Robert Juillard

出生 : 1906-08-24, Joinville, Haute-Marne, France

死亡 : 1982-01-01


Pierre and Paul
Pierre is a middle-aged factory worker with plenty of unresolved anger. After his father's death, his mother feels compelled to move in with him. Having just moved there with his beautiful girlfriend, he begins to feel the pressure. When the May Day revolt begins, he goes crazy.
A soap-opera/murder mystery that builds to a deliriously melodramatic finale.
Director of Photography
Gatti focuses on two men in a German concentration camp who have been cruelly penned inside an enclosure. One of the men, Karl (Herbert Wochinz), is a strong, bitter anti-Nazi German -- a target of the Gestapo. The SS wants information on a rumored organization of resistance fighters inside the prison and they know he has it. The other man, David (Jean Negroni) is a Jew. If one of the men dies within a certain time then the other will be released. He will not be killed. Otherwise, both will be executed. The resistance fighters in the prison try to help the two as best they can, while the pair inside the enclosure slowly come to know each other as though they were brothers.
Women Are Like That
Director of Photography
American FBI agent Lemmy Caution arrives in France to track down a dangerous spy.
The Battle of Austerlitz
Director of Photography
Napoleon Bonaparte crowns himself emperor and fights the English, Austrians and Russians in 1802.
The Road to Shame
Director of Photography
Pierre Rossi and Béatrice live in the same block of flats in Marseille and love each other. One night, Béatrice leaves her apartment. Pierre knows that his fiancée goes to a rendezvous, but she would not tell him more than just that. Worried, Pierre follows her but he is attacked and stolen his identity papers by two men, Tom and Nasol, on the payroll of Quaglio, one of the city's bosses. Later on, Quaglio kills Nasol and deposits the body in a garage, leaving Pierre's papers nearby. As for Pierre, he manages to follow Tom to a villa where several young women have been invited. Pierre, horrified, realizes that this place is the headquarters for the white slave trade. - Written by Guy Bellinger
Blonde in a White Car
Picked up by a beautiful motorist, jobless hitchhiker Pierre (Hossein) is subsequently romanced by the girl. Immediately thereafter, however, she dumps him, attempting to run him over as a final insult. Memorizing her license number, Pierre pursues the enigmatic motorist. Arriving at her home, Pierre is met by two young ladies (Marina Vlady and Odelle Versois), either one of whom might be the woman he's looking for.
Sans famille
Director of Photography
The Remi abandoned by his foster father sold to the troubadour Vasalis, in his living through the rural villages the people to entertain, gehoplen his three dogs and a monkey. In the beginning Remi takes its new master, but a demanding and hard man, and the animals have not been too much with the clumsy boy. But gradually creates a bond between Remi and his new comrades, until their friendship is suddenly disrupted when Vasalis is arrested for vagrancy and sentenced. Then Remi, alone in the world, along with his animal friends in position to try to keep ...
La Polka des menottes
Director of Photography
Elisabeth is persuaded to have killed her noisy upstairs neighbor, scientist Charles Magne. To save her, Mr. Matheu, Elisabeth's father, accuses himself while Pierrot, Elisabeth's fiancé gets rid of the body in order to save father and daughter. For his part, a gangster also believes he has killed the scientist but he gets shot down by a taxidermist, who runs for life. The girl, her daddy and her boyfriend also run away. But Magne is not dead. A bum is mistaken for him and a police inspector makes everyone believe that he is the one who shot the gangster. At the end of this crazy chain of events all the protagonists are reunited at the station house and everybody dances to express their relief.
