Emmanuel Lubezki

Emmanuel Lubezki

出生 : 1964-11-30, Città del Messico, Messico


Emmanuel Lubezki Morgenstern (born 30 November, 1964) is a Mexican cinematographer. Lubezki has worked with many acclaimed directors, including Mike Nichols, Tim Burton, Michael Mann, Joel and Ethan Coen, and frequent collaborators Terrence Malick, Alfonso Cuarón, and Alejandro González Iñárritu. Lubezki is known for groundbreaking uses of natural lighting and continuous uninterrupted shots in cinematography, often utilizing a Steadicam, a 3-axis Gimbal, or Hand-held camera to orchestrate fluid, uninterrupted camera movements during particularly significant scenes. His work has been praised by audiences and critics alike, which earned him multiple awards, including eight Academy Award nominations for Best Cinematography. He won in this category three times, becoming the first person to do so in three consecutive years, for Gravity (2013), Birdman (2014), and The Revenant (2015).


Emmanuel Lubezki


Director of Photography
世界の歴史を変えた衝撃的な陰謀の裏側を描いた、ありえないけど“ほぼ実話”。 1930年代ニューヨーク、かつてアムステルダムで出会った3人の友人たちが ある殺人事件の容疑者となり、思いがけず全世界に渦巻く 巨大な陰謀へと巻き込まれていくことに―
Director of Photography
Last Days in the Desert
Director of Photography
On his way out of the wilderness, Jesus struggles with the Devil over the fate of a family in crisis, setting himself up for a dramatic test.
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Rick is a screenwriter living in Los Angeles. While successful in his career, his life feels empty. Haunted and confused, he finds temporary solace in the decadent Hollywood excess that defines his existence. Women provide a distraction to his daily pain, and every encounter brings him closer to finding his place in the world.
バードマン あるいは(無知がもたらす予期せぬ奇跡)
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
After falling in love in Paris, Marina and Neil come to Oklahoma, where problems arise. Their church's Spanish-born pastor struggles with his faith, while Neil encounters a woman from his childhood.
Exploring 'The Tree of Life'
A documentary on Terrence Malick and the making of his film "The Tree of Life."
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Young couple watching Jean-Luc Godard’s “Le mépris” in cinema. Segment from “Chacun Son Cinéma” (To Each His Own Cinema) collective film of 33 shorts directed by different directors about their feeling about Cinema.
The Dick Tracy Special
Director of Photography
Leonard Maltin interviews Warren Beatty as Dick Tracy, while film clips trace the history of the comic strip detective.
Director of Photography
ザ・ローリング・ストーンズ シャイン・ア・ライト
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
A collective film of 33 shorts directed by different directors about their feeling about cinema.
Year of the Nail
A love story between a Mexican teenager and an American woman who meet one summer in Mexico.
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
The Assassination of Richard Nixon
Associate Producer
It’s 1974 and Sam Bicke has lost everything. His wife leaves him with his three kids, his boss fires him, his brother turns away from him, and the bank won’t give him any money to start anew. He tries to find someone to blame for his misfortunes and comes up with the President of the United States who he plans to murder.
The Assassination of Richard Nixon
Director of Photography
It’s 1974 and Sam Bicke has lost everything. His wife leaves him with his three kids, his boss fires him, his brother turns away from him, and the bank won’t give him any money to start anew. He tries to find someone to blame for his misfortunes and comes up with the President of the United States who he plans to murder.
Director of Photography
ALI アリ
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
