Serhiy Romanyuk

Serhiy Romanyuk

出生 : 1953-07-21, Krivoy Rog, Ukrainian SSR, USSR [now Kryvyi Ryh, Ukraine]

死亡 : 2019-03-03


Ukrainian theater and cinema actor. Member of the National Society of Cinematographers of Ukraine. National Artist of Ukraine (1998).


Serhiy Romanyuk


The end of the world
What would a priest be prepared to do to save a lost soul if he has little time? A father provokes a criminal to bet that the end of the world will happen tomorrow. Everyone will have to put something that is most dear to him into play.
There is a ballad written by Ukrainian poet Taras Shevchenko called “That Catherine's hut is on the hill...". It is about a rescue of Catherine's lover, whom she saves by posing him as her brother. This story, as a parable, flies throughout Ukraine's history and reconstructs its dramatic and heroic episodes. Every challenge, including the Chernobyl accident, leaves Catherine without her home. But she is stubborn, as many generations of Ukrainians, in rebuilding her house out of pieces. The story is not only about Catherine's redemption, but also about Ukraine's survival throughout the centuries that is reflected in a folk tradition called Toloka.
Hold near your heart
2014. Former military Serhii Vitruk can not find peace of mind. Work is not fun, and there is no understanding with his wife. His only joy is his daughter Zoryanka. And then there are events in the east - ATO. The death of a colleague becomes the last straw. Serhii decides to voluntarily return to the army. His unit enters the environment. And that's where the unexpected meeting happens ... What is war or peace now? How to live when somewhere near people are killed protecting your peace?! ..
Lost City
The film tells of a small expedition that decides to track down the lost city in the exclusion zone, where there are extraordinary things.
For Rent
Even in a false world where everything is bought and sold, there is always place for real feelings.
Kyiv Cake
A girl from a small town comes Kyiv. The capital of Ukraine is a transit point for the young girl on the way to her goal - America, where she obtained a "green card." Only 20 hours of waiting for the plane separate her from her dreams. But at the station she meets two young people that get her in a number of adventurous and romantic adventures ...
Ivan the Powerful
Ivan in his old age
"Strong Ivan" is a film telling an outstanding life story of Ivan Firtsak who was born in June, 1899 in a Ukrainian village Bilky, Irshava district in Zakarpattia Oblast. At the age of 18 he became a performer with a Czechoslovak circus and travelled to 64 countries of the world, astonishing everybody with his victories. He was a weightlifting champion of Czechoslovakia, a bodybuilding champion of Europe. He earned the nickname Strong Ivan Croton for his incredible strength. Ivan Firtsak won a great number of single combats with famous wrestlers of the world. From hands of the Queen of England he received a helmet and a belt decorated with cold and diamonds. American press called him the strongest man of the XX century. In 1937 in the prime of his fame he came back to the homeland.
Тариф «Счастливая семья»
Pavel Alekseevich Nazarov
Uncle Egor
Famous lake in Carpathian mountains -- lake Synevir -- is known for its rich history throughout the hundreds of years as a place of mystical unexplained events. There is a group of students who decided to spend a weekend at the lake. They did not believe in those stories about lake Synevir and the strange creatures around it. Too bad for them....
Five years and one day
Miroslava comes to life after the age of five. Miroslava was buried that the 6-year-old daughter Nastya calls her mother. Giving herself the status, she is not going to and begins to pretend that she does not recognize the woman. Miroslava moved a few months before the terrible accident, no. "Mama". Miroslava will get what she wants - her name, life and love of little Nastya.
The millionaire
Kirill Makarov has just graduated from university with a degree in architecture. With his whole life ahead of him and his beautiful fiancée Victoria, daughter of a rich and influential man, by his side, his future seems full of promise. However, Kirill does not want to use his future father-in-law's influence to get a job, and as he sticks to his principles, he begins to understand that his approach to life is very different to his fiancee's. He breaks off their engagement and on that same day meets Lena, a trainee teacher. Cut to ten years later, and Kirill is married to Lena with two children. Sadly he never made a success of his career, and the family survives on Lena's salary alone. Kirill's friend Oleg tries to persuade him to tender for a new architectural project in town, but Kirill realizes that, without the right connections, there is no point in even trying.
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Antisniper 4: Shot from the past
The sniper, who received the operational pseudonym "Trucker", shoots criminal authorities one by one. Who is this killer - the executor of someone else's order or the initiator of a criminal war with the goal of a gangster redistribution? This is what Colonel Pogozhev will have to find out.
Antisniper 3: New Level
A “branded” shot through Tatyana to Alexei takes the game Strelka to a new level. Saves the titanium bib. The death of Tatiana makes Alexei step over the edge. Now both the Shooter and the Anti-Sniper are working beyond understanding ... beyond the rules ...
Metropolitan Andrey
Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky
Story about Metropolitan of Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church Andrey Sheptytsky who opposed repressive totalitarian regimes of Stalin and Hitler and chose the path of service to God and people.
