Tzvetan Kadiysk


エクスペンダブルズ ニューブラッド
Boom Operator
自らを“消耗品”と名乗る最強軍団<エクスペンダブルズ>を率いるバーニー・ロス(シルベスター・スタローン)はCIAから下された新たなミッションに挑むため、かつての相棒であるリー・クリスマス(ジェイソン・ステイサム)の元を訪ねる。 バーニーとともに再び組むことを決意したリーがアジトに足を運ぶと、そこにはかつての仲間だけではなく、新たなメンバーが顔を揃えていた。 新戦力を迎えたエクスペンダブルズが挑む今回のミッションは、テロリストが所有する核兵器を奪還すること――もし、失敗すれば第三次世界大戦が勃発しかねない危険なミッションに挑む彼らだが、大きな代償を払うことに…。
The Bank of Broken Hearts
Foley Artist
Based on William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, set in Istanbul, the tragic story of three heroes chasing an unlikely dream, running towards their sad end in a Shakespearean manner.
The Book of Silence
Sound Effects
A film about the value of words in an age of information abundance; about the troubled communication and imbalance between silence, talking and sounds, but also about how human speech shaped and developed and what should be done to reconcile with silence, turning it into Word.
Foley Recordist
A suicide case is informed to the police from a mental hospital in a rocky district. Two policemen comes to hospital to investigate the case. In the same morning, Dr. Deniz comes to hospital as the new psychiatrist. Because of the heavy rain and landslide the only road and telephone connections that provide access to hospital from the city are damaged.There is no transportation to hospital and none can leave hospital. During three days, three patients are killed wildly in the hospital. Everyone becomes anxious. The police deepen the investigation. A mystical patient attracts attention.