Steve Richards


An ex-special forces operative takes a job to provide security for a journalist as she interviews a dictator, but a military coup breaks out in the middle of the interview, they are forced to escape into the jungle where they must survive.
アリス&ピーター・パン はじまりの物語
Before Alice went to Wonderland, and before Peter became Pan, they were brother and sister. When their eldest brother dies in a tragic accident, they each seek to save their parents from their downward spirals of despair until finally they are forced to choose between home and imagination, setting the stage for their iconic journeys into Wonderland and Neverland.
「ウォーターゲート事件」の全容と事件を内部告発したFBI副長官の姿を、リーアム・ニーソン主演で実話をもとに映画化したサスペンスドラマ。アメリカ合衆国史上初めて任期半ばで辞任に追い込まれたリチャード・ニクソン大統領。その引き金となったウォーターゲート事件の捜査の指揮にあたったFBI副長官マーク・フェルトは、なかなか進展しない捜査の裏にホワイトハウスが捜査妨害をしていることを察知し、事件自体がホワイトハウスの陰謀によるものであることを悟る。大統領に忠実なL・パトリック・グレイFBI長官に捜査協力が期待できない中、フェルトは事件の真相を明るみにするため、大胆な決断をする。フェルト役を「96時間」「シンドラーのリスト」のニーソン、妻オードリー役を「トスカーナの休日」のダイアン・レインが演じる。監督は「コンカッション」「パークランド ケネディ暗殺、真実の4日間」のピーター・ランデスマン。「オデッセイ」「ブレードランナー」のリドリー・スコットが製作。
Executive Producer
Executive Producer
ダンジョン&ドラゴン3 太陽の騎士団と暗黒の書
A noble warrior must battle dragons and demons while upholding his moral code as he covertly joins a group of villains to rescue his kidnapped father from Shathrax, the Mind Flayer, who threatens to destroy the world.
Executive Producer
Three high school seniors throw a party to make a name for themselves. As the night progresses, things spiral out of control as word of the party spreads.
Executive Producer
Executive Producer
Executive Producer
Ninja Assassin follows Raizo, one of the deadliest assassins in the world. Taken from the streets as a child, he was transformed into a trained killer by the Ozunu Clan, a secret society whose very existence is considered a myth. But haunted by the merciless execution of his friend by the Clan, Raizo breaks free from them and vanishes. Now he waits, preparing to exact his revenge.
Executive Producer
The only U.S. Marshal assigned to Antarctica, Carrie Stetko will soon leave the harsh environment behind for good – in three days, the sun will set and the Amundsen-Scott Research Station will shut down for the long winter. When a body is discovered out on the open ice, Carrie's investigation into the continent's first homicide plunges her deep into a mystery that may cost her her own life.
Executive Producer
Echelon Conspiracy
Mysterious cell phone messages promise a young American engineer untold wealth - then make him the target of a deadly international plot. Dangerous security operatives chase the engineer across the globe, while a powerful government official pursues a mysterious agenda that threatens the stability of the entire world.
Sweet Karma
A mute Russian girl infiltrates Toronto's underground sex trade to avenge the death of her sister.
Executive Producer
When a Russian mobster sets up a real estate scam that generates millions of pounds, various members of London's criminal underworld pursue their share of the fortune. Various shady characters, including Mr One-Two, Stella the accountant, and Johnny Quid, a druggie rock-star, try to claim their slice.
Ritchie Donovan is a professional thief whose luck has just run out. The only survivor from a heist that goes terribly wrong, Ritchie is forced to take the rap and is sent to Russia to steal a priceless antique cross locked in a safe on the penthouse floor of a Moscow skyscraper.
TATARI タタリ/呪いの館
Eight years have passed since Sara Wolfe and Eddie Baker escaped the House on Haunted Hill. Now the kidnapped Ariel, Sara's sister, goes inside the house with a group of treasure hunters to find the statue of Baphomet, worth millions and believed to be the cause of the House's evil.
Executive Producer
Washington, D.C. psychologist Carol Bennell and her colleague Dr. Ben Driscoll are the only two people on Earth who are aware of an epidemic running rampant through the city. They discover an alien virus aboard a crashed space shuttle that transforms anyone who comes into contact with it into unfeeling drones while they sleep. Carol realizes her son holds the key to stopping the spread of the plague and she races to find him before it is too late.
Executive Producer
Katherine Morrissey, a former Christian missionary, lost her faith after the tragic deaths of her family. Now she applies her expertise to debunking religious phenomena. When a series of biblical plagues overrun a small town, Katherine arrives to prove that a supernatural force is not behind the occurrences, but soon finds that science cannot explain what is happening. Instead, she must regain her faith to combat the evil that waits in a Louisiana swamp.
