Hans Korte

Hans Korte

出生 : 1929-04-08, Bochum, Germany


Hans Korte


Aus der Tiefe des Raumes
Hans-Günter (alt)
Leben wäre schön
Albert Grüneberg
Brennendes Schweigen
Rosamunde Pilcher: Rückkehr ins Paradies
James Lowery
Keep on Running
Spider's Web
Geheimrat Hugenberg
Ulrich Mühe plays a German businessman who was born completely without scruples. This makes him an eminently suitable candidate for success in the chaotic years after World War I. The shameless man's story is contrasted with that of his polar opposite, a Jewish anarchist.
Dr. Moorckz
Ein Prachtexemplar
Prof. Karl Kogel
Christian Rother – Bankier für Preußen
8 Stunden Zeit
Georges Rudel
Der Vater eines Mörders
Oberstudiendirektor Himmler
Germany, 1928: a pupil attends a Greek lesson in which the head of his school, Oberstudiendirektor Himmler, takes over from the teacher. Himmler is in fact the father of the eponymous murderer, Heinrich Himmler. The film is based on Alfred Andersch's last story.
Tod eines Schaustellers
Kurt Münch
William Smith
Der Eimer und die Mona Lisa
Doctor Faustus
A musician beds down a prostitute he knows is diseased in order to gain inspiration, an act he later believes to have been a tacit pact with Satan
Wer den Schaden hat..
Die längste Sekunde
Death Is My Trade
Heinrich Himmler
“Death is my Trade” centers on the life of Rudolph Höss, the commandant of Auschwitz II-Birkenau for the majority of its existence. The main character's name in the film is Franz Lang. This name change was deliberate to ensure that the character is not automatically viewed as being some sort of villain or demon. Franz is an average German kid growing up during World War I. The film follows Franz as he grows up and becomes a hard, efficient, organized worker who eventually joins the National Socialist party in Germany. Impressionable young Franz takes orders as one of the utmost points of honor and duty, so when he is eventually asked by Heinrich Himmler to become commandant of the largest extermination camp built during WWII he barely hesitates to consider how heavy such a burden will be.
Everyone Dies Alone
Obergruppenführer Prall
When they start losing family members and neighbors due to WWII and the Nazi government's policies, a quiet married couple becomes disillusioned and begins spreading leaflets against the government - a crime punishable by death.
Die Insel der Krebse
Albert Champoreau
Mensch, ärgere dich nicht
Paul Wegmann
Betragen ungenügend!
Professor Heinzerling
A German comedy from 1972 directed by Franz Josef Gottlieb. Mommsen Gymnasium director Taft reminisces about his own time as a student.
Der Andersonville-Prozess
Lt. Col. N.P. Chipman
Auf den Spuren der Anarchisten
Alphonse Bertillon
Der Prozeß gegen die neun von Catonsville
Daniel Berrigan
Der Seitensprung des Genossen Barkassow
Der Kapitän
Zahlmeister Herbert Prittel
Captain Ebbs is an older, experienced seaman who has, however, only sailed on freighters. While his current old barge, the Martin Luther, has to go into the shipyard for an overhaul, the shipping company gives him command of the elegant cruise ship Julia to temporarily replace a colleague who has fallen ill. The rough Ebbs finds his way into his new job only with difficulty and initially puts his foot in his social mouth.
Der Selbstmörder
Die Ballade von der wunderbaren Wandlung des Generals Fünfstern
Der Armeebischof
Augenzeugen müssen blind sein
Kurt Strange
König Johann
Johann Plantagenet, König von England
Nachbarn sind zum Ärgern da
Max Hirnbiss
The Females
A young woman joins an exclusive women's health clinic only to discover it's run by feminist cannibals.
Besuch gegen zehn
Die Herberge
Dr. Berger
Hôtel du commerce
Monsieur Loiseau
Elfer Gespräche
Goldmacher Tausend
Im Dickicht der Städte
Holzhändler Shlink
An inexplicable showdown between two men and the downfall of a family that has moved from the prairies to the jungle of the big city.
Die aufrichtige Lügnerin
Benjamin Beaurevers
E.A. Winterstein, Fire Extinguisher
Kluge’s short-film starring his sister/muse Alexandra.
Mike Blaubart
Dieser Platonow
Nikolai Triletzki
Das Attentat - L.D. Trotzki
Carleton Beals
Der Röhm-Putsch
Stabschef der SA Ernst Röhm
Frank V. - Die Oper einer Privatbank
Der Oberkellner
Die schwarze Hand
Dragutin Dimitrijevic - genannt Apis
Yesterday Girl
A young German woman searches for happiness, liberation, and independence in the illusive wake of a transformative national recovery.
Die rote Rosa
Der Fall Mata Hari
Hauptmann Ladoux
Der Mann, der sich Abel nannte
Verteidiger Donovan
Die Komödie vom Reineke Fuchs
Reineke Fuchs
Der Graue
Der arme Mann Luther
König Richard III.
Königin Elisabeth
Nachruf auf Jürgen Trahnke
Nebel im Fjord
Rudolf Busch (old)