Jinpachiro no Kawaraya
An epidemic is spreading through the towns of Edo – it spreads via people, and if you get the fever, your face will turn red like a demon, and then you will die. There is no cure in sight, and people’s anxiety is increasing.
Toshio Onodera
Kawaraya no Jinpachiro
Kazumi Akagiri
フォッサマグナに眠る古代の化石たちが一つに結集し、巨大な妖怪獣へと姿を変えた! 向かう先は東京。このまま妖怪獣の進撃を許せば、人間も妖怪たちもタダでは済まない。この危機に妖怪たちは、伝説の武神『大魔神』の力を借りるため、伝説の妖怪ハンター・渡辺綱の血を受け継ぐ気弱な少年・渡辺ケイに白羽の矢を立てる。しかし、ひょんなことから、ケイと間違えて弟のダイが妖怪たちに連れ去られてしまう! ダイを助けるため、ケイは謎の妖怪剣士・狐面の女の導きで大魔神のもとへ向かうが、人間嫌いの狸の大妖怪・隠神刑部がケイと妖怪たちに待ったをかける。そして渡辺綱の末裔であるケイの命を狙う、鬼の一族が姿を現わすのだった。はたして、選ばれた少年・ケイは弟を救い、大魔神をよみがえらせ、妖怪獣を止めることができるのか?すべてを巻き込んだ妖怪大戦争がついに始まる!
Ryoko Akagi
Masao Yano
Masao Yano was once a high ranking member of the biggest yakuza group in Japan. He left the yakuza and now runs a private detective office with a young girl Shiori Kuroki. She is in the second grade of elementary school. One day, he gets a phone call for his assistance. He goes out to meet his client, but he finds his client dead.
中国の深セン郊外、巨大な就職斡旋場「三和人材市場」。製造業大国を底辺から支える人々の本音を聞き出し、希望と絶望の間にあえぐ若き出稼ぎ労働者の現実を見つめる。 中国の深セン郊外の龍華新区にある巨大な就職斡旋場「三和人材市場」。周りの路地裏には廃屋のような建物が乱立し、格安のネットカフェや旅館が並ぶ。大勢の若者がネットカフェの前で仮眠を取ったり、道端で野宿もしたりしている。番組では、華々しい中国シリコンバレーの深センで、製造業大国を底辺から支える人々の本音を聞き出しながら、希望と絶望の間にあえぐ若き出稼ぎ労働者の現実を見つめる。
中国の深セン郊外、巨大な就職斡旋場「三和人材市場」。製造業大国を底辺から支える人々の本音を聞き出し、希望と絶望の間にあえぐ若き出稼ぎ労働者の現実を見つめる。 中国の深セン郊外の龍華新区にある巨大な就職斡旋場「三和人材市場」。周りの路地裏には廃屋のような建物が乱立し、格安のネットカフェや旅館が並ぶ。大勢の若者がネットカフェの前で仮眠を取ったり、道端で野宿もしたりしている。番組では、華々しい中国シリコンバレーの深センで、製造業大国を底辺から支える人々の本音を聞き出しながら、希望と絶望の間にあえぐ若き出稼ぎ労働者の現実を見つめる。
「ミステリーの女王」と称されるクリスティに敬意を表し、設定を日本に変更した以外は可能なかぎり原作に忠実に脚色している。 フジテレビ開局55周年特別企画として2015年に放送された『オリエント急行殺人事件』に続く三谷によるクリスティ作品の映像化であり、『オリエント急行殺人事件』と同じく主人公の名探偵・勝呂武尊役を野村萬斎が演じる。
Maeno Ryotaku (Kataoka Ainosuke) is a doctor of Buzen Province, Nakatsu domain. Aspiring to learn Western knowledge, he comes across a Dutch-language translation of the German medical text Anatomische Tabellen while studying in Nagasaki. After returning from Nagasaki, Maeno is invited by a doctor friend Sugita Genpaku (Niiro Shinya) of Wakasa Province, Obama domain to observe an autopsy.
前作第9話「越境」で少年を殺害した安藤(大森南朋)を怒りにかられ屋上から突き落としてしまう石川(小栗旬)。 直後、死者となった安藤が石川の肩に手を置き、「こちらの世界へようこそ」と。 一線を越えてしまった石川のその後から物語は始まる。 安藤の死を警視庁監察部が捜査を始め、監察管理官・久高(國村隼)から直接、石川も取り調べを受けることになる。 そんな中、石川に新たな死者の姿が……。
Motonobu Ochiai
Zebedee (voice)
Kazumi Akagiri
渡辺小五郎(東山紀之)ら、仕事人たちの裏家業は休みを知らない。今宵の「的」は、若い娘を毒牙にかける悪人たち。最近の江戸では、きれいな着物で絵師のモデルになれると少女たちをだまし、食い物にするあくどい商売が横行しているのだ。ところが、翌日、小五郎が相棒の同心・結城新之助(田口浩正)と現場に戻ると、昨夜の「仕事」では覚えのない死体が発見される。なんと南町奉行所の同心だという。お菊(和久井映見)やリュウ(知念侑季)は、前回から仲間に加わった仕事人・瓦屋の陣八郎(遠藤憲一)の仕業ではないかと疑うのだが?そんななか、本町奉行所に幕府から大目付 預かりの役人・朝比奈藤十郎(安田顕)が派遣されてくる。奉行所内のムダを省くためリストラをおこなうと宣言した朝比奈は、結城の真面目な性格を見込んでリストラ候補を選べと命じる。最近、年頃の長女・お絹(浜辺美波)との仲がギクシャクして悩んでいた結城は、公私で難題を抱えるはめに。ひょんなことから再会した幼なじみの絵師・鬼頭進之助(寺島進)にグチをこぼすものの、冷たく突き放される。一方、お絹は油問屋の初音屋にいた。ここもまた、若い娘を食い物にするあくどい商売人の巣であった。誘われるまま絵師たちの前に連れて来られるお絹。そこには、あの鬼頭進之助の姿もあったが、絵師として日銭を稼ぎにやってきていた経師屋の涼次(松岡昌宏)が、ヤクザ者の弥助(温水洋一)から大金を渡され、お絹の春画を描けと言われてしまうのだった。そのころ、奉行所では、結城の先輩の同心・河原崎長七(尾美としのり)が、奉行所にムダな人員などいないことを示すために、一致団結して大きな成果を上げようと提案する。リストラ要員の選定に頭を抱えていた結城も大賛成し、初音屋に大々的な手入れをすることが決まった。しかし、この手入れをきっかけに、結城は思わぬ陰謀の餌食となり、窮地に追い込まれ……。表の相棒のピンチに、どうする、小五郎!?
