Koji Endo

Koji Endo

出生 : 1964-01-01,


Koji Endo


Original Music Composer
After Akira Ninomiya miraculously survives a brutal attacked by an unknown assailant wearing a "monster mask,"he becomes fixated on finding the attacker and getting revenge.
会社員の鍵山孝平(望月歩)は、家から“徳川家光が描いた絵”が出てきたという、幼なじみの戸倉詩織(葵わかな)の付き添いで、「なんでも鑑定団」に出演することに。ところが収録当日、楽屋で不思議なことが…。突然現れた鑑定人風の老人(里見浩太朗)が「これは真筆」だと絵を絶賛。2人の顔を眺めると、絵にまつわる切ない恋の逸話を語り出したのだ――。 時は江戸時代。城では若き徳川家光(望月歩)が「自分は将軍の器ではない。こんな窮屈な生活なら魚屋のほうがましだ」などと言い出し、問題となっていた…。そこで教育係の大久保彦左衛門(里見浩太朗)は一計を案じ、懇意にしていた町の魚屋・一心太助(高嶋政伸)とお仲(戸田菜穂)夫婦に家光を預け、身分を偽って修行させることにした。そ んな中、家光は医者を目指す町娘・お仙(葵わかな)と出会い、やがて恋に落ちるが…そんな中、次期将軍の座を巡る暗殺計画が持ち上がる!
The drama depicts the exploits of the “Ichigeki Hishikkitai”, a special combat unit formed by farmers to deal with the "Imperial Robbers" and the "Imperial Thieves" of the Satsuma Clan who were causing a stir in Edo at the end of the Edo period.
Original Music Composer
将軍暗殺を企て、幕末に戦乱を起こそうとしたのは、いったい誰なのか? そして、龍馬暗殺の真犯人は!? さらに新選組史に残る「油小路の決闘」の真実 が明らかになる! 土方「隊士一同に伝えておけ。坂本に手を出すなと。 あいつを斬るのは俺の役目だ!」 龍馬「いま戦を始めたら、日本はバラバラになるぜよ。 けんど、お互い信じ合えたら、一つになれる!」
妖怪大戦争 ガーディアンズ
Original Music Composer
フォッサマグナに眠る古代の化石たちが一つに結集し、巨大な妖怪獣へと姿を変えた! 向かう先は東京。このまま妖怪獣の進撃を許せば、人間も妖怪たちもタダでは済まない。この危機に妖怪たちは、伝説の武神『大魔神』の力を借りるため、伝説の妖怪ハンター・渡辺綱の血を受け継ぐ気弱な少年・渡辺ケイに白羽の矢を立てる。しかし、ひょんなことから、ケイと間違えて弟のダイが妖怪たちに連れ去られてしまう! ダイを助けるため、ケイは謎の妖怪剣士・狐面の女の導きで大魔神のもとへ向かうが、人間嫌いの狸の大妖怪・隠神刑部がケイと妖怪たちに待ったをかける。そして渡辺綱の末裔であるケイの命を狙う、鬼の一族が姿を現わすのだった。はたして、選ばれた少年・ケイは弟を救い、大魔神をよみがえらせ、妖怪獣を止めることができるのか?すべてを巻き込んだ妖怪大戦争がついに始まる!
One samurai is ordered to kill another by their master in punishment.
日本極道戦争 第七章
The 7th popular series starring Hitoshi Ozawa. Hitoshi Soma, the leader of the Soma group, went to the third chairman, Goichi Yajima, with his feet settled with Keizo Sakai, who planned to take over the Shinseikai, and asked him about the killing of the same gate. On the other hand, the Hanshin Tigers' Murasame prepares to fight with the Soma group because Sakai's Odai was killed, but the chairman, Harimoto, takes measures. The Soma group and the Hanshin Tigers did not appear at the regular meeting of the headquarters. The stage is moved to Kochi, and the conflict between the Soma group and the Hanshin Tigers begins.
劇場版 ひみつ×戦士 ファントミラージュ! 〜映画になってちょーだいします〜
Original Music Composer
They'll take back your uncool heart to protect peace! One day cool director Piyoshi Kurosawa offers Phantomirage a sparkling big role! That's right, if this is the case, let's make everyone's heart flutter through the movie! However, Reverse Police's SakaSama found him! The director who is busy with the shoot is turned into an Ikenaier! With that, the movie will no longer be cool!
Based on the legenday cult Japanese comic “Stop The Bitch Campaign” by Hideo Yamamoto (“Ichi the Killer”) and Tetsuya Koshiba (“Remote”), a fierce battle between the beautiful high-school girls and the middle-aged man erupts once again.
