーティハリー」を生んだ監督ドン・シーゲル×主演クリント・イーストウッドの名コンビが初めて組んだ作品。 アリゾナの片田舎の保安官補クーガンは、逮捕された凶悪犯の身柄を引き取りに、単身ニューヨークへとやって来る。だが、煩雑な警察組織のやり方になじめずクーガンは、独断で犯人を強引に連行するが、悪党一味の作戦にひっかかり逃がしてしまう。ニューヨーク市警の協力を得られぬまま、怒りが爆発したクーガンの大都会での追跡劇が始まる…。
A Man Called Gannon
Costume Design
A seasoned cowboy takes a young tender-foot under his wing. They become embroiled in a range war, and end up on opposite sides.
Rough Night in Jericho
Costume Design
The only business in the Wild West town of Jericho that corrupt sheriff Alex Flood doesn't control behind the scenes is the stagecoach owned by tough-willed widow Molly Lang and her right-hand man, Hickman. Former marshal Dolan, recently hired by Lang and Hickman as a driver, wants to stay out of the mess, but when he sees Flood's henchman Yarbrough assault Lang, he steps up to fight the corruption.
Winchester '73
Costume Design
TV Remake of the 1950 James Stewart Western movie of the same title has two brothers, one an ex-con the other a law officer, competing for possession of the famed repeating rifle.
How I Spent My Summer Vacation
Costume Design
A man who completes compiling a dossier on a mysterious billionaire begins to get the feeling that he is becoming the victim of a conspiracy.
Costume Design
The Appaloosa
Costume Design
A man tries to recover a horse stolen from him by a Mexican bandit.
The Plainsman
Costume Designer
Calamity Jane tries to help Buffalo Bill Cody and Wild Bill Hickock stop an Indian war.
Incident at Phantom Hill
Costume Design
At the end of the Civil War, a major shipment of gold has been stolen and buried in the desert. Only one man knows the whereabouts of gold and the army sends captain Matt Martin to arrest him and come back with the gold. Martin, his prisoner and a handful of men enter Indian territory in search of the precious cargo. The Apaches, outlaws and storms will make it not too easy.
The Night Walker
Costume Design
A woman is haunted by recurring nightmares, which seem to be instigated by her late husband who supposedly was killed in a fire.
Costume Design
A hit man and his partner try to find out why their latest victim, a former race-car driver, did not try to get away.
Costume Supervisor