Méfiez-vous fillettes
Director of Photography
The Happy Road
Director of Photography
Two children run away from a Swiss boarding school and set out for Paris, with their frantic parents in hot pursuit.
Director of Photography
Forgive Our Trespasses
Director of Photography
In a port area of ​​France, clashes between a gang of young delinquents and a tribe of gypsies.
School for Love
Director of Photography
At the Conservatory of Vienna the student only have eyes for their beautiful singing teacher, tenor Eric Walter.
Camera Operator
P・ボワローとT・ナルスジャックのミステリを、H=G・クルーゾーが映画化した作品で、「恐怖の報酬」(52)とはまた質の異なる突出したサスペンス描写に彩られた傑作。 舞台はパリ近郊の寄宿学校。校長のミシェル(P・ムーリス)は妻クリスティナ(V・クルーゾー)の莫大な財産の上に今の地位を築いていたが、その横暴ぶりにクリスティナの心労は極みに達していた。ミシェルの愛人でもある女教師ニコル(S・シニョレ)は彼女に同情し、二人して彼の殺害を企む。クリスティナとニコルは週末を利用してニコルの実家に赴き、ミシェルへ離婚の決意を告げる。やがて彼女を連れ戻そうと現れたミシェルは、薬入りの酒を飲まされバスタブで溺死させられる。死体をトランクに隠すと、学校に戻りプールの底に沈めてしまうクリスティナとニコル。後は死体が誰かに発見されるのを待つばかりであったが、なかなかその状況が生まれない。やむなく理由をつけてプールの栓を抜くことを命じるクリスティナ。だが、そこにはミシェルの死体など存在しなかった……。
No Exit
Director of Photography
The scene is a tawdry hotel room in Limbo, where several damned souls are gathered. At first, the group fails to comprehend where they are or why they're there. When the horrible truth dawns upon them, they carp and snipe at one another, blaming everyone but themselves for their dismal fate.
Le Père de Mademoiselle
Director of Photography
Camera Operator
Les dents longues
Director of Photography
A young, talented and ambitious journalist, Louis heads off to try his luck in Paris. He's spotted by Walter, editor-in-chief for a major daily newspaper, who takes to him and furthers his career. What he doesn't realise is that Louis is ready to betray anyone to achieve his ends...
Beauties of the Night
A daydreaming French composer sees himself as a fine figure dashing through history.
Director of Photography
ルネ・クレマン監督が1952年に手がけ、同年のベネチア国際映画祭で金獅子賞、アカデミー賞で名誉賞(後の外国語映画賞)などに輝いた、映画史上の不朽の名作。ナルシソ・イエペスのギター演奏による主題曲「愛のロマンス」の哀愁に満ちた旋律も広く知られる。第2次世界大戦中のフランス。ドイツ軍によるパリ侵攻から逃れる途中、爆撃により両親と愛犬を亡くした5歳の少女ポーレットは、ひとりさまよううちに11歳の農民の少年ミシェルと出会う。ミシェルから死んだものは土に埋め、お墓を作ることを教わったポーレットは、子犬を埋め、十字架を供える。これをきっかけに、お墓を作って十字架を供える遊びに夢中になった2人は、教会や霊柩車からも十字架を持ち出してしまうが……。日本では53年に初公開。2018年9月、デジタルリマスター版でリバイバル公開(パンドラ配給)。2020年8月には、人気声優による名画吹き替えプロジェクト「NEW ERA MOVIES」で新たに制作された吹き替え版(ポーレット役=戸松遥/ミシェル・ドレ役=小松未可子、ジョゼフ・ドレ役=稲田徹)で公開される(モービー・ディック配給)。
Camera Operator
孤高の映画詩人ブレッソンの表現が精神の極みへと向って行く姿勢は、このごく初期の作品にも端的に見られる。それは悩み深き若い司祭を主人公にしているという表層からでなく、その懊悩を突き放すように客体化する、怜悧なまでの映像の力によって痛感させられるのだ。田舎司祭を取り巻く人々の聖と俗に揺れる姿が、彼の信仰にどう関わり、彼が自らどのような答えを出して行くかが、正に日記を綴る描写を挿し挟みながらスケッチされて行くが、彼は次第に懐疑的にならざるをえなくなり、健康をも害してしまう。ブレッソンのどの映画を見てもそうだが、描写の余りの潔癖さに、他のイメージに置き換えながら(詰まり自分流の翻訳をしつつ)見たくなるほど、純度の高い映画だ。 <allcinema>
Bonheur en location
Photo Retouching
Saint-Aignan needs a family. He hires people to act as his people to achieve his goal: to succeed in the business world.
Germany, Year Zero
Director of Photography
In the ruins of post-WWII Berlin, a twelve-year-old boy is left to his own devices in order to help provide for his family.
Director of Photography
In the first episode, a heartbroken woman talks to her ex-lover on the phone. In the second, a pregnant woman believes she is carrying the child of Saint Joseph.
La dernière chevauchée
Director of Photography
A jealous wealthy landlord intercepts a letter to his wife written by her cousin. He decides to take revenge by drugging the young man's horse, but it is his own son who will be the victim of the accident.