A university student kills her father with no apparent motive. But is her claim that she is a liar simply another lie? A psychologist burdened with her own scars seeks to uncover the truth. There, she discovers a fabricated past and the screams of a soul violated by those she loved. Based on the novel by Shimamoto Rio.
Original Music Composer
新宿の歌舞伎町。身寄りのない葛城レオ(窪田正孝)は才能あるプロボクサーだったが、格下の相手に負け、試合後の診察で自身の余命がわずかだと知る。希望を失い街をうろついていたレオは、ヤクザと関わりのある少女のモニカ(小西桜子)を追っていた悪徳刑事の大伴(大森南朋)を殴り倒し、ヤクザと大伴から追われることになる。 『一命』などの三池崇史監督と『東京喰種 トーキョーグール』シリーズなどの窪田正孝が、ドラマ「ケータイ捜査官7」以来およそ10年ぶりに組んだラブストーリー。負けるはずのない相手に負けたプロボクサーの主人公が過ごす、アンダーグラウンドの世界での強烈な一夜を描く。『ビジランテ』などの大森南朋、『さよなら歌舞伎町』などの染谷将太をはじめ、小西桜子、ベッキー、村上淳、塩見三省、内野聖陽らが出演した。
Original Music Composer
Original Music Composer
伊藤くん A to E
Original Music Composer
ジョジョの奇妙な冒険 ダイヤモンドは砕けない 第一章
Original Music Composer
Original Music Composer
土竜の唄 香港狂騒曲
Original Music Composer
Original Music Composer
「リング」の貞子と「呪怨」の伽椰子というJホラーを代表する恐怖の2大キャラクターの共演が実現した作品。「戦慄怪奇ファイル コワすぎ!」シリーズや「ノロイ」「オカルト」などホラー作品を多数手がける白石晃士監督がメガホンをとり、山本美月が主演、玉城ティナ、安藤政信らが共演する。その映像を見ると貞子から電話がかかってきて2日後に必ず死んでしまうという「呪いの動画」を見てしまった女子大生の有里。そして、入ったら行方不明になるという「呪いの家」に足を踏み入れてしまった女子高生の鈴香。共に呪いをかけられた2人を救うために立ち上がった霊媒師の経蔵は、貞子と伽椰子を戦わせるという秘策に打って出る。
Juzo Kimura is a wandering Ronin with a past. 15 years later, after winding up in Edo, he becomes a sword teacher to support his wife and daughter. But he has a dark side to him; at night, he becomes an assassin for hire. The fates of men living double lives cross in the shadows of Edo.
Mojin: The Lost Legend
At the beginning of the 1990s, famous tomb explorer Hu Bayi decided to retire and move to the United States with his girlfriend Shirley. But before his wedding, Bayi discovers his first love Ding Shitian, who supposedly had died in the "One Hundred Cave" 20 years ago, is actually still alive. Together with Shirley and his old exploration partner, Bayi unravels a terrible millennium-old secret...
Original Music Composer
Original Music Composer
In bustling Shibya, Momose sees his high school classmate Yashiro. Yashiro is dressed as a girl. Momose continues to observe Yashiro and becomes attracted to him. Meanwhile, Yashiro becomes embarrassed that Momose knows that he dresses up like a girl.
Original Music Composer
Toji Seryo is a popular first year high school student. It's well known that Toji Seryo will date anyone that confesses their affection for him on a Monday, but he will break up with that person by Sunday. Yuzuru Shino is a third year student at the same high school. He looks pretty, but all of his former girlfriends end up dumping him. Yuzuru Shino becomes curious about Toji Seryo. On a whim, half serious and half joking, Yuzuru Shino asks Toji Seryo to date. The film is based on a comic. Part 1 follows Monday to Thursday. Part 2 follows Friday to Sunday.
Original Music Composer
Toji Seryo is a popular first year high school student. It's well known that Toji Seryo will date anyone that confesses their affection for him on a Monday, but he will break up with that person by Sunday. Yuzuru Shino is a third year student at the same high school. He looks pretty, but all of his former girlfriends end up dumping him. Yuzuru Shino becomes curious about Toji Seryo. On a whim, half serious & half joking, Yuzuru Shino asks Toji Seryo to date. The film is based on a comic. Part 1 follows Monday to Thursday. Part 2 follows Friday to Sunday.
柳生十兵衛 世直し旅
Original Music Composer
The fate of Tokugawa’s world hangs in the balance as Yagyu Jubei is sent on a mission to discover what happened to 10 of the shogun’s spies that never returned. Matsukata Hiroki, one of the last surviving members of the Golden Age of Japanese Cinema proves that he has not lost a step as he portrays an older and wiser Yagyu Jubei in a movie that brings the best of samurai filmmaking into the 21st century. Summoned from semi-retirement by Shogun Iemitsu, Jubei is asked to take to the road and investigate a clan rumored to be preparing explosives for a rebellion. With help from a beautiful female ninja they head into the Shirakawa domain where the fighting skills of both are tested time and again as they strive to destroy a conspiracy that could bring a new Warring States Era. In the 1960's Yagyu Jubei was the signature role of the great Konoe Jushiro, father of Matsukata Hiroki. This brings the character full circle.
