The lives of a lawyer, an actuary, a housecleaner, a professor, and the people around them intersect as they ponder order and happiness in the face of life's cold unpredictability.
Detective Drury
One unlucky evening, Louis Cropa, a part-time bookmaker, discovers that his restaurant has become a hotbed of conflicting characters. In addition to having to please a whiny food critic, Louis must fend off a hostile takeover from a pair of gangsters, to whom his sous-chef is in debt. Further, Louis has an argument with his son, the star chef, whose culinary creativity has brought success to the business.
Roger Gaffney
Retired police lieutenant Al Giardello is running for mayor when he is suddenly shot at a press conference. All of the detectives, past and present, clamor for an opportunity to help find the shooter.
Pete The Cop
Mr. Presser
A seasoned enforcer is given the seemingly routine task of finding the Boss's runaway mistress, Kitty. However Kitty is involved in plans to overthrow the Boss and this routine task gets very complicated.
Detective Gracey
She's the perfect all-American parent: a great cook and homemaker, a devoted recycler, and a woman who'll literally kill to keep her family happy.
フランク・ホリガンは長年シークレットサービスに勤めるベテラン警護官であり、ダラスでのケネディ大統領暗殺事件の際にも現場に配属されていたが、大統領を守ることが出来ず、未だにその時のことを悔やんでいた。 アメリカでは現職大統領の再選キャンペーンが始まっていたが、そんな時期に大統領を暗殺するとの脅迫状が届く。やがてフランクは殺し屋のミッチを特定するが、逆にミッチはフランクのジョン・F・ケネディを守れなかった過去を知ると、彼に暗殺を阻止してみろと挑発を始める。一匹狼であるフランクは、唯一の相棒といえる臆病者のアルと共にキャンペーンの護衛に参加し、ミッチの追跡を始める。
Police Sergeant
Cadillac Salesman
A minor car accident drives two rival aluminum-siding salesmen to the ridiculous extremes of man versus man in 1963 Baltimore.