Kim Jin-hee


Life Is Beautiful
Art Direction
Suddenly learning she is terminally ill, Se-yeon asks her husband, Jin-bong the absurd task of helping her find her first love, and he unwillingly joins her search. Along their journey, Se-yeon and Jin-bong are reminded of the most glittering, beautiful moments of their lives.
Art Direction
マブリーマ・ドンソク全開のコメディードラマ。 学校をサボり悪さをするたび、ひとり親の母にビンタをくらい続ける不良少年のテギルは、ある日ついに家を飛び出してしまう。さまよい歩いた先でおかっぱ頭なのに腕っぷしが異様に強い奇妙な料理人コソクと出会い、彼の店でこき使われながら働くことになって・・・。
No Mercy
Art Direction
A woman seeks to take revenge when her younger sister disappears and she finds out that her sister suffered violence and sexual abuse from school bullies.