Original Music Composer
Original Music Composer
Original Music Composer
Original Music Composer
喰女 ―クイメ―
Original Music Composer
Tokugawa Ieyasu is killed at the Battle of Sekigahara. Jirosaburo Serada, who travels all over the country, becomes Tokugawa Ieyasu's shadow warrior and runs country….
土竜の唄 潜入捜査官 REIJI
Original Music Composer
Original Music Composer
Original Music Composer
Ayumi Aizawa is a lonely young man without a family. He works at Forest Hyde Press Hotel as a cleaner. His deceased grandfather Kenzaburo worked at the same hotel. When his grandfather worked at the Forest Hyde Press Hotel, the hotel was well known for its extreme hospitality. Now, the hotel is nothing more than an ordinary hotel. New manager Ryuuya Sawashiro then attempts to bring the hotel back to its glory days.
藁の楯 わらのたて
Original Music Composer
Original Music Composer
鏡の精から魔法のコンパクトをもらい、10歳の小学生から22歳の大学生に変身をとげた加賀美あつ子。 大好きなメイクやおしゃれを楽しみ浮かれる中、遊園地で出会った化粧品会社に勤める早瀬尚人にひとめぼれする。その翌日、再会を機に、アイデアを次々と披露するあつ子を気に入った尚人は、自分の会社に彼女をアルバイトとして招き入れることを決める。個性的なメンバーの中で、失敗しつつも楽しみながら毎日を過ごしていたあつ子だった。
It is 1853. Atsuko, adopted daughter of Shimazu Nariakira of the Satsuma clan and known to history as “Atsu-hime”, is en route by palanquin from her home to the castle of the Shogun in distant Edo. She is not happy with this, however, and resolves to struggle against her fate. In the mountains of Hakone she runs from her procession. Her governess Tae and the woman ninja Mitsu give chace. Continuing on in spite of their entreaties to come back, she looks up as the weird light of a meteor envelops them. The next thing she knows, she has gone 160 years into the future…
20XX年。凶悪犯罪の増加に対応するため、日本政府は新たな司法システム『序審裁判』を導入した。これは、弁護士と検事の公開法廷における直接対決で、証拠と証拠をぶつけあいながら、三日以内に被告人の有罪・無罪のみを先行決定する制度である。 成歩堂龍一は25歳の新米弁護士。ある日、綾里法律事務所の所長で成歩堂の良き理解者でもあった上司の弁護士・綾里千尋が、「長年追いかけてきたある事件の新たな証拠を見つけた」というメッセージを残すが、その後千尋は殺害された。容疑者として逮捕されたのは、千尋の妹で見習い霊媒師の綾里真宵だった。彼女の弁護を引き受けた成歩堂は、無実を証明するため、かつての幼馴染でもあるエリート検事・御剣怜侍と対決し、見事無罪を勝ち取った。 その法廷の後、成歩堂の元に御剣が殺人容疑で逮捕されたという知らせが入る。成歩堂は御剣に弁護を名乗り出るが、御剣を起訴したのは彼の師匠で40年間無敗の経歴を誇る伝説の検事・狩魔豪だった。そして審理を重ねていくうちに、15年前に起きた「DL6号事件」が今回の殺人事件と深く関係していることを知る。
タクミくんシリーズ あの、晴れた青空
Original Music Composer
It's June of their third year of high school, and Takumi has an important anniversary to attend back in his hometown. He wants to invite Gii along for the trip, but time and scheduling and possibly broken promises stand in the way.
Minako and Mayuko are rival members of their high school's karate club. While staying at a training camp boarding house, one of the other members, Saori, starts to lose her mind overnight. When one of the 10 staff members of the training camp vanishes, Minako starts to investigate the cause...
ケータイ刑事 THE MOVIE3 モーニング娘。救出大作戦!〜パンドラの箱の秘密
鬼平外伝 夜兎の角右衛門
Bandit leader "Night Rabbit" Kakuemon has always kept the rule to "never kill, never rape, never steal from the poor", passed down to him by the gang's previous leader. He has never been arrested, and for that, he always thought he would have a peaceful death. But one day, after talking to a young one-armed homeless girl, he decides to break up his gang and turn himself in.