Kojiro Himuro is a champion figure skater taking part in an upcoming world competition. Yet, he is suffering from a complicated CTEPH (chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension). Kantaro Kurosu is the director of the Cross Medical Center. He asks Michiko Daimon to perform surgery on Kojiro, but, right before his surgery, she is deprived of “the most important weapon as a surgeon.”
Bunsei era, at a time when Edo culture is at its peak, and barely 50 years before the arrival of the Meiji Restoration in 1868. Sabu is a cheerful, honest young man who left his hometown with the dream of becoming a policeman. He is an informant to the policeman Saheiji of Asakusa in Edo and stays with him and his daughter Midori. One day, Sabu encounters the cool master swordsman Ichi, who makes a living giving massages, and they become partners in an unexpected way. Although Sabu is still an informant, he and the blind Ichi collaborate in a way that compensates for each other’s shortcomings. Sabu becomes Ichi’s eyes while Ichi becomes Sabu’s right-hand man and solves cases with his well-honed skills of deduction as they search for the truth in difficult cases in Edo. One case starts with the discovery of two dead bodies in the Sumida River. The bodies have diagonal slashes and were left in boxes.
本町奉行所の見廻り同心・渡辺小五郎(東山紀之)と妻のふく(中越典子)は、 「後妻打ち」をきっかけに夫婦ゲンカになり、ふくは家出してしまうことに。折も折、夫から逃れた妻たちが駆け込む「縁切り寺」で、住職と女たちが斬り殺される事件が起こる。妻の家出中とあって「もしや」と案じて寺へと急ぐ小五郎だが……。同じ頃、江戸の町に、夫婦で裏稼業を営む夫婦仕事人がやってくる。 “瓦屋の陣八郎”(遠藤憲一)と“泣きぼくろのお宮”(山本美月)だ。偶然、街角で陣八郎とお宮に出会った小五郎に対し、二人を知るお菊(和久井映見)は、「あいつらとだけは関わるべからず」と忠告する。ところが、遊び人で博打好きの陣八郎は、今度は遊郭で開かれた博打で経師屋の涼次(松岡昌宏)と出会ってしまうことに。そんな矢先、縁切り寺の殺人事件の下手人らしき男が自殺体で見つかるが、小五郎は事件の背後に陰謀の匂いを感じ取る。しかし、寺の管轄は寺社奉行ということもあって、与力の増村倫太郎(生瀬勝久)はこれ以上の捜査には及び腰だ。事件からまもなく、寺社奉行の江田島兼良(中丸新将)の鶴の一声で、坊主の燕天(竹中直人)が寺の住職に就任する。もともと寺の跡継ぎとして修業をしていた経験のあるリュウ(知念侑李)は、新しい寺の様子に違和感を覚える。 何事もなかったように女たちの受け入れが始まった縁切り寺に、今日もお市という女(田中美奈子)が、娘のみさと(宮武美桜)とゆい(宮武祭)を連れて駆け込んできた。 だが、寺の背後では、女たちの弱みにつけ込んで食い物にしようとする陰謀が蠢いていたのだった……。
Shigeo Katsuura
Shigeo Katsuura once led the yakuza that dominated the town of Kiya. Due to an accident, he lost both his arms and legs. 5 years later, to make a living, he goes to debtors' homes and collects money from the debtors.
Eijiro Sawamori
映像化困難と言われた連城三紀彦の不滅の金字塔『私という名の変奏曲』が、フジテレビで10月2日(金)に金曜プレミアム スペシャルドラマとして放送される。この度、その豪華キャストが発表された。主演には天海祐希が決定!教師、検死官、刑事、弁護士、キャスター、社長、ガーデンデザイナーなど数々の職業を多彩な表現力で演じ、多くの視聴者を魅了し続けてきた天海が、本作品で女優人生初のモデル役に臨む。 原作はミステリー界の鬼才・連城三紀彦が、その全盛期に書き上げた畢生の傑作。究極のトリックと究極のヒロイン、そして究極の騙りが一体となってはじめて完成された、日本ミステリー史に残る不滅の金字塔だ。
Matsudaira Katamori
Zenzo Shinozaki
The story is about a company president Zenzo Shinozaki who is successful in his business but has no friends or family to speak of. He ends up hiring hostess turned thief Saori Yamane to drive him to Tokyo to visit his daughter that he has not seen in 30 years. While both have their own reasons to isolate themselves from the rest of the world, they find a connection which helps bring them in touch with each other and themselves.
