Helio Pedregal

Helio Pedregal


Helio Pedregal


Dark Impulse
Eva, an honest and rigorous examining magistrate, investigates the murder of a young stripper in which a powerful businessman is apparently involved, but she is unable to find enough evidence to implicate him… until a mysterious witness appears who makes her an offer she can't refuse.
Rocío Dúrcal, volver a verte
Tomás de las Heras (padre)
Callas & Onassis
Maria Callas, one of the most talented opera singers of her time, seemed to have it all. Coming from humble origins, she always felt slighted by her mother's preference for her sister. She grew up in an unhappy environment, until her career in the operatic world took off. Aristotles Onassis also came from a poor Greek family. His ambition took him places where others dare not go and became a shipping magnate whose great wealth bought his entry into an international society he didn't ever dreamed of entering. These two powerful personalities were so much alike that their own passion served to destroy them.
Alicia's Father
病室の清潔な白いベッドの上で、アリシアは事故で昏睡状態となり深い眠りの中にいた。だが、彼女はひとりではない。看護士のベニグノが、4年間、眠り続ける彼女の髪や爪の手入れをし、体を拭き、クリームを塗り、服を替える。彼女に日々の出来事や感動的な舞台や映画について語りかけるベニグノは、他人からは解らなくとも、2人の間に確かなコミュニケーションの存在を感じている。  一方、女闘牛士であるリディアもまた、競技中の事故によって昏睡状態で入院していた。彼女の恋人であるアルゼンチン人のマルコは、突然の事故に困惑し、彼女の傍らで泣き、ふさぎこんでいた。  互いの境遇を語り合ったベニグノとマルコの間には、いつしか厚い友情が生まれていった。 ベニグノの盲目的とも言える揺ぎない愛は、誰も予想だにしなかった悲劇と奇跡を招き、それぞれの運命を大きく変えてゆく・・・。
Turkish Passion
A young woman’s passion forms the basis of this erotic Spanish drama adapted from a popular novel by Antonio Gala. The night before Desideria’s marriage, her girl friends give her some valuable advice on sex. The marriage takes place, and while it is generally happy, her husband Ramiro suffers from sexual dysfunction and Desideria is frustrated. The two end up on holiday in Istanbul with two friends. Desideria falls madly in love with the sensual ambiance of the ancient, teeming city. She begins a passionate affair with a handsome Turkish guide, Yaman. Upon her return home, she learns that she is pregnant. Ramiro agrees to support the child, but unfortunately it dies in infancy and the grieving Desideria flees for Istanbul to find her lover. She finds him and they renew their torrid affair. Later she learns some distressing things about Yaman, but this does not stop her from becoming his sexual slave and a call girl for wealthy carpet sellers.
Self Esteem
A woman married to a bank director sees how her life is destroyed in a matter of hours when the police discovers that her husband has escaped with money from the bank.
Too Much Heart
Two twin sisters fall in love for the same man.
After the Dream
Ginés Sanjuan
Amós is a sailor and owner of a ship. He is impatient with the arrival of his uncle who returns from the Soviet Union, after having exiled there after the Civil War. They have no time to meet because the old man unexpectedly dies. Amos knows, thanks to the letters his mother received, that his uncle had a treasure. However, this one is not among the objects that were in the old man's room.
Seven Days in January
After the death of Franco, the nostalgic fascist regime attempts to preserve the 1936's order.
Foul Play
A 1977 Spanish drama film directed by Juan Antonio Bardem that won the Golden Prize the 10th Moscow International Film Festival.