タクミくんシリーズ Pure ~ピュア~
Original Music Composer
Unlike the three previous films, Pure focuses on the relationship between Misu Arata and Shingyouji Kanemitsu , which begins when Shingyouji takes the test to enter Shidou Gakuen . That's when he meets Misu and falls for him. Then we come back to the present where the sempai who admires Misu appears, bringing Shingyouji problems and jealousy.
Original Music Composer
タクミくんシリーズ 美貌のディテイル
Original Music Composer
Another school year is starting. Upon meeting up with Gii, Takumi is worried when it turns out Gii has changed, suddenly acting cold and distant. Could their relationship be in danger for real this time?
タクミくんシリーズ 虹色の硝子
Original Music Composer
Takumi and Gii are now a couple, but Takumi is still uncomfortable with showing affection. Not only that, but Takumi grows jealous when Gii starts paying attention to a good-looking first year student. Is Gii's love really that fickle?
Original Music Composer
Confusingly, this is actually the first “Stop the…” movie of what (to date) has been a trilogy. Kuni (Kenichi Endo) runs a Phone Sex service, where middle-aged men talk too, and arrange to meet, schoolgirls for “Compensated Dating” (enjo kosai) – the men provide gifts in return for “dating” the schoolgirl (although no money changes hands, this is effectively teenage prostitution). Kuni discovers that one group of schoolgirls are using his service to ambush (and then blackmail) his clients and decides to embark on a moral crusade against them (hence the title, Stop the Bitch…). Unfortunately, this crusade takes the form of arranging to meet the schoolgirls, having (kinky and degrading) sex with them and then running off without paying. The logic goes that if these girls are not making money from their “dating”, they will give it up, making the world a safer place for everyone. Unfortunately for Kuni, these schoolgirls decide to fight back….
ニュータイプ ただ、愛のため
Original Music Composer
Yuri, who works at the ticket window at a ferry terminal, is one-eyed. One day, she is held at knifepoint and locked away in captivity by an enigmatic man named Kwon, who has missed a ferry. At the very moment Yuri learns that Kwon has supernatural powers. As Kwon and Yuri become closer to each other, Yuri's friend, Akiyama, accidentally finds the secret of Yuri's supernatural power. Yuri has the ability to go back in time. As the price for her supernatural ability, Yuri becomes blind in one eye. In the meantime, Kwon gets shot by mysterious men. Yuri, who has started feeling affection for Kwon, tries to save him using her special power again.
A film about family life in Osaka. Following the death of their father, three boys struggle to find their own identity with the help of their outgoing mother and weak-willed uncle.
Original Music Composer
"You will die six hours later." Keishi, a youth who proclaims himself a seer, suddenly says this to Mio, who is walking along the streets of Shibuya. At first, Mio scoffs at it as nonsense but ever since her acquaintance was murdered a few days ago, she realises that she has also become a victim of a stalker. Half believing it, she decides to hang around with Keishi. Later, with the help of Sawaki, a detective she knows, the stalker is identified. She thinks the case is closed but a totally unexpected person attacks her...
Original Music Composer
妖艶くノ一伝 小娘くノ一・矢魔女篇
Original Music Composer
For Yamame and Suzume, two beautiful young ninjas-in-training, the prospects of a long life are shortened dramatically when they choose the wrong Samurai to relieve of his wallet. Suddenly the buxom pair find themselves caught up in a deadly game with both the life of a princess and their own at stake! But despite the overwhelming odds that face them, Yamame and Suzu have at least one trick no one's expecting inside their ninja arsenal... and they're willing to bare ALL their weapons in order to survive!
0093 女王陛下の草刈正雄
A James Bond Parody
Sukiyaki Western Django
A nameless gunfighter arrives in a town ripped apart by rival gangs and, though courted by both to join, chooses his own path.
恋する日曜日 私。恋した
Original Music Composer
Nagisa, a high school girl who has been given three months to live. Without telling her widowed father where she is going, she sets out from the city to the small town where she was born. She recalls her childhood memories, and her love for Satoshi begins to grow stronger. However, she is shocked to discover that Satoshi is having an affair with Eriko, a married woman.
The owner of a high-class hotel frets over the fact that customers continuously kill themselves by hanging themselves in the garden. A highschool girl, Kuroi Misa, is invited to dispel the spirits in the garden. Misa proposes to use black magic to dispel the spirits, and she demands 10 million yen.
Ken Kariba, who was transferred to the Public Security Department of the Metropolitan Police Department, was investigating allegations of kidnapping of Japanese groups in Europe amid a series of explosions in various parts of Japan and the spread of fear of terrorist attacks with bombs. It eventually led to a series of terrorist attacks and, gradually, to a great conspiracy.
Dream Cruise
Absolutely terrified of the sea, an American lawyer reluctantly goes on an ocean cruise to be near the wife of a client, with no idea of the grim situation that awaits them all.