Hideaki Goto
仮面ティーチャーとは、20XX年、体罰が全面禁止され、無法地帯と化した教育界を是正するため、政府により力で生徒を制圧することを許された特別教師。華空学院高校で問題児ばかりが集まる2年C組を担任する荒木剛太(藤ヶ谷太輔)も、仮面ティーチャープログラムにより派遣された期待の教師だ。しかし剛太は、過去のある事件をきっかけに、「人と人は心でわかりあえる」という信念を持ち、生徒たちと力ではなく心で向き合うようになっていた。華空学院最強の男・武原金造(菊池風磨)が率いる4人の強者「M4」(エムフォー)。教師はもちろんのこと、大人を一切信用していなかった彼らは最初剛太に反発をし続けたが、剛太の情熱と1人1人に誠実に向き合う姿勢に徐々に心を動かされ、学級崩壊していた2年C組にも、いつしか温かく平和な日々が訪れていた。また、生徒でありながら「黒の仮面ティーチャー」として暗躍する草薙圭吾(ジェシー)と金造との間には、お互いを認め合った者同士だからこそ結ばれる、ある種の友情が芽生え始めていた。剛太を華空学院に派遣した教育省の飯倉塁(斎藤工)は、剛太の信念に心を動かされ、「仮面ティーチャー法」の改正を訴え、力だけに頼らず生徒を更生させる道を模索する。しかし、飯倉の上司・御堂伸彦(萩原聖人)はその訴えに全く耳を傾けず、それを一蹴する。学院の秩序をより強化すべく、御堂は新たな刺客を送り込む。それは、剛太の高校時代の担任教師で、自暴自棄になっていた剛太を更生させた恩師、羅門公平(遠藤憲一)であった。しかし、羅門には、生徒に熱い想いで接し、剛太に「信じることの大切さ」を教えてくれたかつての面影は完全になくなっていた。羅門と一緒に赴任してきた阿南塔子(原幹恵)、そして羅門の意志により結成された新生徒会(小瀧望 他)と共に、「指導」という名のもと力で生徒を制圧し、恐怖による秩序を生み出していく。その異様な光景に、金造、草薙、M4らは警戒心をつのらせていた。なぜ、羅門は変わってしまったのか——?
A collection of five short stories by Hoshi Shinichi
Hideki. T
Kazumi Akagiri
Hideki. T
Mamoru Kusaka
Ushibuka in Amakusa City prospered a century ago with its fishing industry and red-light district, but has become Japan's fastest declining city. Homemaker Yumie wants to revive the town she loves, and invites her friends to realize an unusual plan at a former brothel built a century ago.
Yasuhiko Natada
Toshiki Kurata
日本テレビ系列で、2011年10月10日の21:00 - 23:18(JST)に放送。東日本大震災をきっかけに、物語の背景を2011年に変更、ロードムービーであった映画版に対し、舞台を北海道北西部の苫前郡羽幌町内に固定し、一行の目的地を同町に属する焼尻島に変更した。島勇作を演じるのは阿部寛で、小川朱美役は堀北真希、島光枝役は夏川結衣がそれぞれ演じる。
Keiji Tôyama
A film about an orphan kid in Japan in 1943
Reiko Himekawa (Yuko Takeuchi) is a female detective at the Metropolitan Police Department. Reiko doesn't come from an elite background, but she has risen fast through the ranks with hard work. Reiko than becomes involved in a murder case named "Strawberry Night" due to the mysterious use of those words surrounding the case.
Ryoichi Mochizuki
Based on the true story of a female dog trainer, Kyoko Mochizuki, nicknamed "Anko", and a Labrador retriever which repeatedly fails the police dog trials despite numerous tries. Kyoko Mochizuki is an 18-year-old girl who dreams of becoming a police dog trainer. She is admitted to a police dog training school and meets a young Kinako, a Labrador retriever puppy. An instructor there informs Kyoko that Kinako is too weak to become a police dog, but Kyoko is determined that she will make Kinako into one.
大ヒットシリーズ『チーム・バチスタの栄光』と『チーム・バチスタ2 ジェネラル・ルージュの凱旋』の間を埋めるスペシャルドラマが『ナイチンゲールの沈黙』。 前作と同様に、原作とは異なる内容でストーリーが展開! ストは「東城医大救命救急では、不正が行われている」という謎の投書が特別愁訴外来に送りつけられ、田口と白鳥がその調査のために病院内を闊歩するという『チーム・バチスタ2 ジェネラル・ルージュの凱旋』に繋がることが示唆されるシーンで締めくくられている。
Furuya Takashi
Joji Yazaki
Kageko, a teacher in a small mountain village with a thriving Japanese paper industry, is visited by a former student, who proposes a plan to manufacture counterfeit money. She initially refuses, but eventually decides to join the project for the sake of the poor children in the village and her own mentally handicapped child.
Tatsuya's father
Confusingly, this is actually the first “Stop the…” movie of what (to date) has been a trilogy. Kuni (Kenichi Endo) runs a Phone Sex service, where middle-aged men talk too, and arrange to meet, schoolgirls for “Compensated Dating” (enjo kosai) – the men provide gifts in return for “dating” the schoolgirl (although no money changes hands, this is effectively teenage prostitution). Kuni discovers that one group of schoolgirls are using his service to ambush (and then blackmail) his clients and decides to embark on a moral crusade against them (hence the title, Stop the Bitch…). Unfortunately, this crusade takes the form of arranging to meet the schoolgirls, having (kinky and degrading) sex with them and then running off without paying. The logic goes that if these girls are not making money from their “dating”, they will give it up, making the world a safer place for everyone. Unfortunately for Kuni, these schoolgirls decide to fight back….
Five passengers stare at a middle-aged man weeping on a train - a young man with a broken heart, an office worker exhausted from work, a new station attendant, a salaryman who cannot cry, and a lost high school girl.