Body Armour
A burned-out bodyguard is hired to protect the man he hates the most: an international assassin who destroyed his career and ruined his life. Forced to put his personal feelings on hold, the bodyguard must use all his skills and years of experience to keep the assassin alive in the face of constant danger.
Executive Producer
A petty thief posing as an actor is brought to Los Angeles for an unlikely audition and finds himself in the middle of a murder investigation along with his high school dream girl and a detective who's been training him for his upcoming role...
Executive Producer
A group of unwitting teens are stranded near a strange wax museum and soon must fight to survive and keep from becoming the next exhibit.
Bet Your Life
A man makes a bet in Las Vegas with some men who want to kill him. He bets he can stay alive for 24 hours, then comes to Cleveland to elude them.
Executive Producer
献身的で成功した犯罪心理学者であるミランダ・グレイ博士は、ある日、目を覚まして、彼女が働いているのとまったく同じ精神施設にいる患者を見つけました。 彼女はすぐに、夫が3日前に残酷に殺害されたことを発見し、血液の証拠が彼女に罪を犯しました。
マトリックス レボリューションズ
Associate Producer
マトリックス リローデッド
Associate Producer
『マトリックス』の製作陣と日本人を中心とした世界のトップ・クリエイター達が贈るもう一つの『マトリックス』。CGとアニメーションを駆使し、斬新なビジュアルで表現した『マトリックス』を繋ぐ9つのオムニバス・エピソード、それが『アニマトリックス』だ。映画『マトリックス』の世界がいかにして始まったのか、人類最後の繁栄と機械との戦争により人間文明の崩落の軌跡を描く。また、『ファイナル・フライト・オブ・ザ・オシリス』は、『マトリックス』を『マトリックス リローデッド』へと繋げる物語となっており、映画の世界と直結している。まさに『マトリックス』は完全体となるべく、『アニマトリックス』は誕生した!
Executive Producer
1962年。イタリアから希望の国アメリカに向けて出港したアントニア・グラーザ号。贅の限りを尽くしたこの豪華客船は、航海中に突然その消息を絶った。それから40年後の現在。海難救助用のタグボート”アーティスティック・ウォリアー”のクルーたちは、謎の男からベーリング海に浮かぶ巨大漂流戦のサルベージ依頼を受ける。その船こそが40年前に消息を断ったゴーストシップ=アントニア・グラーザ号であることも知らずに……。一体この船で何が起きたのか? 乗船していた1,100人もの人間が忽然と姿を消したのはなぜか? 謎と恐怖が支配する、ゴーストシップへようこそ──。
Jane Doe
A woman's son is snatched and she must follow his kidnappers’ instructions to get him back. But when she’s framed for murder by a government department, she must take them on at their own game to ensure her son's survival.
Executive Producer
Executive Producer
When William Conroy (Rob Lowe), a former college professor, is sentenced to life in prison for vehicular manslaughter it seems his life is over. But when a fellow inmate tells him that in the past two years fourteen inmates have died at the prison, and then turns up dead the next day, Conroy realizes he is in more danger than he ever imagined. Conroy's suspicions are confirmed when the van carrying the inmates crashes. Seizing the opportunity, Conroy flees the scene and elicits the help of his lawyer. What the two discover is a grisly murder ring set up within the prison walls that incriminates those at the highest levels of the correctional system.
Executive Producer
テロ攻撃のスペシャリストである風変わりな億万長者は、彼が特にうまくいっていない妻を称えて元精神病院でパーティーを開催します。 遠くの丘の上にある建物には、数年前に発生した恐ろしい出来事に悩まされているという伝説があります。 ゲストが到着すると、ホストは最初の驚きを発見します。彼らは予想されたものではなく、まったく異なる人々のグループです。
Made Men
Executive Producer
A man and a woman are on the run from gangsters whom he has stolen $12.5 million. When the gangsters show up, he takes them supposedly to where the money is hidden but instead leads them into a trap at a backwoods crystal-meth factory. The gangsters and the drug dealers start a shoot-out for unknown reasons and both go gunning for Belushi. Meanwhile an unscrupulous cop is secretly having an affair with the girl friend and planning to make off with the money.
Double Tap
Associate Producer
A drug-lord targets an undercover FBI agent and the hit man she falls in love with while tracking.
Set against the backdrop of a postapocalyptic Earth whose Eastern Hemisphere was destroyed by a massive solar flare, leaving what life remains mutated from radiation and fallout. The story revolves around a group of treasure hunters who extract such objects as the Mona Lisa, the Rosetta Stone and the Crown Jewels while facing rival hunters, mutants and pirates.
The Killer's Game
A world-weary assassin who's taken a hit out on himself finds a new reason to live after his girlfriend discovers she's pregnant. Together, they race across Europe, trying to outrun his would-be killers.