龍が如く 劇場版
龍が如く 劇場版
Original Music Composer
Documentary about the art of Japanese bondage.
アオグラ AOGRA
Original Music Composer
ソースの小壜 〜重松清「愛妻日記」より〜
Junko and Kohei were each other's first relationship, and got married. A white apartment, a white blouse, and white underwear; their relationship was pure. But then Junko put on conspicuous lingerie and a black dress, and went to attend a class reunion. Suspicious, Kohei followed behind her until she disappeared into a hotel with Okada, a former junior high school classmate. Kohei had learned from his mother to obsessively despise `filth,' and vowed to make Junko utterly filthy. So, he presented his own wife to a gang rape club...
愛妻日記 ~重松清「愛妻日記」より~
Original Music Composer
Oda is a cowardly and boring man, his only redeeming feature being his diligence. He continues to live with his wife, Ayane, but they can't seem to produce children and are troubled as to whether their relationship will survive. One evening Oda returns home to find a pair of blue toy handcuffs hanging on the doorknocker. Using them, Oda humiliates Ayane. Although bewildered at first, Ayane begins to respond, and Oda becomes increasing excited as he sexually assaults her. In truth, the blue handcuffs were Ayane's contrivance. There was a time in the past when she used to reach climax...
童心 重松清原作「愛妻日記」より
Yoko is an ordinary housewife living in an ordinary apartment block. She has no real complaints as she goes about her tedious days, although her husband, Shinichi, is rather predictable in bed. They have one son, Junichi, and Yoko feels at a loss regarding his recently-acquired adolescent interest in sex and his secret stash of erotic magazines. Junichi is about to write his junior high school entrance exams, so he’s heading off to cram school camp for New Year’s. Before going, he makes a surprising suggestion, “Why don’t you guys go somewhere for New Year’s?” Yoko and Shinichi are suddenly faced with the prospect of New Year’s apart from their son. How will this couple, who’ve already lived half of their lives, change their behavior when it’s just the two of them?
饗宴 ~重松清「愛妻日記」より~
Only a fool loves their body more than their soul! Masayuki and Kyoko's bodies had both started to age to the point where they no longer experienced sexual passion. They are a couple that shares the same bed while finding separate pleasures with their own sex toys. Masayuki was always reminded that his true understanding of love came from his high school ethics teacher and that teacher's wife. The incident occurred when Masayuki was only 17. When he became alone with her he impulsively craved her body, only to notice that on the other side of the sliding paper screen...
Music Director
An American journalist travels through 19th Century Japan in search of Komomo, the missing love of his life that he had abandoned years ago, promising to come back to her later. After an encounter with a deformed prostitute that tells him of Komomo's passing, he drinks sake with her and learns of the tragic story of her life.
Original Music Composer
A young reporter is covering the mysterious case of a child found dead with missing internal organs.
Original Music Composer
監獄の中、雑居房のひとつで、1人の少年が渾身の力を込め、1人の青年の首を絞めた。犯行を発見した看守たちに取り押さえられた少年は「ぼくがやりました!」と叫び続ける。この殺人事件を捜査し始める、警部(石橋蓮司)と警部補(遠藤憲一)。加害者と思われる少年は有吉淳(松田龍平)。ゲイバーで働いていた有吉は、男客から性的暴行を受けたことから逆上し殺害に及ぶ。被害者の青年は香月史郎(安藤政信)。幼い頃から様々な罪を犯し、最終的には路上で人を殴り殺した。偶然にも有吉と香月は同日に、この刑務所に投獄されている。誰にも心を開かない有吉と、気に入らないとだれかれ構わず殴り倒してゆく凶暴な香月。正反対のタイプにも関わらず、香月は有吉を守り、2人の間には濃密で暖かい空気が流れていた。そして、捜査線上に浮かび上がるもう1人の男。それはこの刑務所の新所長(石橋凌)。ぞっとするような笑みをたたえながら、恐ろしく優しい口調で話しかけるこの所長は、かつて自分の妻を香月に暴行され、結果妻は自殺するという壮絶な過去を持っていた。誰が真実を告げているのか? そして、「ぼくがやりました!」と叫び続ける有吉の真意とは……。
Original Music Composer
お茶汲みOL・ゆうこはいい加滅なカフェ店員。ユタカのことが好き。初めてユタカと寝た日、ゆうこはユタカにみどりという彼女がいることを知った。ユタカに嫌われたくない一心で何も言えないゆうこは、ユタカにすすめられるがまま、スナックでホステスのバイトを始める。お互いの電話番号も知らないまま、二人の畷昧な関係は続いて行くが…。 軽くてだらしなくてデリカシーのない男。でも好きになってしまう、彼の磁力にとらわれてしまう。他に優しい男ならいくらでもいる。でも彼じゃないとだめなんだ、なんでだろう。 リアルで切ない恋愛模様を描かせたら右に出るものはいない南Q太の傑作コミック『さよならみどりちゃん』、待望の映画化である。
Original Music Composer
Original Music Composer
Izo is an assassin in the service of a Tosa lord and Imperial supporter. After killing dozens of the Shogun's men, Izo is captured and crucified. Instead of being extinguished, his rage propels him through the space-time continuum to present-day Tokyo. Here Izo transforms himself into a new, improved killing machine.
