Fred Mandl


Director of Photography
A man is accidentally locked in a department store overnight and finds himself held at bay by six vicious Doberman guard dogs.
Tom Sawyer
Director of Photography
Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn, two friends in a Mississippi River town, have one adventure after another - including attending their own funeral and being pursued by a murderer.
The Seven Minutes
Director of Photography
The Seven Minutes is a steamy book written in 1969. To help with an upcoming election, a bookstore clerk is indicted for selling obscene material and most of the film centers about the trial. The defense attorneys need to find the mystery of the original publication of the book.
Camera Operator
The Pride and the Passion
Camera Operator
During the Napoleonic Wars, when the French have occupied Spain, some Spanish guerrilla soldiers are going to move a big cannon across Spain in order to help the British defeat the French. A British officer is there to accompany the Spanish and along the way, he falls in love with the leader's girl.
Camera Operator
The Midnight Ghost
Director of Photography
A young orphan girl begins to witness strange phenomena in the house where she lives with her godparents.
Harvest of Hate
Director of Photography
A 1940 film directed by William Rowland.
La verbena de la Paloma
Director of Photography
A young printer's relationship with his girlfriend is in trouble after she accepts another suitor's invitation to the fair. This adaption of a popular operetta aims to please with a simple storyline and goofy slapstick.
Bad Seed
A young man-about-Paris, cut off from his father's money, falls in with a picaresque gang of car thieves.