Masaru Hamada


劇場版 昆虫物語 みつばちハッチ 勇気のメロディ
Key Animation
Character Designer
2010年夏。健二(神木隆之介)は高校2年生の草食系男子。数学オリンピックへの出場を逃し、夏休みの予定は世界中の金融やインフラを担うシステム“OZ”の保守点検をするバイトだけ。ある日、健二は先輩の夏希(桜庭ななみ)に頼まれ、長野県上田市にある彼女の実家に行くことに。憧れの先輩との旅に胸を躍らせる健二。しかし夏希は曾祖母・栄(富司純子)の誕生祝いのために親戚一同が集合した場で、突然、健二が自分のフィアンセだと紹介!実は、夏希が健二を連れてきたのは、病気がちな栄を安心させるための苦肉の策。うろたえながらも、健二はフィアンセのふりをすることになってしまう。 個性豊かな面々が集まり賑やかな宴会がスタートするが、そこに曾祖父の隠し子・侘助(斎藤歩)が現れた。一族の異端児である侘助の登場で、楽しかった宴会の雰囲気は一変。さらに翌朝。仮想世界のOZが何者かによって荒らされ、現実社会でも各所で大混乱が勃発。しかも何故か、健二がその混乱を巻き起こした張本人だと報道されてしまい…!?
NINKU-忍空ー ナイフの墓標
Key Animation
This was shown as part of the "Jump Super Anime Tour" of October 1994, prior to the Ninku TV series.
アニメ三銃士 アラミスの冒険
Key Animation
Aramis fell off her horse and received the aid of a man named Francois. They fell in love with each other at first sight and spent their time happily for a while. Francois was killed by Manson and the Ironmask's people, so Aramis swore revenge. Then she went to Paris to be a musketeer. 1 year after the end of TV series, D'Artagnan had a drink with 3 musketeers and found that Jussac and the Cardinal's Guards harrassed a woman in a tavern in Paris. Of couse, they fought Jussac and the Cardinal's guards and won. On his way to home, D'Artagnan witnessed the woman whom he rescued from Jussac about to jump into the river, and rescued her again. D'Artagnan brought her to home but she disappeared soon. After a day, D'Artagnan heard that the woman was killed last night and Rochefort and Cardinal's guards arrested him for murder because his hat was found by the woman's body. Aramis discovers that the story has a link with Catherine de Médicis, and launches out an investigation.
マップス 伝説のさまよえる星人たち
Key Animation
High School student Gen and his girlfriend Oshimi are kidnapped by the space pirate Lipmila. 20,000 years ago, other aliens hid an ancient and priceless map on Earth. Gen knows how to find it - or so they tell him.
TWD EXPRESS ローリングテイクオフ
Key Animation
A crew of space cargo workers rescue a beautiful android and land themselves in trouble thereby.