Yoshiyuki Tokinaga


劇場版 からかい上手の高木さん
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とある中学校、隣の席になった女の子・高木さんに、何かとからかわれる男の子・西片。 どうにかして高木さんをからかい返そうと日々奮闘する西片だが、いつも高木さんに見透かされてしまう―。慣れ親しんだ学び舎との別れ、進路や将来のこと…。 少しずつ大人の階段をのぼり始める中学3年生の夏の1ページに刻まれる、ふたりの青春模様が、 原作者・山本崇一朗監修の下、TVシリーズと同じスタッフ陣によって瑞々しく丁寧に紡がれる。 これは、ひと夏に起こる、 ちいさくて、やさしい青春物語―。
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こちら葛飾区亀有公園前派出所 THE MOVIE
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Officer Ryotsu is ordered to team up with FBI agent Lisa Hoshino to find a terrorist who is currently in Tokyo. For an unknown reason, only buildings from the Shinatora corporation seem to be targeted by the mysterious Benten.
アキハバラ電脳組 2011年の夏休み
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アニメ三銃士 アラミスの冒険
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Aramis fell off her horse and received the aid of a man named Francois. They fell in love with each other at first sight and spent their time happily for a while. Francois was killed by Manson and the Ironmask's people, so Aramis swore revenge. Then she went to Paris to be a musketeer. 1 year after the end of TV series, D'Artagnan had a drink with 3 musketeers and found that Jussac and the Cardinal's Guards harrassed a woman in a tavern in Paris. Of couse, they fought Jussac and the Cardinal's guards and won. On his way to home, D'Artagnan witnessed the woman whom he rescued from Jussac about to jump into the river, and rescued her again. D'Artagnan brought her to home but she disappeared soon. After a day, D'Artagnan heard that the woman was killed last night and Rochefort and Cardinal's guards arrested him for murder because his hat was found by the woman's body. Aramis discovers that the story has a link with Catherine de Médicis, and launches out an investigation.