An Asian cross-cultural trilogy of horror films from accomplished indie directors: Dumplings, directed by Fruit Chan of Hong Kong, Cut directed by Park Chan-Wook of Korea, and Box directed by Miike Takashi of Japan.
Original Music Composer
A yakuza war breaks out in a small peaceful town in the northern region of Kanto.
Kaidan Shin Mimibukuro. Gekijô-ban
An anthology series based on stories collected throughout Japan, mainly by writers Hirokatsu Kihara and Ichiro Nakayama.
Original Music Composer
Original Music Composer
女子大生・中村由美(柴咲コウ)の友人でもある岡崎陽子や河合ケンジが、謎の死の予告電話によって次々と不可解な死亡を遂げていく。その死の予告電話の内容は、なぜか未来からの発信時刻で来ており、死ぬ瞬間の声や映像、画像が送られてきてその未来の時刻に差し掛かったとき、その通りに死んでしまうのである。 新たに死の予告電話を受けた小学校からの幼馴染みの友人・小西なつみ(吹石一恵)を救うため、由美は謎の男・山下弘(堤真一)の協力を得て事件の真相を追うが、彼女も今までと同様に予告通り、テレビの生放送中に悲惨な死を遂げてしまう。そしてその直後、遂に由美自身が「死の予告電話」を受けてしまう。
極道恐怖大劇場 牛頭 GOZU
Original Music Composer
すてごろ 梶原三兄弟激動昭和史
After his father figure like mafia boss is murdered, Azusa Moribe (Masaya Sato) goes on a one man killing spree to exact revenge.
Lady Drop レディ・ドロップ
In the near future, crime runs rampant in the streets and two major mafia groups are battling for power. In order to eliminate the two mafia groups, the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department orders an undercover investigation of their headquarters. However, the ones chosen for the mission are four people known as "losers". Will they be able to successfully solve the case?
金融破滅ニッポン 桃源郷の人々
Original Music Composer
Shangri-La follows the lives of a group of homeless people in Japan who run into a man who nearly commits suicide and decide to help him out of his financial troubles. Using their various ingenious resources they embark on a complex scheme to blackmail a crooked businessman, whose bankruptcy claim has put people out of work. It’s a fun romp as these seemingly homeless people manage to outsmart the very people who cast them from society.
A barkeeper saves a Yakuza boss' life and thus makes his way up in the organization. However, his fear of nothing soon causes problems.
Original Music Composer
When a young man is sent to a prison workhouse for a crime he did not commit his friend on the outside must find evidence to clear his name.
The Katakuri family has just opened their guest house in the mountains. Unfortunately their first guest commits suicide and in order to avoid trouble they decide to bury him in the backyard. Things get way more complicated when their second guest, a famous sumo wrestler, dies while having sex with his underage girlfriend and the grave behind the house starts to fill up more and more.
0 & 1
A girl called Zero stands in a crowded street, her occupation an assassin. As she completes her tasks one after another, Zero has been feeling uneasy lately. As her code name suggests, she has nothing to prove her existence. She overlaps herself with the vanishing landscape and begins to wander in search of the meaning of her own existence. At the same time, a young man named One is also wandering the streets, and like Zero, he is an assassin. Surrounded by a sense of emptiness, he is unable to find the value of his own existence. One day, the two of them meet as if they were led together. They sense each other, and by touching each other, they regain their existence and humanity. However, the organization feels that contact between assassins is dangerous, and decides to dispose of them. They call in a highly skilled assassin. Their battle for their own existence begins now!
Set in a post apocalyptic Yokohama where the population is kept under rigid control by a homosexual megalomaniac mayor. The citizens are administered drugs to suppress heterosexual urges. Officer Takeshi Honda is a hard boiled cop enforcing the mayor's agenda, and Ryō is a mellowed out drifter that hooks up with a gang of rebels. When the gang kidnap Takeshi's son, it begins a series of events leading to an inevitable showdown.
Original Music Composer
When a young Yakuza torments the customers in a rival crime family's nightclub, it is not long before his dead body is found. Soon, inter-family retaliation follows, resulting in the death for a prominent crime boss. Devastated by this turn of events, the temperamental Kenzaki vows to avenge his boss's death and, as bloody violence ensues, the body count reaches excessive proportions.
