Lucia Rijker

Lucia Rijker

出生 : 1967-12-07, Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Netherlands


Lucia Rijker


Female boxer Diana Prazak always want to fight the best in her league, therefore she accepts the invitation by the number one in the world Frida Wallberg to fight her for the WBC world title in Stockholm. Lucia Rijker, former 6x world champion, coaches Diana to prepare her physically and mentally for the toughest fight of her life and her biggest and most paralyzing fear: losing. In Stockholm they are confronted with the picture-perfect Frida and her glamorous and extended entourage. The brutal fight however, takes a dramatic turn. Diana is left to consider if she truly got what she wished for.
Romulan Communications Officer
Billie 'The Blue Bear'
クリント・イーストウッドが監督・主演を務めた衝撃のヒューマン・ドラマ。厳しいボクシングの世界を題材に、そこに生きる名もなき男女の悲愴な人生模様を綴る。アカデミー賞で作品賞をはじめ主演女優、助演男優、監督賞の計4部門を受賞。 ロサンジェルスのダウンタウンにある小さなボクシング・ジムを営む老トレーナー、フランキー。その指導力に疑いのない彼だったが、選手を大切に育てるあまり、成功を急ぐ優秀なボクサーは彼のもとを去ってしまう。そんなある日、31歳になる女性マギーがジムの門を叩き、フランキーに弟子入りを志願する。13歳の時からウェイトレスで生計を立てるなど不遇の人生を送ってきた彼女は、唯一誇れるボクシングの才能に最後の望みを託したのだった。ところが、そんなマギーの必死な思いにも、頑固なフランキーは、“女性ボクサーは取らない”のひと言ですげなく追い返してしまう。それでも諦めずジムに通い、ひとり黙々と練習を続けるマギー。フランキーの唯一の親友スクラップはそんなマギーの素質と根性を見抜き、目をかける。やがてマギーの執念が勝ち、フランキーはついにトレーナーを引き受けるのだが…。
Red Team #9
In this fast action-packed thriller, Jonathan, Marcus, and Aurora compete in a dangerous, fierce sport called Rollerball. Although, Johnathan and Marcus try to quit, cruel and vindictive promoter Alexi Petrovich encourages them to still participate.
Shadow Boxers
Why do women fight? This riveting behind-the-scenes look into the world of the female combatant takes us from manicures to knockouts! It turns our attention to the woman who is widely considered pound for pound the most dangerous fighter of any time, undefeated boxing sensation Lucia Rijker (Rollerball, TV's "Thunderbox"). She reveals the stages of physical, mental and spiritual growth while smashing opponents and preconceptions. "Shadow Boxers" exposes the beauty and brutality of the sport through the eyes of the introspective fighter while showing what's really at stake when women enter the ring.