Mountain Lifeguard
From a mountain peak in South Korea, a man plummets to his death. Did he jump, or was he pushed? When detective Hae-joon arrives on the scene, he begins to suspect the dead man’s wife Seo-rae. But as he digs deeper into the investigation, he finds himself trapped in a web of deception and desire.
「ミッドナイト・ランナー」の主演パク・ソジュンとキム・ジュファン監督が再びタッグを組み、悪魔祓いをテーマに、若き格闘家とベテラン神父が悪に立ち向かう姿を描いたアクション。幼少期に事故で父を亡くし、そのせいで神への信仰を失ったまま育った総合格闘技の若き世界チャンピオンのヨンフ。ある日、彼は右手に見覚えのない傷ができていることに気づく。傷について調べるうち、何かに導かれるかのようにバチカンから派遣されたエクソシストのアン神父と出会ったヨンフは、自身の内に秘められた正義の力の存在を知り……。アン神父役は「光州5・18」「シルミド SILMIDO」などで知られる演技派アン・ソンギ。
Seok-won's father
Jung-il and Soon-nam were just ordinary parents who raised two lovely kids. It was not until their son Su-ho’s sudden death the family started to break apart, with all the happiness gone at once. While the pain seemed to grow every day, the bereaved families around the family try to console them at their best. Based on the true event of Sewol Ferry disaster which killed more than 300 people in Korea.
High school student Min-sik moves to a rural village with his family. There he meets Ye-joo, a classmate who became a social outcast after her father was accused of murder.
Busan lawyer 1
In the early 1980s, South Korea is torn by student protests over the lack of representation in the government. Song Woo-Seok is a successful attorney in Busan specializing in tax law. His views regarding civil liberties are changed by student activist Park Jin-woo. When Jin-Woo is brutally tortured and put on trial for his activism, Woo-seok decides to defend Jin-woo as his client.
Inspired by the true story of Kim Kyung-ho, a math professor who was arrested for shooting a crossbow at the presiding judge of his appeal against unfair dismissal.
Elite attorney Kang Seong-Hee goes up against a top prosecutor over a case involving a man accused of killing his wife.
「スキャンダル」のチョン・ドヨンが渾身の演技でカンヌ国際映画祭主演女優賞に輝いた感動の人生ドラマ。最愛の息子を失い、理不尽な運命に打ちのめされたヒロインの魂の彷徨と再生への道のりを、抑えたタッチで丁寧に綴ってゆく。共演は「グエムル -漢江の怪物-」のソン・ガンホ、監督は「オアシス」のイ・チャンドン。シングルマザーのシネは、幼い息子ジュンと2人で、亡き夫の故郷・密陽(ミリャン)に引っ越し再出発を誓う。自動車修理工場の社長ジョンチャンは、シネの気を惹こうと何かと世話を焼くが、シネは彼を俗物男と評して冷ややかな対応。そしてようやく新生活も落ち着きを見せ始めたとき、思いもよらぬ悲劇が彼女を襲う。
Gambling Man 2
コニとクァンヨルが二人でハウス(賭博場)で賭博をする。 しかし、二人がぼろを出すと、ある老人が二人が組んでいかさまをしていることを見破る。 その老人は、自分がピョンであると詐称するクァンヨルのことを興味深く見つめる