Yao Kuo Chen


青春18x2 君へと続く道
Production Design
始まりは18年前の台湾―― 高校生・ジミーのバイト先に現れた日本から来た4つ年上のバックパッカー・アミ。ひと夏を同じ店で働き過ごすことになった2人だったが、次第にジミーはアミに淡い恋心を抱いていく。夜道をバイクで2人乗りしたり、映画を観に行ったり、2人の距離は縮まっていったが、突然、アミが日本に帰ることに。気持ちの整理がつかないジミーに、アミは“ひとつの約束”を提案する。 時が経ち、あるきっかけで久々に実家を訪れたジミーは、日本に戻ったアミから18年前に届いたハガキを見つける。 初恋の記憶がよみがえったジミーは、過去と向き合い、今を見つめるため、初めての日本での一人旅へ。アミとの思い出の曲を聞きながら列車に乗り、ジミーが向かうのは彼女の故郷。 ジミーはアミとの再会を果たせるのか―。
Art Direction
Welcome Home
This is a short film about women with a great influence in a Chinese family. In this mother-and-daughter relationship hides a cycle of love, life and hurting each other.
Girls, be ambitious!
Art Direction
Aspiring AV actresses Liz Ai Ai and Berry fail to break into the industry and somehow end up joining a wrestling club, where they use their AV-style “special moves” to rise to superstardom. Starring Kimi HSIA, Gemma WU and Tiara HUANG, with stunts directed by Japanese wrestling promotion Stardom, this is a comedy about the struggles and tears behind the pursuit of dreams.
Art Direction
The tribal village gets misty in September, letting out an atmosphere as intriguing as Hayung's family in this autumn-winter season. After Hayung's homeland was occupied, one 80-year-old man devoted his whole life to worshipping GAGA. The traditions were forgotten by his descendants after his passing... The Hayung's family represented indigenous families in Taiwan. Each tribe represents a withering big family. The eldest son Pasang joins in the election campaign, neglecting the opposition from his family. The second son, who is a farmer, is thus affected. After the election campaign, the entire family is on the verge of falling apart, and the village witnesses the snow for the first time in a very long time... With snow melting, new lives emerge. The broken family has started mending and repairing...
Art Direction
In 1987, as martial law ends in Taiwan, Jia-han and Birdy fall in love amid family pressure, homophobia and social stigma.