Sze Yeung-Ping


Overheard 2
Executive Producer
Manson Law, a celebrated stockbroker in Hong Kong, is injured in a car accident. The police, led by Inspector Jack Ho, discovers a military surveillance device in the car wreck. Meanwhile, the wiretapper Joe Szema is unveiling his extensive plan that targets the mysterious financial conglomerate, the Landlord Club. The fate of these three men soon intertwines in the cat-and-mouse game that may bring down the entire stock market.
Deadend of Besiegers
Assistant Director
Wuwechimato journeys to China to learn Chinese kung fu but finds himself on board a boat filled with Japanese pirates whose only mission is plunder and pillage. When he intervenes on behalf of an adolescent Chinese girl about to be kidnapped, he is targeted by the pirates while also assumed by the Chinese villagers to be one of the pirates. Only when the girl hides him and teaches him some of her language, does he manage to convince other important villagers of his innocence.