Michael Miner


RoboDoc: The Creation of RoboCop
An immersive 4+ hour journey into the making of the seminal sci-fi movie RoboCop (1987). With over 60 cast/crew interviews including: Peter Weller, Paul Verhoeven, Nancy Allen, Ronny Cox, Kurtwood Smith, Ray Wise, Ed Neumeier, Michael Miner, Phil Tippett, Jon Davison and many more. Complete with exclusive behind the scenes materials, ROBODOC is a unique, comprehensive and fully explorative scene-by-scene retrospective.
『ロボコップ』の舞台は2028年。ロボット技術において世界をリードする企業オムニコープは、何十億ドルもの利益をもたらす千載一遇のチャンスを見つける。犯罪都市デトロイトで愛する妻と息子と共に暮らし、犯罪と腐敗を食い止める優秀な熱血警官であるアレックス・マーフィ が瀕死の重傷を負ったとき、オムニコープは半分人間、半分ロボットの警官を開発。全米中の都市にロボコップを配備することを目論むオムニコープは、たとえアレックスがどんな犠牲を支払うことになろうとも、この計画を成功させようとする。ただオムニコープにとって計算外だったのは、ロボットの身体の中で生き残った脳が、消された記憶をよみかえらせていったことだった。
科学的な探検隊が、ボルネオ島の深いジャングルに咲く珍しい黒蘭を探して、強力な製薬会社のグループに加わります。 この花への関心は、永遠の若さ、さらには不滅の秘密を保持する強力な物質を含んでいるという事実によるものです。 しかし、彼らはすぐに蘭がそのサイズと活力を高めるために巨大なヘビによって使用されることを発見します。
Flesh + Steel: The Making of 'RoboCop'
A look behind the scenes at the making of this science fiction classic about a policeman killed in the line of duty, only to be reborn as a half-man, half-machine supercop. Includes interviews with star Peter Weller and director Paul Verhoeven, who give their views on the efforts that went into making the film.
The Book of Stars
A tale of two sisters. Penny (Masterson) cares for her younger sister Mary (Malone), who suffers from cystic fibrosis. "Cares for" is a questionable term, as the hardened, edgy Penny secretly makes her living in the world's oldest profession while popping pills to help numb her from the grim reality of her job and the impending loss of her sister. Mary, a romantic daydreamer who faces her disease with a graceful, knowing spirit, remembers the days when her big sister was a "brilliant" published poet, and she pours her every thought, memory, and dream into a lovingly crafted scrapbook she calls "the book of stars."
Cosmic Voyage
The Academy Award® nominee Cosmic Voyage combines live action with state-of-the-art computer-generated imagery to pinpoint where humans fit in our ever-expanding universe. Highlighting this journey is a "cosmic zoom" based on the powers of 10, extending from the Earth to the largest observable structures in the universe, and then back to the subnuclear realm.
Jobe is resuscitated by Jonathan Walker. He wants Jobe to create a special computer chip that would connect all the computers in the world into one network, which Walker would control and use. But what Walker doesn't realize is a group of teenage hackers are on to him and out to stop his plan.
Deadly Weapon
An expermintal gun powered by an atomic reactor is misplaced when the transport carrying it crashes into a river. The weapon soon falls into the hands of a bullied teen named Zeke, who uses it to get even with his persecutors. An army team led by the overzealous Lt. Dalton is sent to recover the weapon before it's unstable reactor overloads and causes a meltdown.
Deadly Weapon
An expermintal gun powered by an atomic reactor is misplaced when the transport carrying it crashes into a river. The weapon soon falls into the hands of a bullied teen named Zeke, who uses it to get even with his persecutors. An army team led by the overzealous Lt. Dalton is sent to recover the weapon before it's unstable reactor overloads and causes a meltdown.
Deadly Weapon
An expermintal gun powered by an atomic reactor is misplaced when the transport carrying it crashes into a river. The weapon soon falls into the hands of a bullied teen named Zeke, who uses it to get even with his persecutors. An army team led by the overzealous Lt. Dalton is sent to recover the weapon before it's unstable reactor overloads and causes a meltdown.
舞台は近未来のデトロイト。かつて自動車産業で栄華を誇ったこの街は犯罪都市と化し、巨大コングロマリット企業オムニ・コンシューマ・プロダクツ(OCP、通称オムニ社)によって警察(民営化されていて警察官から一般職員に至るまで会社員)を含む街全体が支配されていた。 アレックス・マーフィー巡査は、一連の警官殺しにおける犯人とされ指名手配中のマフィアであるクラレンス一味を追っていた。マーフィーはカーチェイスの末に一味の隠家を発見、潜入するも惨殺される。犯罪撲滅のため「警官のロボット化」を企画していたオムニ社は、死亡診断が下されたマーフィーの死していない生体部分を部品として利用、彼をロボコップとして蘇らせる。 ロボコップは驚異的な性能で優秀な成果をあげ、街の治安は少しずつ取り戻されて行った。しかし、ロボコップ自身は人間だった頃の記憶の断片に悩まされ、ついには自分が何者であったかを知ってしまう。
Director of Photography
A 16 year old girl turns to prostitution to support her baby and encounters a treacherous underworld of pimps, hookers and johns while doing her best to maintain her hopes and dignity.
Sleep Is for Sissies
Director of Photography
A broke Brit tries to pick-up girls, earn some money and navigate Los Angeles.
RoboCop Returns
Set in crime-ridden Detroit. Centers around the cyborg as he is forced to come back to the city and save it from the brink of anarchy.
RoboCop Returns
Executive Producer
Set in crime-ridden Detroit. Centers around the cyborg as he is forced to come back to the city and save it from the brink of anarchy.
RoboCop Returns
Set in crime-ridden Detroit. Centers around the cyborg as he is forced to come back to the city and save it from the brink of anarchy.