Cha Sung-je

Cha Sung-je

出生 : 2007-04-13, South Korea


Cha Sung-je


Sunday League
Joon-il, who was once a national team-level prospect, now just a coach at a local soccer class. He is on the verge of being fired for his old-fashioned mind and lazy coaching, and is about to get divorced. Joon-il is given a mission he can't refuse in exchange for a full-time job. It was the final round of the amateur futsal tournament of the "Cheolsoo Soccer Team." In a very short period of time, Joon-il had to transform President Kim, Mr. Choi, and Mr. Park who had no previous knowledge of the sport... Oh my futsal! With the dreams and livelihoods of grown-ups on the stake, "Sunday League" begins!
The Divine Move 2: The Wrathful
In the 1990s, when Go gambling fever swept Korea, Gui-su loses everything because his father gambled obsessively until there was nothing left. Left all alone in the world, Gui-su meets a mentor and Go teacher, Il-do, and goes through vicious training to become the grandmaster of Go. He sets out for revenge on the world that destroyed his life, but soon finds himself chased by an unknown loner pursuing his own vendetta.
Race to Freedom: Um Bok-dong
During the Japanese colonial rule of Korea, while people are in despair, Jae-ho tries to raise morale by winning cycle championship. Bok-dong, who started cycling with Jae-ho just to make a forture, becomes a symbol of hope for Koreans by defeating Japanese cyclists.
The Accidental Detective 2: In Action
Hwang Do-il
A comic book storekeeper, Dae-man, and the legendary homicide detective, Tae-su, who met on previous case quit their jobs to open a private detective agency.
Neighbor Elementary School Student
内田けんじ監督による2012年のコメディ「鍵泥棒のメソッド」を韓国でリメイク。ひょんなことから記憶喪失となり、売れない役者の人生と入れ替わってしまった伝説の殺し屋が巻き起こす奇想天外な物語をコミカルに描く。主演は「国選弁護人 ユン・ジンウォン」のユ・ヘジン、共演にイ・ジュン、チョ・ユニ。監督はイ・ゲビョク。完璧な仕事ぶりで裏社会にその名を轟かす伝説の殺し屋、ヒョンウク。ある日、銭湯で足を滑らせて頭を強打し記憶喪失となってしまう。偶然その場に居合わせた売れない貧乏役者ジェソンは、男が金持ちと思い込み、とっさにロッカーの鍵をすり替えてしまう。そうとは知らず、自分を売れない役者ジェソンと信じ込むヒョンウク。生来の完璧主義を発揮して俳優業にも真剣に取り組んでいくが...。