Jean-Marie Lamour

Jean-Marie Lamour


Jean-Marie Lamour is an actor.


Superman Isn't Jewish (...But I Am a Bit)
When he finds out that it's because he's Jewish that his willy is different, young Benjamin decides to do everything he can to hide his religion and keep his secret...
Hôtel Normandy
Benoît Giraud
At 40, Alice has everything a woman of her age could want - everything except one vital accessory: a man. Since her husband was killed in a road accident a few years ago, she has resisted all attempts to start a relationship with another man, despite the best efforts of her closest friends Pénélope and Isabelle. As a last resort, the latter decide to offer Alice a stay at the Hôtel Normandy, the ideal place for her to turn over a new leaf...
Cafe Waiter Jean-Michel
Le Président, sa femme et moi !
Le boss
From multicultural Paris to designer Paris, Montmartre to the Champs-Elysées, sleazy sidewalks to high-end galleries... Watch out! Sam the courier is a man on a mission! On his scooter, Sam breaks every rule of the road to make good on the "express delivery" promise of the courier service he works for. But however hard he tries, Sam never gets a bonus from his boss, never beats his slicker colleagues and never gets past his Dad, a cop who books him every time. All Sam has up is Nadia, and she will turn on him if he doesn't show up for her sister's wedding. Trouble is, Sam has one more delivery to make and his day has just gone from bad to worse...
Hari Om
Toronto International Film Festival 20014
Corps et âmes
Gilles Weber
2人の対照的な女性の間で現実と幻想が交錯し、謎が二転三転していくさまを、幾重もの仕掛けを張り巡らせミステリアスかつ官能的に描いたサスペンス・ドラマ。監督は「8人の女たち」のフランソワ・オゾン。出演はいずれもオゾン作品に出演歴のある「まぼろし」のシャーロット・ランプリングと「焼け石に水」のリュディヴィーヌ・サニエ。  創作活動に行き詰まっていたイギリスの女流ミステリー作家サラはある夏の日、出版社社長ジョンの勧めで南仏の彼の別荘を訪れる。そこは明るく静かで、誰にも邪魔されずに執筆できる最適な場所だった。しかし、サラがいよいよ仕事に取り掛かろうとした矢先、社長の娘ジュリーが別荘にやって来る。裸でプールを泳ぎ、毎夜男を連れ込んでは嬌声をあげるジュリーに苛立ち筆が進まないサラ。だがやがてサラは、ジュリーの若さと妖艶な振る舞いに強い刺激を受け、いつしか彼女をモデルに物語を紡ぎ始めるのだった…。
Laughter and Punishment
French director Isabelle Doval directs her husband, popular comedic actor José Garcia, in the comedy Rire et Chatiment (Laughter and Punishment). Vincent (Garcia) is a popular physician whose aggressive need to be funny and get people's attention annoys his girlfriend, Camille (Doval), to the point that she leaves him. He begins to suspect she might have been onto something when his behavior begins causing people to die.
Monsieur Naphtali
Monsieur Naphtali is a good-natured but somewhat feeble older man turned away from the rest home where he lives. In search of a place to stay, he finds his way to Paris, where a woman taking surveys takes pity on him and brings him home for a meal and a bed for the night. Naphtali finds himself spending the evening with the survey woman, her brother who works in publishing, his lovely but unhappy wife, an alcoholic doctor, and his wife, an ill-tempered judge. In a simple and unpretentious manner, Naphtali forces them all to open up about themselves and discuss elements of their lives that they usually prefer to avoid.