Hand for Happiness
Because of the accident, Grinya - a shy and unsound bachelor - loses his hand. However, the geniuses of Russian medicine are saved by sewing someone else's hand. And who would have thought that a new hand belonging to a famous adventurer and a scamper would completely change Green's life. Quiet existence is replaced by a string of unpredictable events and dizzying adventures: all the bandits of the city are trying to find it, from girls there is no hanging, money and success are abundant ... Thanks to a new hand, he becomes bold and confident. It's just not clear - who really is the master in their amazing tandem.
Far from Sunset Boulevard
director of the film studio
The thirties, the heyday of Soviet film production. The story of the famed couple's glory — a filmmaker and actress, behind the external well-being of which were hidden strange contradictory relationships and a sense of fear that they carried through their whole lives. The prologue to this story is the 85th anniversary of Lidiya Polyakova, the formerly brightest star in Soviet cinema, who played the main role in all the films of her own husband, director Konstantin Dalmatov. Now in the courtyard there are other times, Dalmatov’s movies are called ideological agitation, and the director himself and his wife are hiding from the world in the country, trying not to let anyone in. Before the audience, there is a story of a dizzying triumph of this cinematic couple and its behind-the-scenes drama — a story that began in the 30s of the XX century.
Birds of Paradise
The events of the film take place in the Soviet Union in the early 1980s. It is forbidden to listen to foreign radio stations, it is not safe to voice one’s opinions in front of strangers. Words of truth are spoken only in private kitchens behind the curtained windows. The KGB tap phones, survey the ‘unreliable’ and consistently step by step destroy all forms of decent. The protagonists challenge the inhumane state machine, putting on stake their very lives and proving that nothing and nobody can stop a person who is on his way to achieve a true freedom.
Antisniper 2: Double Motivation
In the ranks of the investigating authorities was calculated "mole". All information about the progress of the investigation, testimony and operational measures through it came to the criminals. But the enemy is not neutralized, the game continues. The traitor decided to go all-in and tried to eliminate not only the “talking” witness, but also Uvarov. They managed to stop him, and Tatyana and Aleksey, united by danger, could not resist the sensual impulse and went beyond the framework of the charter relations.
All must die
A lonely man lives on the outskirts. The neighbors are afraid of him because they know that he is a former criminal investigator. Once a friend comes to him and asks for help in one thing. He promises, but ... at dawn they find the corpse of his friend. The prosecutor’s office opens a case that instructs the young investigator to conduct. But every day the number of suspects decreases - they die ...
Lena Sitnikova - obeying the will of her parents and her authoritative grandma - goes to the Medical School in order to keep the family tradition. However she dreams about a totally different life. For now she doesn't know what she exactly wants, till she meets Lyova - a painter, in his artistic depression. He introduces her into the world of art, galleries and art business. Lena finds her inner self, but the chosen life doesn't suit the plans of her parents: their daughter ought to be a medical student, even if they will have to force her. Lena goes through a lot of troubles: she fights with her parents, learns how to kiss and to say «I love you», how to walk the line on high heels and to defend her right to do what she wants. And there will certainly be a «happy end»...
The Signpost to Destiny
Many myths, stories and traditions are associated with the lime tree, going back to the Middle Ages, Celtic times and as far back as Ancient Greece. In Russia, the story goes, that on discovering his lover's infidelity, landowner Pavel Kazantsev was so heartbroken that he could not forgive Anastasia's disloyalty and buried her alive. He planted a lime tree to mark the spot where she lay, and years later villagers still go to the tree to ask Anastasia for help, particularly in affairs of the heart. Marina is the wife of a successful businessman also coincidentally called Pavel Kazantsev. One day, after a family quarrel, Pavel takes Marina to their country house where she discovers that Oleg has a lover - Anastasia. Marina soon learns about the legend of Anastasia's tree from the local villagers. The coincidence with names is disturbing, but a worse discovery is still to come.
Husband returns from a business trip
The plot revolves around an employee of the German Embassy, which is ahead of schedule, returns from a business trip to his Moscow apartment.
The tax service, together with the investigating authorities and special forces of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, is investigating major financial frauds, accompanied by a series of murders of people involved in the crime. “Orders” are executed, undoubtedly, by a talented sniper. Among the alleged victims - the head of a major chemical plant Boris Morin. Employees of the Organized Crime Control Department offer Morin a mutually beneficial deal: in order to stay alive, he must disclose his financial developments to them. Leading analyst of the State Tax Administration Tatyana Uvarova is connected to the investigation.
Седьмое небо