Koichi (Kenichi Endo), who destroyed the corrupt Tatsuta group with his brother Toma (Sho Aikawa), disappears from the front stage to protect his younger brother Takayuki (Yuta Sone) who got involved in the incident. did. Meanwhile, the Kansai Kijinkai began to exercise political power and plan to advance into the Kanto region.
Kazuya Utsumi
『ルパンの消息』(ルパンのしょうそく)は、日本の小説家・推理作家である横山秀夫のデビュー作である。2008年9月21日にWOWOWのドラマWで映像化され放送された。1990年(平成2年)12月。忘年会に出席していた某警察署の署長、後閑耕造(ごかん こうぞう)のもとにある知らせが届く。それは15年前に起きた高校女性教師自殺事案について、ある人物の密告(タレコミ)により殺人である可能性が浮上したので至急署に来るようにとの呼び出しだった。一方、喜多芳夫は突然警察官に署に来いと命じられ、反抗するも強制的に連れて行かれる。取調室で問われたのは昔、悪仲間三人で企てた「ルパン作戦」なる期末テストを奪う作戦についてだった。
『霧の火 樺太・真岡郵便局に散った九人の乙女たち』(きりのひ からふと・まおかゆうびんきょくにちった9にんのおとめたち)は、2008年8月25日の21:00-23:18に、日本テレビ系列(NNS)にて放送された単発スペシャルのテレビドラマである。平成20年度(第63回)文化庁芸術祭(テレビ部門・ドラマの部)優秀賞受賞。ドラマは、晩年を迎えた生存者と、彼女の過去の回想を聞き取り記録する若い派遣社員との交流を軸足に描いている。史実を基にしたフィクションであり、実際の生存者から取材しているものの、主人公は架空の人物で、性的暴行など創作の部分も多い。
Yohei Todoroki
A set of twins -- one a hard-working student and the other a drifter -- team up with a dropout to unlock the secrets of the universe and to build one of their own.
Takashi Miike directs a stage version of Zatoichi, the tale of the blind swordsman.
Masaru, a 23-year-old who has a passive attitude toward life in general, professes himself as a “genius odd-job-man” but is screwing up all of the time. He is freeloading off his girlfriend Kiriko, who works as a tattoo artist. One day, he is offered to do a rather eccentric job from an otaku-looking public employee named Nirasawa, who claims that Masaru’s voice is necessary in activating a giant robot named Land Zeppelin. He goes on straight-faced that the Earth is about to be attacked by Saturnians, and the robot is necessary in the fight against them. At first, Masaru ignores this far-fetched story, but one day he is framed in a dangerous job he takes on together with his friend Kou, and is driven into a tight squeeze. What will happen to Masaru? Does this robot Land Zeppelin really exist?
Tony, Max, and Rei, who are mixed-race children of Japanese and Filipino, have lived together as brothers and sisters with no blood connection from a young age, despite the fact that they are discriminated Eventually, Tony One day, seemed to have an opportunity to score a big difference in the underworld...
Joji Yazaki
In the bleak, disturbing and suspenseful universe of H.P. Lovecraft, endless horrors await. From ravaging cannibals to ancient rituals come to life, there's no escape for these hapless souls, whether they come across the Danwich outskirts or even the gruesome cover of the Necronomicon.
Ken Kariba, who was transferred to the Public Security Department of the Metropolitan Police Department, was investigating allegations of kidnapping of Japanese groups in Europe amid a series of explosions in various parts of Japan and the spread of fear of terrorist attacks with bombs. It eventually led to a series of terrorist attacks and, gradually, to a great conspiracy.
夢枕獏の同名伝奇時代小説を「トリック」シリーズの堤幸彦監督が映画化した破天荒なSF時代劇アクション。主演は阿部寛と長谷川京子、共演に宮藤官九郎。持ち主に絶大な力を授けるといわれる“三種の神器”をめぐって繰り広げられる争奪戦がコミカルなタッチで描かれる。 徳川三代将軍家光の時代、並はずれた大男・万源九郎が手にしている大剣は、謎の地球外金属オリハルコンで作られた“三種の神器”の1つ“大帝の剣”。3つの神器全てを手にした者は世界をも征する強大な力を持つと言われている。万源九郎は亡き祖父の命により、三種の神器を本来持つべき者に届けるため、残りの2つ“闘神の独杵鈷”と“ゆだの十字架”を求めて旅を続けていた。やがて彼は、豊臣の血を引く麗しき姫・舞と出会い、旅を共にすることに。ところが、舞にはオリハルコンを狙う宇宙人が寄生していた。さらに、豊臣根絶を目論む徳川の刺客・破顔坊も三種の神器を狙って怪しく蠢くのだった。
Kurabuchi Sakizo
Heizo "The Demon" investigates the shop of Toshimaya the swordsmith, where 280 ryo was stolen and twelve people murdered. This particular group of theives are most dangerous because of the willingness to kill for money, but what about this mysterious unibrow, who is he? What is he up to?
Kidnapped in childhood. Raised as an assassin. Shiori's spent her entire life following the orders of her mysterious masters, never questioning the commands that have sentenced hundreds to die at her hands. But when a childhood memory suddenly resurfaces, the programming in her head is short circuited and her entire world is turned upside down! Now, before her masters realize she's slipped their leash, Shiori has to escape. But to do so means she must kill again... even the ones who are close to her!
Genichiro Aramaki
This is a story of a woman, amid in her sorrow, seeking for vengeance...
