Justin Keller


インシディアス 赤い扉
Rigging Gaffer
『インシディアス 第2章』のおぞましい事件から10年。ダルトンは、大学へと進学し、学⽣⽣活を送っていたが、再び悪霊の影が迫り怪奇現象に襲われる。 ⼀家に取り憑く者たちを永遠に葬り去るべく、ダルトンとジョシュはこれまで以上に深く“向こう側”へと⼊り込むことに…。“赤い扉”の向こうには⼀家の暗い過去と新たな恐怖が待ち構えていた。
No Perfect Walk
If you were asked the question, "if you could do anything in the world what would it be?" Only a crazy person would say, I would walk every step of South America from the Southern tip to the Northern tip. Only a crazier person would willingly join them just so they could make a documentary about the journey. This documentary is about two friends who drop everything in their lives, sell all their belongings and set out on a journey that would forever change their lives.