Mariella Dirindelli


Assistant Costume Designer
A group of Italian tourists on a Caribbean holiday finds itself stranded on a deserted island after a plane crash.
The Blonde
Assistant Costume Designer
Coming back from work by night, shy watchmaker Tommaso runs over a girl with his car, luckily without serious consequences. Next day he finds her waiting for him at his door. She asks him for help, as she can't remember anything prior to the incident.
Ricky & Barabba
Assistant Costume Designer
A wealthy millionaire decided to commit suicide but meets a homeless with whom he experiences a lot of funny adventures until finally makes order in his life.
Il conte Max
Assistant Costume Designer
Alfredo è un rozzo riparatore di motociclette romano amico del Conte Max, uno spianato gentiluomo ed ex-gaudente. Quest'ultimo invita Alfredo nella sua residenza a Campo dei Fiori e gli insegna il galateo, il francese e come si gioca a poker. Le risate cominceranno quando Alfredo conosce ed insegue a Parigi la bellissima fotomodella Isabella Matignon.