Assistant to the detective
監獄の中、雑居房のひとつで、1人の少年が渾身の力を込め、1人の青年の首を絞めた。犯行を発見した看守たちに取り押さえられた少年は「ぼくがやりました!」と叫び続ける。この殺人事件を捜査し始める、警部(石橋蓮司)と警部補(遠藤憲一)。加害者と思われる少年は有吉淳(松田龍平)。ゲイバーで働いていた有吉は、男客から性的暴行を受けたことから逆上し殺害に及ぶ。被害者の青年は香月史郎(安藤政信)。幼い頃から様々な罪を犯し、最終的には路上で人を殴り殺した。偶然にも有吉と香月は同日に、この刑務所に投獄されている。誰にも心を開かない有吉と、気に入らないとだれかれ構わず殴り倒してゆく凶暴な香月。正反対のタイプにも関わらず、香月は有吉を守り、2人の間には濃密で暖かい空気が流れていた。そして、捜査線上に浮かび上がるもう1人の男。それはこの刑務所の新所長(石橋凌)。ぞっとするような笑みをたたえながら、恐ろしく優しい口調で話しかけるこの所長は、かつて自分の妻を香月に暴行され、結果妻は自殺するという壮絶な過去を持っていた。誰が真実を告げているのか? そして、「ぼくがやりました!」と叫び続ける有吉の真意とは……。
Shunack (voice)
Adult video store clerk, Issa, feels like a total loser after losing his job and being dumped by his girlfriend. He is blessed by a stroke of luck when his invention, a curry package squeezing tool, suddenly gains immense popularity. Not only does his invention attract buyers and money, it even attracts unwanted attention from the Yakuza.
Ou Tengu
Terumi has no memory of her life leading up to when she nearly drowned as a child in her town's local lake, Lake Shoryu. Terumi has been supported by her family and her close childhood friend Yukio since that time, although her family also does not seem to understand the reason for this childhood incident. 12 years later, Terumi finally decides to leave her town for a new job, but before doing so, begins investigating the drowning incident together with Yukio in order to know the truth. During her investigations, Terumi meets a man named Soda, who seems to have the same experience of nearly drowning and recovering with no memory as she does. As she digs deeper, a strange relationship between her and the legend of Lake Shoryu begins to surface.
Seiji Ino
The modern-day story of a man searching for a friend who has mysteriously disappeared, with a magical tale involving strange creatures, a heartbroken princess, and a pact that can't be broken. Conflicts between faith and skepticism, and between social obligation and personal desire drive the narrative toward a dramatic conclusion where the worlds of the real and the surreal inevitabl
Ryoosuke Ikegami
衝撃の官能ロマン『花と蛇』の第2弾。主演は前作に続き、杉本彩。杉本ふんする静子と激しい愛に挑戦するのは、遠藤憲一。大物俳優・宍戸錠も出演している。日本古来の春画の世界がスクリーンの中で再現され、スタッフとキャストが限界に挑んだ意欲作。 35歳という年の差ながら、深く愛し合う遠山隆義(宍戸錠)とその妻・静子(杉本彩)。美術評論家である遠山が崇拝する画壇の長老が亡くなった。彼は遠山にCGで描いたエロティックアートの数々を残していた。それを見た遠山は……。
“Making of” Hana to hebi 2: Pari/Shizuko (2005).
Jam Films S is a Japanese omnibus movie. It was released by Phantom FIlm in Japan on January 15, 2005. The movie follows 2002’s Jam Films and its 2004 sequel Jam Films 2. This time around, the overall theme is “S” which stands for succession, success, and special. There are seven shorts, all produced by Ryuhei Kitamura. Included are the shorts Tuesday by Kenji Sonoda, Heaven Sent by Ryuichi Takatsu, Blouse by Hitoshi Ishikawa, New Horizon by Ryo Teshima, Suberidai by Yuichi Abe, Alpha by Daisaburo Harada, and Suit by Masaki Hamamoto.
Pootan 1
When a good student named Kamiyama gets placed in a high school filled with disobedient kids, he steps up to the plate and takes a position of leadership. Urging the young slackers and rebels to clean up their act, Kamiyama is in store for a lot of resistance.
Ryoda, who opens a used car dealership in Yokohama, is actually the boss of a Colombian Mafia now he have a war against the Chinese Mafia
A South American outlaw who reigns in the underworld and is brutal and cool, and the archipelago who is tumultuous due to the criminal method away from the Japanese. The scariest outlaw he was in South America destroying all morale! Riki Takeuchi returned from Colombia, South America a few years ago. He currently has a used car dealership. But that's the front face. The back face was the head of a trafficking organization sent by a Colombian drug cartel. the only one who does not have an organization and has entered the market where China's shabs have an overwhelming share. One day, a conflict broke out with the Yang brothers of the Chinese mafia (Tomoyuki Mashiko, Kazuhiro Mashiko) due to a small problem. A series of monstrous crimes that flood the city at the same time. And Nagasaka (Kenichi Endo), a former bad friend, who tries to steal both cocaine and shab routes. A large-scale conflict between Chinese and Colombian organizations that shakes society from scratch.
In this excursion into Tokyo's dark side, a sexually repressed woman finds liberation by turning tricks at night a sex worker is taken by surprise when her ex drops by and a sex blogger finds strange kinship with a loner.
Algolian Volka
The Dekarangers must deal with a mysterious undercover agent from another planet while trying to save her world and Earth from one of the universe's toughest Alienizer gangs.
Izo is an assassin in the service of a Tosa lord and Imperial supporter. After killing dozens of the Shogun's men, Izo is captured and crucified. Instead of being extinguished, his rage propels him through the space-time continuum to present-day Tokyo. Here Izo transforms himself into a new, improved killing machine.
