Ryan A. Sullivan

Ryan A. Sullivan


Ryan A. Sullivan is a sound designer based in Los Angeles, with more than 10 years of experience. He graduated with a BFA in Sound Design from the Savannah College of Art and Design.


Ryan A. Sullivan


Wulver’s Stane
Sound Designer
Stoney Claire McKenzie, fighting to bury blood dreams and a grizzly past, builds herself a new life by hustling a mind-altering elixir.
Night Swim
Sound Effects Editor
Forced into early retirement by a degenerative illness, former baseball player Ray Waller moves into a new house with his wife and two children. He hopes that the backyard swimming pool will be fun for the kids and provide physical therapy for himself. However, a dark secret from the home's past soon unleashes a malevolent force that drags the family into the depths of inescapable terror.
The Bikeriders
Sound Effects Editor
Kathy, a strong-willed member of the Vandals who's married to a wild, reckless bikerider named Benny, recounts the Vandals' evolution over the course of a decade, beginning as a local club of outsiders united by good times, rumbling bikes and respect for their strong, steady leader Johnny. As life in the Vandals gets more dangerous, and the club threatens to become a more sinister gang, Kathy, Benny and Johnny are forced to make choices about their loyalty to the club and to each other.
Sound Effects Editor
Dutch coach Thomas Rongen attempts the nearly impossible task of turning the American Samoa soccer team from perennial losers into winners.
Sound Effects Editor
Sound Effects Editor
1987年7月――サン・セバスチャン修道院。 アモルト神父はローマ教皇から直接依頼を受け、憑依されたある少年の《悪魔祓い》エクソシズムに向かう――。変わり果てた姿。絶対に知りえないアモルト自身の過去を話す少年を見て、これは病気ではなく“悪魔”の仕業だと確信。若き相棒のトマース神父とともに本格的な調査に乗り出したアモルトは、ある古い記録に辿り着く。中世ヨーロッパでカトリック教会が異端者の摘発と処罰のために行っていた宗教裁判。その修道院の地下に眠る邪悪な魂――。全てが一つに繋がった時、ヴァチカンの命運を握る、凄惨なエクソシズムが始まる――
80 for Brady
Sound Effects Editor
A quartet of elderly best friends decide to live life to the fullest by taking a wild trip to the Super Bowl LI to see their hero Tom Brady play.
Sound Effects Editor
ディヴォーション: マイ・ベスト・ウィングマン
Sound Effects Editor
The Last Manhunt
Sound Editor
In 1909, Willie Boy and his love Carlota go on the run after he accidentally shoots her father in a confrontation gone terribly wrong. With President Taft coming to the area, the local sheriff leads two Native American trackers seeking justice for their “murdered” tribal leader.
Sound Effects Editor
A journalist and podcaster from New York City travels to West Texas in order to report on the death of a girl he was hooking up with.
モンスター・ホテル 変身ビームで大パニック!
Sound Effects Editor
ヴァンヘルシングの不思議な発明である「モンスターフィケーションレイ」が暴走すると、ドラクと彼のモンスター仲間はすべて人間に変身し、ジョニーはモンスターになります。 彼らの新しいミスマッチの体で、彼の力を剥奪されたドラクと、モンスターとしての人生を愛するあふれんばかりのジョニーは、手遅れになる前に、そして彼らがお互いを狂わせる前に、治療法を見つけるためにチームを組んで世界中で競争しなければなりません。 メイビスと陽気に人間のドラクパックの助けを借りて、彼らの変容が永続的になる前に自分自身を元に戻す方法を見つけるための熱が高まっています。
Sound Designer
Max is obsessed with the idea of being a serial killer. After meticulously studying them and trying to become one, does he have what it takes to actually kill a person?