Ettore Sanzò


ルチオ・フルチが手掛けたギャング映画。密輸組織が暗躍するナポリの港町で、麻薬組織に因縁を持つ密輸業者の男が復讐のため立ち向かう姿を描く。新旧犯罪組織の対抗という図式ながら、ルチオ・フルチ特有の人体破壊描写も光る快作。フルチ自身もカメオ出演している。 密輸組織の拠点である港町。縄張りの拡大を目論む麻薬組織に兄を殺された密輸業者の男が復讐のため、彼らに接近。密輸組織内部に潜む裏切り者が幹部暗殺の手引きをしていたことが発覚し、やがて事態は組織全体を巻き込んだ大がかりな抗争へと発展していく…。
On a mission in Istanbul, an interpol agent disrupts the activities of a powerful drug lord and his accomplices. To get rid of him, the gangsters blackmail a skeet shooting champion into shooting the inspector.
Colt 38 Special Squad
The city of Turin is in the grip of a brutal crime boss known as "the Marsellaise," and plenty of cops have good cause to want him dead — none more than Inspector Vanni, whose wife was murdered by the ruthless gangster. Having exhausted every other avenue, Vanni forms a crack squad of motorcycle-riding, Colt .38-toting elite officers, tasked with meting out justice on the margins of the law. But when the Marsellaise launches a bombing campaign designed to extort a vast ransom from the city's authorities, Vanni finds himself in a race against time to exact his revenge and avert disaster.
Born Winner
A young man whose passions are money, beautiful women and racing motorcycles comes up with a scheme that will allow him to combine all three, all while committing the "perfect" crime.
Late Night Trains
A pair of psychotic hoodlums and an equally demented nymphomaniac woman terrorize two young girls on a train trip from Germany to Italy.
What Have They Done to Your Daughters?
An unidentified fifteen year-old girl is found hanged after an anonymous tip-off. The girl, Silvia Polvesi, is soon discovered to have been murdered. A peeping tom is caught with photos of her having sex with a teenage drop-out but he is later released due to lack of evidence. The investigation, conducted by Inspector Silvestri and the assistant public prosecutor Vittoria Stori, focuses on the girl's parents. It transpires that a private detective, Ruggero Pollente, was hired by Silvia's mother because the latter was concerned about her activities. As a conspiracy begins to emerge, Pollente's body is found dismembered and his girlfriend is subsequently attacked by a machete-wielding killer clad in motorcycle gear...
What Have They Done to Your Daughters?
An unidentified fifteen year-old girl is found hanged after an anonymous tip-off. The girl, Silvia Polvesi, is soon discovered to have been murdered. A peeping tom is caught with photos of her having sex with a teenage drop-out but he is later released due to lack of evidence. The investigation, conducted by Inspector Silvestri and the assistant public prosecutor Vittoria Stori, focuses on the girl's parents. It transpires that a private detective, Ruggero Pollente, was hired by Silvia's mother because the latter was concerned about her activities. As a conspiracy begins to emerge, Pollente's body is found dismembered and his girlfriend is subsequently attacked by a machete-wielding killer clad in motorcycle gear...