Ikko Suzuki

Ikko Suzuki

出生 : 1952-05-19, Tokyo, Japan


Ikko Suzuki


昭和20年8月9日、一台の路面電車が焦土の街・広島を走り始めた。生き残った電鉄会社の社員が原爆投下の翌日から復旧作業を始めていたのだ。「電車が動いたら広島は復活するんじゃ!」曲がったレールに槌を振り下ろし、架線を張り直す。わずか3日後の運転再開にこぎつけた。 運転士は10代半ばの少女たち。人々は復興への希望を込めて、『一番電車』と呼んだ。
スケパン刑事 バージンネーム=諸見栄サキ
A beautiful "special student undercover cop" attends a prestigious high school in order to bust up a student prostitution ring in this sexy spoof of the popular Yo-Yo Girl Cop series. Saki (Mihiro) may look like you're average innocent schoolgirl, but in reality she's a highly skilled agent for the Japanese government. Armed with a lethal yo-yo and a special pair of see through underwear, Saki befriends a student prostitute named Asuka in hopes of identifying of the ringleaders and gathering the evidence that will bring them to justice. Accomplishing that goal is no simple task, however, because in addition to being bullied about her unconventional undergarments, Saki soon finds herself falling for handsome young classmate Takuya. Now torn between love and duty, Saki is shocked to learn that Asuka has been murdered after her double life was discovered, and that the leaders of the prostitution are none other than the Headmaster of the school and a highly respected teacher.
現在、都市生活を営む人々の多くは、心に何らかの闇を持っている。そして、そこから来る症状とは? 伊良部総合病院の地下にある神経科に勤務する精神科医・伊良部一郎(松尾スズキ)は、病院の跡取り息子。ヒョウ柄のシャツとブーツに白衣という出で立ちも怪しいが、性格はいい加減、お気楽、マザコン、無茶、凶暴、患者への対応はテキトーで話を聞いてないし、ともかくメチャクチャである。いつも一緒にいるお色気ナースのマユミちゃん(MAIKO)は、ほとんど伊良部をシカトしているが、趣味が注射という所だけは共通。そんな伊良部が最近ハマっているのが、近所のプールで泳ぐこと。プールで泳ぐことに夢中になっている男がここにもひとり。大型アウトレットモールの開発担当・大森和雄(田辺誠一)。妻一人、愛人一人、そして仕事もできる男だ。現在抱えているプロジェクトはそれなりに忙しく、気も遣う。ストレスを感じる日々が続くようになり、偶然見た雑誌の特集記事の影響で、何となく水泳を始める。そのお陰で体調は少しずつ落ち着く。しかし、そのうちにまた忙しくなり水泳ができなくなると、てきめんに体調が悪くなる。自分ではストレスを解消するためにプールに通っているはずが、徐々に「プール依存症」に。だんだんとその症状はエスカレートし、徹夜仕事のちょっとした合間にも、プールに向かってしまう有様。一方、中堅メーカーに勤務する営業マン・田口哲也(オダギリジョー)は、ある日突然、24時間勃ちっ放しという「継続性勃起症」に悩まされるように。泌尿器科に駆け込み、たらい回された末に、伊良部の元にたどりつく。女性に対してはっきりモノがいえない、自己を発散する事ができない性格。そんな田口に対して伊良部はあっさり言う。「何か心に引っかかることがあるんじゃないですか?」。妻・佐代子は同僚と浮気をし、自分の元を去った。しかし、いまだ妻への想いは捨てがたいのか、夢を見たりしてしまう。そんな自分が情けない。しかしどうすることもできない。何をやっても治らない勃起。彼は心に引っかかりを持ったまま会社へ行き、さらには接待旅行で温泉まで行く羽目に…。取り巻く状況は悪化する一方で、病気が治る気配がない。そんな田口に対してまたしても伊良部は言う。「その別れた女の所へ行って、おもいっきり文句を言ってやろう」と…。
Set in a house in the suburbs, the film uses black humor to depict the horrors caused by a strange drainage pipe that drags people in.
An intense, middle-aged postal worker kidnaps an university student and confines her long enough that he may have successfully be-petted her... a thrilling criminal-drama with a surprise twist that will satisfy all audiences.
Japon - Avocat #2
A French corporation goes head-to-head with an American web media company for the rights to a 3-D manga pornography studio, resulting in a power struggle that culminates in violence and espionage.
In a dysfunctional family where the mother is a heroin addict and prostitute, beaten by her son, and the father is an ex-TV reporter, sleeping with his daughter and filming his son being beaten up, ‘Q’, a complete stranger enters the bizarre family, changing their lives for the better, finding a balance in their disturbing natures.
Police inspector
After her brother is accused of murdering four people, his sister, desperate to prove his innocence, goes to a psychic for help. The price they ask, however, is far more than she expected, and the answers they give her are nothing she could ever have imagined. And what is the FBI doing investgating a murder in Japan?
Japanese action film directed by Hiroshi Ando.
ノストラダムス滅亡録 遺伝子の新世紀
In 1999, the human race had reached the time of the end. Military balance is lost in the wake of the nuclear test of a certain country, the threat of nuclear war had been swept.
Ryuichi Uno
After a series of arson attacks targeting red cars happens in the vicinity of Shiba Park, Shiho Kitami and Detective Hakamada of the MPD's First Investigation Division are asked by the local precinct to help with a stakeout. However, when the entire neighborhood loses power, a murder occurs...
A dark and strange comedy about a bank robber with bad luck. Bungling a bank robbery turns out to be a profitable mistake for Yamazaki, an amateur crook who ends up with 80 million yen after a string of improbable accidents. But having so much cash doesn't make his life is any easier. In fact, it gets much more complicated when Yamazaki stabs a hairdresser by mistake and instantly becomes a hunted fugitive. He's just one unlucky monkey but can he turn his luck around?
Anthology consisting of three films.
An unemployed man trying to steal from a convenience store, and the store clerk catches him in the act. the thief runs away with the store-clerk right after him. All the while, the store clerk is in trouble with a low-rank yakuza. Along the chase for the thief, they catch the eye of the Yakuza who's been looking for the convenience store clerk.
花と蛇 究極縄調教
The story of the gambler,who is unable to pay his loan.His wife and daughter are kidnapped and subjected to many days of torture and sexual degradation.