Kazutaka Kyohashi
けい子は引っ越しの際、子供は12歳の長男の明だけだと嘘をつく。実際子供は4人いて、彼らは全員学校に通ったこともなく、アパートの部屋で母親の帰りを待って暮らしていたが……。 <解説> 主演の柳楽優弥が史上最年少の14歳という若さで、2004年度カンヌ国際映画祭主演男優賞に輝いた話題作。『ディスタンス』の是枝裕和監督が実際に起きた、母親が父親の違う子供4人を置き去りにするという衝撃的な事件を元に構想から15年、満を持して映像となった。女優初挑戦の、YOU扮する奔放な母親と子役達の自然な演技も秀逸。母の失踪後一人で弟妹達の面倒をみる長男の姿は、家族や社会のあり方を問いかける。
Satoshi Yuki
The portrayal of how the media's focus on a shocking crime causes a chain reaction and produces a copy cat crime: abduction and imprisonment by a young dry cleaner. Only the victim may be more than he bargained for…
A young man suddenly rises to the top of the underworld in Shinjuku, Tokyo. Other crime bosses now conspire to take him down.
Jennifer is a European girl who speaks Japanese a little. She arrives to the funeral in temple in Japanese countryside and meets a boy there. The boy is a juvenile delinquent and works his punishment in temple. Jennifer likes this silent boy and she wants to help him overcome estrangement from the people. Also she helps daughter of the temple's father superior reconcile her parents.
A young man named Tatsumi Karasawa suddenly rises in the criminal world of Shinjuku, Tokyo, and becomes the leader of a group of amateurs who show no reluctance to face police and gangs alike. His successes in the Tokyo underground make a chief and a yakuza boss plot a conspiracy to eliminate him.
Based on the manga by Man Gataro.
Kanzô Morita
裏世界の大御所である老人・田代(石橋蓮司)はある日、世界的タンゴダンサー・遠山静子を映した映像に釘付けとなる。 田代の命を受けた部下・森田は、静子の夫である若手実業家・遠山隆義(野村宏伸)を脅迫して、静子を「パーティー会場」へとおびき出すとともに、彼女のボディガード・京子(未向)を集団で襲撃させ、会場へと運び込む。
Mamoru Takei
Urushibara Kazuki heads to Kyoto to explore the secret of his wife, Saeko, who is hospitalized for terminal cancer.
The long awaited second release!
A train station worker just recently released on charges of kidnapping and confinement repeats his crime and attempts to gain the trust of a young girl. Living together in the back room of a train station, they eventually come face to face with their own evils.
The fate of three men who have lived as brothers since childhood
Convenience Store Clerk
After a convenience store robbery, three unidentified men hold a group of people hostage in a hospital. Inspector Ishida and Captain Tohno handle the negotiations while one of their colleagues, Lt. Ando, tries to find out why the men decided to take the hospital hostage. Through flashbacks, relevant information is revealed to the audience. When the negotiations are finished, most things seem to be fine until they lose track of the criminals. Then, the story unveils from a different perspective, its roots in feelings of love and vengeance.
The year is 2053. Space exploration has because privitized, but with increased exploration comes higher accident rates. Therefore, the world's insurance agencies banded together to form CR or Cosmic Rescue. It is the job of CR to save victims of interstallar accidents & clear away the dangerous debris flying parts left over from previous crashes, that threaten other space vehicles. Nanjou Satoshi is captain of CR Shift Division 89. With Eguchi Ryo, his trusty mechanic & Sawada Azuma, the hot-headed rookie, they spend their days doing the rather menial work of clearing debris. But then one day, Azuma intercepts an emergency beacon from a young girl. The crew of #89 rushes to the scene, the ship disappears from their radar & they soon find themselves let go from CR. But what happened to the ship & the young girl? Was it all Azuma's imagination? Did the ship disappear? Or did someone hide it? The answers may cost them more than just their jobs.
Seiji and Yoshifumi are the only members of the Muto branch of the Date Family. The two respect and love their leader, Mr. Muto, like a father and the three share a firm bond. But their fate is sealed when the Family is involved in a conflict. Muto is unable to pay his share of funds for the oncoming battle but tells executives of the Family that he would fight at the front line instead. In the wish to protect Muto, Seiji has him arrested by the police. Ignoring the Family executives' mocks of "Muto escaped to prison", Seiji prepares for the battle and attacks like a demon on behalf of his boss...
Isshin Sajiki
Hiroe, a high school girl, kills Takezo Murata, a man who is an enkou dating partner, from a little momentum. Hiroe abandons Takezo's corpse with four friends, but Takezo revives.
After his father figure like mafia boss is murdered, Azusa Moribe (Masaya Sato) goes on a one man killing spree to exact revenge.
Yakuza film directed by Hiroki Matsukata.
An intense, middle-aged postal worker kidnaps an university student and confines her long enough that he may have successfully be-petted her... a thrilling criminal-drama with a surprise twist that will satisfy all audiences.
After Kunisada's Yakuza leader and father figure is brutally murdered, he and his best friend go on a two-man mission to avenge his death, killing other Yakuza leaders leading to a final confrontation by the old man's killers.
When a young man is sent to a prison workhouse for a crime he did not commit his friend on the outside must find evidence to clear his name.
Onna Kuni Shuu Ikki is a 2002 Japanese historical drama directed by Takashi Miike. It is one of three historical films included in the 2002 DVD compilation, Kumamoto Monogatari. The other two are Kikuchi-jo Monogatari: Sakimori-tachi no Uta and Zuiketsu Genso: Tonkararin Yume Densetsu, both also directed by Miike.
A yakuza war breaks out to control the Tohoku region
The Katakuri family has just opened their guest house in the mountains. Unfortunately their first guest commits suicide and in order to avoid trouble they decide to bury him in the backyard. Things get way more complicated when their second guest, a famous sumo wrestler, dies while having sex with his underage girlfriend and the grave behind the house starts to fill up more and more.
