Noé Besin


マーク (ダン・レヴィ) は、名高い夫オリヴァー (ルーク・エヴァンス) の影で生きることに満足していました。しかし、オリヴァーが突然の死を遂げたことで、マークの幸せは崩れ去ってしまいます。そして、2人の親友ソフィー (ルース・ネッガ) とトーマス (ヒメーシュ・パテル) とともに、パリへ自分探しの旅に出かけたマーク。その旅で、彼らそれぞれが向き合うべき厳しい真実を知ることに...。本作「ため息に乾杯」で長編映画の脚本・監督デビューを飾るレヴィは、自身が率いる製作会社Not a Real Production Companyを通して、シスター・ピクチャーズとともに製作も手掛けます。
Léo Cranjeon
Nicknamed "Condamnator", Antoine Bellefond is a great prosecutor who does not spare the criminals who cross his path. Until one of them, innocent, commits suicide in court. Shocked, Bellefond decides to put his career on hold - But his niece, whom he has not seen for years, calls him for help: her father, Antoine's brother-in-law, has been arrested for murder and refuses to defend himself even though she is convinced of his innocence. Bellefond returns to his native village, accompanied by three of his best students, to unravel the mystery, reconnect with his past and reconcile with his family.