Laura Menéndez


Water Circles Under Cotton Clouds
Still Photographer
In a dystopian future, with a social context influenced by various pandemics and with a political upheaval triggering reactionary governments, various young people hide on the outskirts of a city after looting a batch of vaccines. While the leaders of the group seek to sell them on the black market, the subjugated try to get their distribution among the marginal population who, like them, are deprived of vaccination. Tensions and discrimination based on sexuality or ethnicity soon arise in the group, reminiscent of past times, and that are the reflection of a society that has regressed. Desire and melancholy will mark characters stunned by a reality that is as fickle as unpredictable.
Water Circles Under Cotton Clouds
Makeup Artist
In a dystopian future, with a social context influenced by various pandemics and with a political upheaval triggering reactionary governments, various young people hide on the outskirts of a city after looting a batch of vaccines. While the leaders of the group seek to sell them on the black market, the subjugated try to get their distribution among the marginal population who, like them, are deprived of vaccination. Tensions and discrimination based on sexuality or ethnicity soon arise in the group, reminiscent of past times, and that are the reflection of a society that has regressed. Desire and melancholy will mark characters stunned by a reality that is as fickle as unpredictable.
Water Circles Under Cotton Clouds
Producer's Assistant
In a dystopian future, with a social context influenced by various pandemics and with a political upheaval triggering reactionary governments, various young people hide on the outskirts of a city after looting a batch of vaccines. While the leaders of the group seek to sell them on the black market, the subjugated try to get their distribution among the marginal population who, like them, are deprived of vaccination. Tensions and discrimination based on sexuality or ethnicity soon arise in the group, reminiscent of past times, and that are the reflection of a society that has regressed. Desire and melancholy will mark characters stunned by a reality that is as fickle as unpredictable.
トレジャーハンターのネイサン・ドレイクが伝説の秘宝や古代都市の謎に挑む人気アクションアドベンチャーゲーム「アンチャーテッド」シリーズを、トム・ホランド&マーク・ウォールバーグの共演で実写映画化。ニューヨークでバーテンダーとして働くネイサン・ドレイク(ネイト) は、器用な手さばきを見込まれ、トレジャーハンターのビクター・サリバン(サリー) から、50億ドルの財宝を一緒に探さないかとスカウトされる。ネイトは、消息を絶った兄のことをサリーが知っていたことから、トレジャーハンターになることを決意する。同じく財宝を狙う組織との争奪戦の末に、手がかりとなるゴールドの十字架を手にしたネイトとサリーは、500年前に消えたとされる幻の海賊船へとたどり着くが……。マーベル・シネマティック・ユニバース版「スパイダーマン」シリーズで知られるトム・ホランドがネイト、「トランスフォーマー」シリーズのマーク・ウォールバーグがサリーを演じる。監督は「ヴェノム」「ゾンビランド」のルーベン・フライシャー。