Uncle Volodya
Жизнь шестидесятилетнего Николая Фролова — словно два берега реки под названием "прошлое" и "настоящее". В прошлом остались долгие годы счастливого супружества, работа, которой отдано полжизни, уважение окружающих… Его настоящее ночевки в подвале жилого дома, безденежье, голод и прочие "прелести" жизни человека без определенного места жительства. Между ними — срок по "тяжелой" статье и бесконечное одиночество… Судьба обошлась с ним несправедливо, но он терпеливо дожидался своей награды… Иногда капризы судьбы жестоки, они в один миг могут выбросить из прежней размеренной жизни без права на возвращение.
Mykola and the German
The film explores the feelings of ordinary people involved in a global conflict – a war. The authors show a simple story of the detention of Ukrainian soldier Mykola by a German commandant from the point of view of Mykola’s grandson, who was born 46 years after the war.
The Second Front
KGB Colonel
In the midst of World War 2, intelligence services from England, Germany and Russia collided in a fierce fight for the mind of Nicky Raus, a genius German Jewish scientist who's developing a weapon of tremendous power. An American agent, Frank Hossom, enters the game when German agents undertake a daring operation stealing the scientist. Frank has to get the scientist back - dead or alive. His mission is complicated by his developing relationship with Olga Ryabina, Nicky's lover, an actress forced to work for KGB. The love triangle and the international intrigue weave into a deadly net.
Eldest brother
Mamay draws on traditional Ukranian and Tatar folktales for its Romeo and Juliet-like love story and parable about chivalry and the struggle for freedom. Hundreds of years ago, in the wild steppes of Crimea that form an uneasy border between East and West, Europe and Asia, nomad and farmer, the proud Cossack Mamay falls in love with the Tatar beauty Omai. The title, like the storyline, holds a variety of different meanings taken from different cultures. In Turkic languages, it means "no one," but it was also the name of a famous Mongol conqueror, the great grandson of Ghengis-Khan. In Persian legends, mamay literally means "the spirit of the steppes. "
Blue Moon
After screwing up a money exchange a Viennese small-time crook accompanied by a Russian hostess hits the road to the East.
Russian Ark
A ghost and a French marquis wander through the Winter Palace in St Petersburg, encountering scenes from many different periods of its history.
A Prayer for Hetman Mazepa
Cossack Leleka
'A Prayer for Hetman Mazepa' unfolds during an interesting era in the history of Eastern Europe when Russia, under Peter the Great, and Sweden, under King Charles XII, struggled for power; the Ukraine was the pawn in the middle. In 1709, Ivan Mazepa, Hetman of Ukraine, which was part of the Russian Empire, signed a pact with the Swedish king promising to support Sweden in its war against Russia provided that the Ukraine was given its independence.
The Secret of Genghis Khan
1227, the last night of dying Genghis Khan. With promises and threats tyrant tries to persuade captive Otrar physician Akerke, the widow of the scientist, who was killed by Mongol soldiers, to save his life. But patriotic woman does not want to deliver the oppressor of his people and severely exposes his bloody tyranny of power.
On the field of blood. Aceldama
Judas Iscariot treats stone field - a field of blood, bought for 30 pieces of silver - the price of betrayal of Jesus. A pilgrim who travels to Jerusalem, stops to ask water and finds and recognizes Judas. Judas justifies his crime with his moral. Every person is entitled to their own choice and has a right of remorse. The second part goes into effect gilded mansions of representative of Rome.
The Black Council
The Black Council gives a vivid picture of the different levels of society in seventeenth-century Ukraine. The main theme is the need for people to be motivated by high ideals as they engage in the struggle of truth with injustice.
A Friend of the Deceased
Tolla is an unemployed translator whose wife is leaving him. Despondent and weak, he submits to the suggestion of an acquaintance to have a contract placed on the man that his wife is seeing. Instead, however, he arranges for the hit to be placed on himself. Before the contract is executed, he develops a relationship with a prostitute, and then changes his mind. In order to survive he takes the obvious course of action, which turns out to have possibly been unnecessary, and then he must deal with the guilt.
Executed Dawns
Bolshevists aim to set their rules on the lands of the Western Ukraine repeatedly occupied by them. UPA – the partisan army – resists their policy. Civil population becomes a hostage of this war "without rules", and above all – relatives of the insurgents. Invaders and their allies cruelly torture Ukrainian people, but the struggle continues. Irritated, "bolshevists" start evicting people to Siberia. UPA tries to prevent this action, but the forces are not equal... Insurgents can only take revenge and punish the executioners.
Zapysky Kyrpatoho Mefistofelia
The film takes place in 1905. The main character is a lawyer Mykhalyuk, a social revolutionary, an intellectual. He is the bearer of destructive power aimed at loved ones. Peace of mind leaves everyone who falls under its influence. He tries to compensate for his spirituality with love adventures.
The Hetman's Regalia
The film takes place in 1659 when Bohdan Khmelnytsky's son Yuri took power from Hetman Vyhovsky. Supporters of Bohdan Khmelnytsky are trying to help his daughter Olena to save her father's regalia - the symbol of Hetman's power and independence of Ukraine.