Christopher Norr


Director of Photography
A flying saucer lands in the backyard of an elderly suburbanite with memory problems, who forms a bond with the scared alien inside.
Director of Photography
A young and unskilled fairy godmother that ventures out on her own to prove her worth by tracking down a young girl whose request for help was ignored. What she discovers is that the girl has now become a grown woman in need of something very different than a "prince charming."
Director of Photography
After years of caring exclusively for the needs of her husband and children, Agnes, a devoted housewife living in a small town near New York, has found something she really enjoys doing: solving puzzles.
Josh is a young skater searching for answers in the streets and alleys after a confusing breakup and speaks to a homeless man he previously befriended that show him the mistake not fighting for love can bring. He explores his ever changing life and shifts of notions that nullify his own thoughts if love truly worth fighting for.
Hitting the Apex
Director of Photography
The inside story of six fighters – six of the fastest motorcycle racers of all time – and of the fates that awaited them at the peak of the sport. It's the story of what is at stake for all of them: all that can be won, and all that can be lost, when you go chasing glory at over two hundred miles an hour – on a motorcycle.
Director of Photography
In an attempt to make some extra cash while away at College, Kylie moves into a house that streams content to an X-rated website. After a deranged fan hacks in to determine the house's location, she finds herself in a terrifying fight for her life.
Rob the Mob
Director of Photography
The true-life story of a crazy-in-love Queens couple who robbed a series of mafia social clubs and got away with it… for a while… until they stumble upon a score bigger than they ever planned and become targets of both the mob and the FBI.
Director of Photography
10年前にベストセラーを執筆して以来、その後全く売れないノンフィクション作家のエリソン(イーサン・ホーク)は、妻トレイシー(ジュリエット・ライランス)と二人の子供と共に、ペンシルヴァニア州郊外の一軒家へ引っ越した。しかしエリソンは、以前そこである事件が起きた事を、家族に伝えていなかった。 その家は、かつてスティーヴンソンという一家が住んでいたが、家族は惨殺され、幼い娘が失踪するという事件が起きていた。エリソンは、事件の真相を調べて本を書き、作家として起死回生を図るために越して来たのだ。
Sympathy for Delicious
Director of Photography
A newly paralyzed DJ gets more than he bargained for when he seeks out the world of faith healing.
What Doesn't Kill You
Director of Photography
Two childhood friends from South Boston turn to crime as a way to get by, ultimately causing a strain in their personal lives and their friendship.
"A" Camera Operator
A man whose brain becomes magnetized unintentionally destroys every tape in his friend's video store. In order to satisfy the store's most loyal renter, an aging woman with signs of dementia, the two men set out to remake the lost films.
The Hottest State
Director of Photography
A young actor from Texas tries to make it in New York while struggling in his relationship with a beautiful singer/songwriter.
The Doctor, The Tornado & The Kentucky Kid
Director of Photography
THE DOCTOR, THE TORNADO & THE KENTUCKY KID is the electrifying follow-up to Mark Neale’s 2004 MotoGP smash hit FASTER. Narrated by Ewan McGregor, the movie tells the story of the biggest motorcycle race in American history, the 2005 Red Bull U.S. Grand Prix at Laguna Seca, California. It’s a tale of extraordinary characters chasing a dream in the face of real danger, under unimaginable pressure, with no margin for error. For lovers of maximum adrenaline action, this is the pure, unadulterated, 100% genuine article.
One Last Thing...
Director of Photography
Sixteen-year-old Dylan is dying of cancer. When a charitable organization offers to grant Dylan his final wish, the teen has a surprising request: to meet supermodel Nikki Sinclair. Much to his mother's dismay, Dylan, with the help of his best friends, goes to New York to fulfill his dream.
Guarding Eddy
Director of Photography
A developmentally handicapped young man comes to L.A. to pursue his dream of playing professional basketball for the Clippers.
Camera Operator
Second Best
Director of Photography
Jealousy overwhelms a group of friends, particularly struggling writer Elliot, as they prepare for the homecoming of their old friend, a wildly successful L.A. producer.
Camera Operator
 新人作家デイヴィッド・ベニオフの感動ミステリーを「ドゥ・ザ・ライト・シング」のスパイク・リー監督が映像化したヒューマン・サスペンス。ベニオフ自ら脚本を担当。25時間後に懲役7年の刑で収監されることが決まっているひとりの男が、後悔と絶望感を抱え過ごす24時間の心の旅を情感を込め繊細に綴る。主演は「アメリカン・ヒストリーX」「ファイト・クラブ」のエドワード・ノートン。  ニューヨーク。かつて瀕死の状態から助けた犬と共に公園のベンチに佇む男モンティ・ブローガン。ドラッグ・ディーラーだった彼は、何者かの密告で麻薬捜査局に逮捕され、保釈中の身だった。そして、25時間後には7年の服役のために収監される。その中で彼のような“イイ男”が受ける仕打ちは火を見るより明らかだった。彼は、馴染みの店で最後の夜を明かそうと2人の親友、高校教師のジェイコブと株式ブローカーのフランクに声を掛ける。また、アパートでは恋人ナチュレルが待っていたが、モンティは彼女が密告者ではないかと疑っていた。やりきれない思いを抱えたまま、モンティのシャバでの最後の夜が始まろうとしていた。
10ミニッツ・オールダー 人生のメビウス
Director of Photography
 映画史に燦然と輝く巨匠監督15人が“時間”をテーマに競作した豪華な短編集。10分という厳密な時間制限と予算だけが決められ、それ以外は各監督の自由にすべてが委ねられたこの企画は、2本のコンピレーション・フィルムに結実。本作はそのうちの1本。もう1本のタイトルは「10ミニッツ・オールダー イデアの森」。  7人の映画監督が“結婚・誕生・進化・孤独・死・運・郷愁”という誰にでもいつかは訪れる出来事を題材に、人生の意味を10分間の一場面に凝縮して描く。収録されている作品は、アキ・カウリスマキの「結婚は10分で決める」、ヴィクトル・エリセの「ライフライン」、ヴェルナー・ヘルツォークの「失われた一万年」、ジム・ジャームッシュの「女優のブレイクタイム」、ヴィム・ヴェンダースの「トローナからの12マイル」、スパイク・リーの「ゴアVSブッシュ」、チェン・カイコーの「夢幻百花」の全7編。
William Gibson: No Maps for These Territories
Camera Operator
On an overcast morning in 1999, William Gibson, father of cyberpunk and author of the cult-classic novel Neuromancer, stepped into a limousine and set off on a road trip around North America. The limo was rigged with digital cameras, a computer, a television, a stereo, and a cell phone. Generated entirely by this four-wheeled media machine, No Maps for These Territories is both an account of Gibson’s life and work and a commentary on the world outside the car windows. Here, the man who coined the word "cyberspace" offers a unique perspective on Western culture at the edge of the new millennium, and in the throes of convulsive, tech-driven change.
William Gibson: No Maps for These Territories
On an overcast morning in 1999, William Gibson, father of cyberpunk and author of the cult-classic novel Neuromancer, stepped into a limousine and set off on a road trip around North America. The limo was rigged with digital cameras, a computer, a television, a stereo, and a cell phone. Generated entirely by this four-wheeled media machine, No Maps for These Territories is both an account of Gibson’s life and work and a commentary on the world outside the car windows. Here, the man who coined the word "cyberspace" offers a unique perspective on Western culture at the edge of the new millennium, and in the throes of convulsive, tech-driven change.
Second Assistant Camera