完全なる飼育 愛の40日
Original Music Composer
Teenager Midori's family moves back to the city where she lived as a child and is relieved to discover that her old friend Ryusuke still lives there. Her terrifying nightmares begin intersecting with her everyday life. Do her nightly dreams about an anonymous fortune-teller have anything to do with the tragedies plaguing her high school?
悲しきヒットマン 蒼き狼
Original Music Composer
In a dysfunctional family where the mother is a heroin addict and prostitute, beaten by her son, and the father is an ex-TV reporter, sleeping with his daughter and filming his son being beaten up, ‘Q’, a complete stranger enters the bizarre family, changing their lives for the better, finding a balance in their disturbing natures.
Shingo was sentenced to death for the plot of Shunichiro, the CEO of a large business group. Shunichiro thought that Shingo was dead, but Shingo lived as a Mayo hit man. And the fierce battle between the brothers begins.
Original Music Composer
Kurosaki is an erotic novelist who uses his editor and a hired model to act out scenarios in his living room to use for inspiration in his writing. His wife Shizuko calls him a pervert but on the inside, she feels physically neglected. She tries to make him jealous, while also going after what she desires with someone else.
Original Music Composer
富江 replay
A university professor's secret passion: a fetish for "blonde hair." His fantasies gradually escalate into reality.
Original Music Composer
Original Music Composer
Original Music Composer
ノストラダムス滅亡録 遺伝子の新世紀
Original Music Composer
In 1999, the human race had reached the time of the end. Military balance is lost in the wake of the nuclear test of a certain country, the threat of nuclear war had been swept.
平成 極道 伝 夜叉 が 裂く !
Seven years have passed since the incident of the previous work. Yakuza Seiji, who was called a "Bodhisattva" and was afraid of being a "Yaksha" if he had a dos, started working at a hunting station and a town factory. There, I met Keiko, a clerk. Keiko lived with her son, who was born to a yakuza. Seiji's former group was crushed by the Ryujinkai, and Akamatsu, who had a grudge against Seiji, was at the top. Knowing the source of Seiji, Akamatsu begins revenge using bodyguards Kobiki and others. Seiji lived in peace, but the people around him were harmed and his heart returned to "Yaksha" ...
Original Music Composer
The story follows a trio of Japanese youths of Chinese descent who escape their semi-rural upbringing and relocate to Shinjuku, Tokyo, where they befriend a troubled Shanghai prostitute and fall foul of a local crime syndicate. Like many of Miike's works, the film examines the underbelly of respectable Japanese society and the problems of assimilation faced by non-ethnically Japanese people in Japan.
Nostalgia is Takashi Miike’s favorite film of his considerable body of work. Including biographical elements, Nostalgia centers around the home and school of a young boy, whose family mix the violent and dysfunctional with the comic and the loveable. Though containing elements of the sudden and shocking brutality that many associate with this director, Young Thugs – Nostalgia is more concerned with a child’s moment of leaving the internalized world of fantasy, and passing on eagerly to the next stage of life. A wonderful, touching, startling vision that is uniquely Miike’s.
Original Music Composer
Wada, a salary man, is enlisted to venture off to China to investigate a potential Jade mine. After his arrival, Wada encounters a violent, yet sentimental, yakuza, who takes the liberty of joining his adventure through China. Led on their long and disastrous journey to the mine by Shen, the three men come across something even more magical and enticing.
Original Music Composer
The cop Himuro is picked as scapegoat by his superiors because of their own involvement in sokaiya gangster practices.
Another XX ダブルエックス 狂愛
Female detective Eiko Kagami traces the mysterious murders of girls whom have had love affairs with a popular writer.
尻を撫でまわしつづけた男 痴漢日記6
This is a criminal act. But I can't stop crying !! Chapter 6 Don't stop ...! Director: Tadafumi Tomioka / Cast: Hanako Kikuchi, Mao Misaki, Hitoe Ohtake Once you remember it, you can't stop it! The 6th younger brother of the series' best ass (Ketsu) is 18 years old !! The crowded train as usual is the same as usual, fingertip heaven ... However, the natural enemy was not only the detective. What a molester-only badger game (Tsukutase) has appeared. Now, such stupid friends declare that they have stopped molesting all at once ?! Kawasaki will be commuting by car, but there is a prosperous story with the local branch manager. A gum man who wants to live with his beloved daughter must stop molesting from his wife. And Sakurada Gate, who got rid of the police, struggles for his beloved woman and his daughter. Which is the "Molester Road" tomorrow for most of Byoki?
Original Music Composer
Original Music Composer
A Japanese assassin stranded in Taiwan must take work from a local crime boss to make ends meet when suddenly a woman from his past delivers a son to him.
