Brooks Firestone

Brooks Firestone


Brooks Firestone


Benjamin can’t really remember life before the plane. Flashes, really. A carnival. The faces of his parents. The smell of McDonalds. But now, today, his entire world is the size of a customized 747, refurbished to comfortably house him. And the crew that caters to his every one: his freedom. Because there’s something wrong with Benjamin. Something you can’t see with the naked eye. Something that won’t appear on any test. It’s nothing he asked for or has any control over. You see, when his feet touch the ground, it’s as if it causes an infection to spread. That infection triggers a response. Rage. Fury. Mania. Chaos. Benjamin is a splinter in the world. And so he remains, skybound. For ever and for always. At least, that was the plan. Until today.