Based on a novel "The Battle Of The Yanagawa-Gumi" by Koichi Iiboshi, it tells the story of criminal Jiro Yanagawa. Released from prison, Jiro joins the notorious Yoshimizu Yakuza family as a member. Not long after however, he sets out to form his own Yakuza clan in Osaka. This sparks a bloody territory war with the Devils Dragons.
Tokyo’s Valentine Call is a special kind of phone club. Older salarymen pay to wait for calls from teenage girls, discreet meetings are arranged, and handfuls of yen are exchanged for a quick session of enjo kosai, or paid sex with a high school girl. Plenty of girls are doing it—some to make money for fancy, fashionable clothes and accessories, others to set a trap to rob and brutalize the old perverts. But the Valentine Call staff, horny young Ogisu and the vaguely sinister, makeup-coated Mr. Kuni, have a nasty plan of their own. Listening in on the enjo kosai calls, they conspire to trick the girls into giving them free sex. Mr. Kuni even has a twisted concept behind this scheme. He calls it enboku, his campaign to humiliate the teenage girls, drive them away from prostitution and purify Japan.
When a young Yakuza torments the customers in a rival crime family's nightclub, it is not long before his dead body is found. Soon, inter-family retaliation follows, resulting in the death for a prominent crime boss. Devastated by this turn of events, the temperamental Kenzaki vows to avenge his boss's death and, as bloody violence ensues, the body count reaches excessive proportions.
In this continuation of "Family", it is discovered that the one who gave the order to assassinate the Mitsumikai Boss is the one and only Boss of the Japan Mafia: Mr. Nishiwaki. Hideshi finds something odd about the killing and begins to investigate, uncovering the true motives behind this murder. Miike's sequel is chock full of harrowing Boat chases, big explosions, beautiful women sex and drugs! Takashi Miike's Family, Part 2 continues the tale of the yakuza gangster named Hideshi, who must uncover the identity of the man who killed a powerful crime boss.
The Kanto Ichienkai without Jin lost its cohesiveness and appeared to be a group of men. Sunagawa, who was concerned about the absence of a strong leader, recommends Jin to be the chairman of the Sumida River Union, a leading organization within the Ichienkai. At that time, a man in the sand group Shima comes over. Masaaki Sunagawa, a nephew of Sunagawa, a major executive in the black society of Shikoku. Masaaki offers to liven up Sunagawa at Shima in the Kanto region ?!
The fourth movie in the highly sucessful Eko Eko Azarak series. Following the events of the second movie, Misa discovers, along with the rest of Japan, the strength of her newly acquired powers when she and her friends are attacked in the woods…
The birth of outlaw violence, depicts the passionate and fierce way of life of men that chose the path of Shura.
Kiyoshi Yamazaki / Father
In a dysfunctional family where the mother is a heroin addict and prostitute, beaten by her son, and the father is an ex-TV reporter, sleeping with his daughter and filming his son being beaten up, ‘Q’, a complete stranger enters the bizarre family, changing their lives for the better, finding a balance in their disturbing natures.
When the mobster Iwaida Nishikawi is executed by the hit man Takeshi, his family chases the killer. Takeshi's brothers Takashi and Hideshi Miwa try to find Takeshi, who is hidden with the nurse Rie Ishibashi, to protect him and Hideshi discovers that Takeshi was secretly sent by their Yakuza boss to eliminate Iwaida. Meanwhile, the mobster Kenmoshi abducts Takashi's wife Mariko and rapes her, trying to force Takashi to deliver his brother to him.
Two contract killers cross paths in the middle of the same job and realize they are childhood friends. Together they take a break from killing and visit the small island they once called home. After reflecting on their past lives they decided to team up and use their talents in killing for good... much to the upset of the crime syndicates.
Toshiyuki Umino
Children born with special power. They seek blood for eternal life. And tonight, the victims ...!
The second instalment depicting the fateful confrontation of Takizawa.
Sagawa Ryuichiro
An action in which a former CIA female operative captures a revenge drama that unfolds against a huge secret organization.
In 1974. Shogo was suddenly called back by his father, Haruo Yuge who was the leader of Hakusan-gumi in Wakayama. What awaited him was the crisis of survival of the Hakusan-gumi. The decision Shogo made to get out of this mess was to get out of the yakuza business and get back on his feet.
A man falls in love with a man with his spiritual past.
Based on the novel of the same name by Azusa Katsume.
Dr. Tachibana
Detective Tsukimoto kills his partner following a botched robbery and falls deep into debt and despair. After losing everything at the horse races, he is kidnapped by yakuza and offered a chance to clear his debts by putting his life on the line in a game called Cambodia Roulette.
After the events of the first part, the fight seemed to stop for a while. However, the enmity between the Udagawa-gumi and the Seishinkai continued to smolder. Maki and Hayase are targeted by an killer, and Hayase's younger brother Ishioka kills the leader of the Udagawa-gumi due to a threat from Miyauchi, the leader of the Seishinkai. And the conflict flares up with renewed vigor.
A dispute also occurred at the Hitachi Union, an organization next to the Kanto Ichienkai, to which Hitoshi and Yoshiro belong. It is said that the emerging Komada group is in a state of immediate action aiming at the long-established Fujishiro group's sima. Voices of anxiety began to rise even within the Kanto Ichienkai due to the turmoil of the neighboring organization. And it was also the fear of the Kanto full-scale war that would come if the emerging Komada group won the Hitachi Union. Sakai, the chairman of the Ichienkai, immediately entrusts Yoshiro with the task of collecting the situation and infiltrates the Imamura group, which is a subordinate organization of the Hitachi Union.