幻魔殺法帖 新撰組秘抄
During the Edo period of Japan, out of the fear of losing authority, the Tokugawa shogunate hires the Shinsengumi to bring down the Imperial Court. However, the Satsuma Clan finds out about the Tokugawa's scheme and sends the last five Kunoichi (female ninjas) of Hiryu Ninja Clan, to spy on the Shinsengumi. Meanwhile, an evil skeletal demon is brought to life to murder the Kunoichi ninjas and destroy the world.
尻を撫でまわしつづけた男 痴漢日記5
This is a criminal act. But I can't stop crying !! Chapter 5 I feel the joy today too ...! Director: Toshiyuki Mizutani / Starring: Tomoko Mayumi Women who aching in loneliness. Kind heart ?! Molesters. Chapter 5 of the excitement that smells in the fascinating lewdness of the commuter train !! The 5th installment of the "Ass Stroke" series !! Tomoko Mayumi, who was the heroine, and Hitomi Shiraishi, who was Miki Ito, became the prey of the molesters one after another. Kawasaki, Gum Otoko, Sakuradamon, and other familiar members perform a series of divine fingering techniques, and the swaying interior of the car still smells today. And I joined a new group, commonly known as: camera-induced, laughing and crying of "Junjou / Metamorphosis Paper Single" and applauding involuntarily to the erotic love romance. A sensual work that emotionally depicts a sad and strange touch between lonely women and kind-hearted molesters in a corner of a big city.
女教師日記2 暴かれた性
Original Music Composer
Original Music Composer
Sato's re-imagining of In a Grove, on which Rashomon was based. In this version, instead of a web of lies and agendas, we get a web of desires, perversions like incest, and occult phenomenon like an oracle-demon, hallucinations, and human sacrifice. Once again, the story starts with a detective trying to unravel the story of a man and a woman encountering a bandit-rapist in the woods, but the real story keeps turning out to be unfathomable as layer upon layer of strange motives and events keep turning up.
Eisuke, an electrician, falls in love at first sight with a health lady named Louise who he meets at a health shop where he is dispatched for work. After visiting several times, it turns out that they have similar pasts. One day Louise disappears...
おやしい人妻 テレクラ リポート
A former reporter becomes a telekura hostess.
Original Music Composer
Young and beautiful germophobe Ritsuko moves into a picture perfect neighborhood with her parents, being monitored by a research team who want to cure her of her debilitating phobias. Will her new neighbors be able to cure her of her irrational view of the outside world, or will coming face to face with this fairy-tale setting only drive her further inside of her subconsciousness?
尻を撫でまわしつづけた男 痴漢日記4
This is a criminal act. But somehow tears don't stop !! Chapter 4 Ah! A man and a woman ── rubbing encounter ──. Chikan [Molester]? A man who plays pranks on a woman. ?? Stupid (Kojien) Crowded trains are paradise with ass strokes! Even today, the fingers of the "stupid" crawl around the crotch of the beautiful woman. Fascinated by the leader Kawasaki and the chewing gum man, Chicago, an American, volunteered to become a disciple. Furthermore, even the detective Sakurada Gate joined the group, and the Japan-US exchange of unrelenting acts began. The fourth in the series, which welcomed a unique actress Hitomi Shimizu as a heroine, jumps up the index at once by stroking her ass. Molester friends gathered because of the love of a chewing gum man. While tears and laughter are mixed, Ah! A man and a woman ── rubbing encounter ──.
尻を撫でまわしつづけた男 痴漢日記3
This is a criminal act. But I can't stop crying !! Chapter 3 Continue ... I want it. The art teacher's finger is a magical ubi! Elevator girl, days of lust for school girls to seek "indecent" ?! Kyoko, an elevator girl who was surprised when she was molested on a commuter train. The molester man who is crazy about Kyoko's ass is Ishikawa, a high school art teacher. By touching Kyoko, Ishikawa, who leads a mediocre life, begins to regain his forgotten passion for sculpture. On the other hand, Kyoko forgives her body to Yano, an old man who wants to return Yori, but she finds herself that she can only feel it with Ishikawa's hands like playing with clay. Meanwhile, Ishikawa asks Kyoko to become a model for her sculpture, as if inspired by her student Kayo, who favors her and continues her provocation. Kyoko heads to the art room at midnight, Kayo chasing after her, while being puzzled by that pleasure ... The third must-see in the "Ass Stroke" series!
女教師日記 禁じられた性
Original Music Composer
The film depicts the relationship between a beautiful teacher and a male teacher, popular among female students, an excellent student who tells the teacher about his feelings using an answering machine, and a high school student who bets on whether she can have a relationship with a male teacher. This is the debut full-length work by Hideo Nakata.