Ekbal Kabir Siam

Ekbal Kabir Siam

出生 : 2004-11-13, Bogra, Bangladesh


Md. Ekbal Kabir better Known as Ekbal Kabir Siam an Artist & YouTuber from Bangladesh. YouTube personality, who is also an Actor, Musical Artist. He Born on 13 November 2004 and brought up in Bogra,


Ekbal Kabir Siam


Musical Casting
The film tells the story of the legendary 'Shadhin Bangla Football Team' founded during the 1971 Liberation War of Bangladesh. They played friendly matches across India to raise funds which would be used in the war. The film also portrays the personal lives of few players of the team and their struggle and losses during the war. Though the film is inspired by true events, it takes cinematic liberty and mixes fiction with reality as well.
A street level drug supplier falls in love with a college student. Despite avoiding him at first, the girl later uses him for her own benefit by acting of being in love with him. Later she falls in love with another boy but still can't break the relationship with the first lover as he accepts all her demands and changes himself leaving all his drug supplying works behind. The girl falling in dilemma hands the boy to Police. But fate brings them face to face again to experience some tragedy.
Mission Extreme
Nabil Al Shahriar is a conscientious police officer of CTTC, is trying to track down a group of terrorists, who want to create inquietude and rampancy of terrorism. To stave them off, he along with his associates tries to find out what they’re up to.
Tungipara'r Miya Bhai
The film 'Tungiparar Miya Bhai' about Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, the father of the Bengali nation of all time.
AK-47 最強の銃 誕生の秘密
史上最も大量に製造・拡散されたアサルトライフル「AK-47」の開発者ミハイル・カラシニコフを描いた伝記ドラマ。独ソ戦争下のソ連。戦車担当の兵士ミハイル・カラシニコフは被弾して重傷を負い、前線から引き戻される。入院中、彼は後に世界中で使用されることになる武器の最初のスケッチを描く。カラシニコフ役に「T-34 レジェンド・オブ・ウォー」のユーリー・ボリソフ。「のむコレ2020」(20年10月9日~/東京・シネマート新宿、大阪・シネマート心斎橋)上映作品。
Dahan loosely based on a true incident of metro city Dhaka. The film received positive reviews from critics and also it was a commercial success.
Dhaka Attack
A stealthy criminal gang targets Dhaka city for a series of attacks. To bust the terrorist organization, an elite police force embarks on a risky operation.
ウェスリーは経理事務のルーティン・ワークにウンザリしている一人の若者。しかし彼の運命は、セクシーで謎めいた女フォックスとの出会いによって一変する。突如襲いかかる正体不明の暗殺者から彼を守ったフォックスは、千年前から、神に代わって“運命の意志”を実践してきた秘密の暗殺組織“フラタニティ”のメンバーだった。ウェスリーは、父が組織のトップであったことを知らされ、殺害された父の後を継ぎ王位を継承する選択を迫られる。 父を殺し、自分を襲った暗殺者への復讐を胸に、ウェスリーは過酷な訓練に耐え抜き、父から受け継いだ特殊能力を開花させる。組織の切り札として次々にターゲットを暗殺していく彼は、ついに父を殺した暗殺者に戦いを挑む。しかし父の死の背後には、忌まわしい陰謀が隠されていた。