An unstoppable "ass stroke" experience once you remember it. The crowded train is a fingertip paradise as usual ... However, this time, the the detectives were not the only enemies...
Ethnically Korean Japanese filmmaker Yoichi Sai directs this madcap crime comedy. Nakayama (Goro Kishitani) is a suave police detective who doesn't play by the rules. He busts a drug ring, but not before sampling a few of the wares, and he closes down an underaged prostitution ring after enjoying the company of a school girl hooker. One of duties is to shake down sniveling Korean gangster Hideyoshi (Ren Osugi) for information. In spite of their positions on opposite sides of the law, the two discover that they share a fair amount in common. A disregard for the law and the love of a comely prostitute from China named Momo-chan (Makoto Togashi). Though Hideyoshi is running an illegal alien smuggling ring with her and has lusted for her from a far for quite a while, Nakayama manages to bed her first. When she does finally appear in Hideyoshi's bed, she's unfortunately a corpse.
This is a criminal act. But I can't stop crying !! Chapter 6 Don't stop ...! Director: Tadafumi Tomioka / Cast: Hanako Kikuchi, Mao Misaki, Hitoe Ohtake Once you remember it, you can't stop it! The 6th younger brother of the series' best ass (Ketsu) is 18 years old !! The crowded train as usual is the same as usual, fingertip heaven ... However, the natural enemy was not only the detective. What a molester-only badger game (Tsukutase) has appeared. Now, such stupid friends declare that they have stopped molesting all at once ?! Kawasaki will be commuting by car, but there is a prosperous story with the local branch manager. A gum man who wants to live with his beloved daughter must stop molesting from his wife. And Sakurada Gate, who got rid of the police, struggles for his beloved woman and his daughter. Which is the "Molester Road" tomorrow for most of Byoki?
A fifteen year old boy travels through the Amagi Pass, he encounters some strange people, one of them is the geisha Ozuka Hana. After a murder takes place, the police searchs for the culprit.
A tough woman is dragging a weaker man deeper and deeper into crime. Woman cop Miki is chasing a wanted man when she stumbles on a crashed car and sees the driver, Koichi, ignite spilled petrol to kill himself and his passenger. She drags Koichi to safety, but the passenger dies. Miki says nothing to challenge the inquest finding of `accidental death', and when she visits Koichi in hospital he begins to understand that her complicity in his crime implies a sexual invitation. But a gumshoe has photos of the crash, and the only way to stall his blackmail is to kill him, the first of several murders...
film by noboru matsui
This work is a sequel to the former 'Gokudo' series.
The third series of action series depicting the success of a woman torpedo who was caught in two groups of conflicts at a small port town in the Seto Inland Sea.
The story of Shien brought up as a killing machine in a nunnery. Can she flee from the clutches of the underground organization?
The Owl
Cheryl, a bodyguard, crosses paths with a hit man from her past; she is forced to use all her skills, including the art of seduction, to escape.
Hitoshi Kamibayashi (Takeuchi), acting head of the Kanto sand group, and Yoshiro Yazaki (Sakakibara), the chairman of the Kanto sand group, have made a name for themselves as big-name executives in the Kanto region after a number of proxy wars. At that time, Jin encounters an incident in which his old friend, who he met after a long time, is aiming for his life. There was a plot of the Kyushu Hiryukai, which was disbanded a while ago. Former Hiryukai young head, Panito, has been trying to advance into the Kanto region, and has teamed up with the Kanto Ichienkai subordinate organization, the Shinwakai, to hit the sima in the Kanto region. It was Hitoshi and Yoshiro who were in charge of the situation, but there was an unexpected fire of internal conflict waiting for them.
An assignment is issued to a lady sniper to destroy the mafia.
A criminal syndicate wants detective Onihei dead, but the resolute hero proves to be hard to kill.
Following the lives of three college rugby players drafted to serve in the military during WWII. Though they believe their service will help to benefit their loved ones back home, they are unprepared for the hardships of war. Through their shared trials and sacrifices, they grow closer as friends, and hope to return together to better days. This movie was released in commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the end of WWII.
Saburo Arisawa
Omnibus film, set in a fictional town at 45゜N latitude: Wonder Rubbish; Pao-san to no fukushu; Jonetsu no koya; Kaze wa, dotchi ni fuite iru
Three elite salarymen find themselves in a bar fight with a group of threatening but mysterious men. When the mystery men come looking for revenge, the salarymen find themselves embroiled in a deadly game...
Arai Mitsusu
A Korean taxi-driver interacts both humorously and tragically with his customers and employers in '90s Tokyo.
首都圏にある某都市に住む男、我妻諒介は犯罪者を追い詰めるためには暴力の行使も辞さない凶暴な刑事。その行き過ぎた捜査と粗暴な性格から、勤務する港南警察署内[3]でも危険人物として敬遠されていた。警察という組織にあって浮いた存在の我妻だったが、自身を理解してくれる数少ない同僚と他愛もない冗談を言い、ある時は酒を酌み交わし、完全な孤立は辛うじて免れていた。 そんなある日、港で麻薬売人の惨殺死体が発見される。我妻は新人の菊池を引き連れ事件の捜査を開始し、容疑者への殴る蹴るの暴行すら厭わない強硬な手段で次々と犯行グループの全貌を暴いていく。そして、覚醒剤を密売する組織の首謀者として暗躍する実業家の仁藤、その手下で殺し屋の清弘の存在をつきとめた。だがその中で我妻は、あってはならない驚愕の事実にも辿り着いてしまうのだった。
End of duology
The first theatrical work directed by Riki Takeuchi, The story of men who are intricately intertwined unfolds. It is a suspenseful action reminiscent of "Infernal Affairs".