In California, a group of women struggle with personal problems as their paths intertwine in unexpected ways. Dr. Elaine Keener, the sole caretaker for her aging mother, turns to tarot card reader Christine for spiritual aid. Christine grapples with her own angst due to her lover's debilitating illness. Meanwhile, a bank manager deals with an unwanted pregnancy, two sisters pursue romantic interests and a housewife gets back into the dating game.
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
『セント・オブ・ウーマン/夢の香り』のマーティン・ブレスト監督が、34年の名作『明日なき抱擁』をブラッド・ピット主演でリメイクしたファンタスティックラブストーリー。 N.Y.のメディア会社「パリッシュ・コミュニケーション」の社長ウィリアム(ビル)・パリッシュ(アンソニー・ホプキンス)は、ある夜どこからともなく響いてくる声を聞いた。次の日、ビルは愛娘のスーザン(クレア・フォーラニ)とその恋人ドリュー(ジェイク・ウェバー)と共にヘリで仕事に向かっていた。ビルの「恋人を愛しているか?」との問いに、素っ気無い反応をする娘にビルは話す。「愛は情熱だ。その経験のない人生は意味のないものだ」と。そして、その日スーザンは仕事場近くのコーヒーショップで一人の青年と出会う。最近この街に越してきた、という青年の気さくな態度に好感をもつスーザン。その夜、家族と共に食卓を囲んでいたビルの脳裏にまた同じ声が聞こえてくる。「私に会えるよ・・・ビル」。声に導かれるまま来客を招き入れるとスーザンがコーヒーショップで出会った青年が居た。以前から体調のすぐれないビルが心の中で問いかけていた「死期が近いのか」の言葉に青年は「イエス」と答えた。彼は青年の体を借りた死神だった。人間の生活に興味をもった死神が、ビルを連れて行く前に彼に案内を頼みにきたのだ。家族への説明に困ったビルは、青年をジョー・ブラック(ブラッド・ピット)だと紹介する。出会った時と印象の違うジョーを見て初めは困惑していたスーザンだったが、次第に彼の不思議な魅力に惹かれていく。父親のいう“情熱”を確かに感じていたのだ。
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
World War II vet Paul Sutton falls for a pregnant and unwed woman who persuades him -- during their first encounter -- to pose as her husband so she can face her family.
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Old Max remembers the time as a child when he was taken to the jungle where he met a prophet, a circus man and other weird characters.
Reality Bites
Director of Photography
A small circle of friends suffering from post-collegiate blues must confront the hard truth about life, love and the pursuit of gainful employment. As they struggle to map out survival guides for the future, the Gen-X quartet soon begins to realize that reality isn't all it's cracked up to be.
The Harvest
A screenwriter is sent to Mexico to develop a story that can be used to wrap up a movie presently in production. Given a very short time allotment, the writer immerses himself in the seamier side of a Mexican beach resort, but soon finds himself involved in a 'body organ for profit' operation. Drugged, he has one of his own kidneys removed, and then, with a woman he isn't sure he can trust, he sets out to expose the ring...
Twenty Bucks
Director of Photography
A story about the life of a twenty dollar bill as it weaves in and out of the various lives of several people.
The Quiet Room
Director of Photography
Sadistic Streeter and brutal Creighton are corrupt cops whose antics lead to a nasty and tragic end when a shakedown plan goes awry.
Director of Photography
The beautiful and popular movie star Miroslava is depressed tonight. As she prepares her suicide, her entire life is revealed on screen in a disturbing portrait of a lonely woman.
Like Water for Chocolate
Director of Photography
Tita is passionately in love with Pedro, but her controlling mother forbids her from marrying him. When Pedro marries her sister, Tita throws herself into her cooking and discovers she can transfer her emotions through the food she prepares, infecting all who eat it with her intense heartbreak.
Director of Photography
Tomás Tomás is a young yuppie playboy with a string of discarded girlfriends. But when Silvia, the victim of one of his adventures, tries to get revenge by typing "positive" on his AIDS test, Tomás experiences for the first time the realities of love and death.
Director of Photography
In the wake of the Mexican Revolution, a band of pre-teen boys are forced to rely on their own resources for survival.
La muchacha
Director of Photography
Appointment with Death
Four different director contribute a segment to this horror anthology.
Come and See: Part 2
The sequel to the hit film "Come and See" (1985)