Nikki Long


Second Assistant Director
In the year 2022, a ruthless prison warden has created the ultimate solution for his most troublesome and violent inmates: Absolom, a secret jungle island where prisoners are abandoned and left to die. But Marine Captain John Robbins, convicted of murdering a commanding officer, is determined to escape the island in order to reveal the truth behind his murderous actions and clear his name.
The Distant Home
Second Assistant Director
Government authorities incarcerate a girl whose extraterrestrial origin is discovered after an accident with a car.
The Time Game
Second Assistant Director
13 year old Tony Johnson and computer wizard, is of falsely accused of setting fire to his school. He is sent to stay with his grandparents over Christmas. Tony's grandfather invents things. He has designed a game called "The Time Game"...
Sons of Steel
Second Assistant Director
The film is set in Australia, where an accidental future time traveler finds himself going back in time to change events to prevent a calamity.