Afriyas Opung


Setengah Hati
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Ganes, who wanted to continue his studies, took a part-time job outside of his main job which made him involved in a conflict involving two disputing parties.
Kejar Mimpi, Gaspol!
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A single mother from Bromo does not dare to pursue her dream and carry out her passion, which is writing, because she thinks that her only duty is to make her daughter's dream come true.
Nyai Ahmad Dahlan
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History of Siti Walidah or Nyai Ahmad Dahlan, women's emancipation figure and wife of the founder of Muhammadiyah, Kiai Ahmad Dahlan. His history was from childhood who really wanted to get an education until he became an adult and married KH Ahmad Dahlan. He is also known as a figure who refuses forced marriage. She was the first woman to ever lead the Muhammadiyah Congress in 1926 and the founder of the Sopo Treno women's movement organization which was later named Aisyiyah. He was awarded the title of National Hero on November 10, 1971.