A construction worker from Jersey is quickly thrust into the world of espionage when his high school ex recruits him on a high-stakes mission.
This revealing documentary honors the legendary Sidney Poitier—iconic actor, filmmaker, and civil rights activist. Featuring interviews with Denzel Washington, Spike Lee, Halle Berry, and more.
Exploring how Black actresses, a historically overlooked and under-valued group in Hollywood, have in recent years begun to ascend to the top echelons of entertainment and American culture. The special examines how Black actresses of Hollywood have become power brokers and the iconic moments and roles have paved the way for them today.
Jocinda Fowler
Filmed at the Rocket Mortgage Fieldhouse in Cleveland, Ohio, the 2021 Rock & Roll Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony honors inductees: Tina Turner, Carole King, The Go-Go's, JAY-Z, Foo Fighters, and Todd Rundgren; along with Kraftwerk, Charley Patton and Gil Scott-Heron; LL Cool J, Billy Preston and Randy Rhoads; Clarence Avant for the Ahmet Ertegun Award. The special music event also features a host of all-star presenters, performers, and special guests, including Angela Bassett, Christina Aguilera, Mickey Guyton, H.E.R., Keith Urban, Taylor Swift, Jennifer Hudson, Drew Barrymore, Paul McCartney, Lionel Richie, and many others.
Jackie Justice
A documentary about the history of Catwoman from DC.
Self / Storm (archive footage)
Filmed in part in front of a live audience at The New Amsterdam Theater in New York City, this Stan Lee tribute takes viewers on an action-packed journey throughout the life of Lee and across the Marvel Universe, sharing never-before-seen interviews and archive footage with Lee himself from deep within the Marvel and ABC News archives.
Millie Dunbar
A foster family in South Central a few weeks before the city erupts in violence following the verdict of the Rodney King trial in 1992.
Karla McCoy
Money Berry
Comedian Kevin Hart performs in front of a crowd of 50,000 people at Philadelphia's outdoor venue, Lincoln Financial Field.
The film's all-star ensemble cast joins director Bryan Singer and screenwriter Simon Kinberg to share their favorite stories from the set.
Ororo Munroe / Storm
Self (archive footage)
The story of the gold-plated statuette that became the film industry's most coveted prize, AND THE OSCAR GOES TO... traces the history of the Academy itself, which began in 1927 when Louis B. Mayer, then head of MGM, led other prominent members of the industry in forming this professional honorary organization. Two years later the Academy began bestowing awards, which were nicknamed "Oscar," and quickly came to represent the pinnacle of cinematic achievement.
Jordan Turner
ロサンゼルス市警察の911(緊急通報用電話番号)のオペレーター・ジョーダンは、不法侵入者に怯える少女レイアからの緊急電話を受けた際、わずかな判断ミスにより彼女を救えず(携帯電話が切れた時のジョーダンからの発信音で少女は男に見つかり、誘拐され殺害されてしまう)、自責の念に苛まれ、オペレーターを辞める決意を固めた。 その半年後、研修生の指導にあたっていたジョーダンは、何者かに拉致されて移動する車のトランクの中から助けを求める少女ケイシーの緊急通報を受ける。彼女はシリアルキラー(病で頭髪が抜けながら死んだ姉と同じ少女の美しい金髪に執着する狂人)に誘拐されて彼が運転する車のトランクに閉じ込められ、その中から緊急通報してきたのだ。経験豊富なジョーダンは、すぐにケイシーが緊迫した状況であることを察知、彼女に指示を与える。 やがてジョーダンは、ジョーダンに捨て台詞を吐いたその誘拐犯マイケル・フォスターの声が、レイアを拉致した殺人鬼と同じである事に気付き、自身の葛藤を抱えながらケイシーの救出に乗り出していく。
Emily (segment "Truth or Dare")
Fifteen directors and an all-star cast created this twisted comedy that follows three teens on the hunt for the world's most banned film.
Native Woman / Jocasta Ayrs / Luisa Rey / Indian Party Guest / Ovid / Meronym
それぞれ時代も場所も違う6つのエピソードが入れ子状に関連しながら大きな物語を構成していくデイヴィッド・ミッチェルの同名小説を、「マトリックス」のウォシャウスキー姉弟と「パフューム ある人殺しの物語」のトム・ティクヴァ監督が、原作同様、エピソードごとにジャンルの違う語りで映画化した一大映像叙事詩。主演のトム・ハンクスはじめ、ハル・ベリー、ジム・ブロードベント、ペ・ドゥナら豪華スターたちが輪廻転生を象徴するように、各時代の登場人物を人種や性別を超えて演じ分ける大胆な配役も話題に。
1849年、南太平洋。青年ユーイングは、妻の父から奴隷売買を託され、船での航海に出るが…。1936年、スコットランド。ユーイングの航海日誌を読む若き作曲家フロビシャー。父に勘当され、天才作曲家のもとで曲づくりに悪戦苦闘する。その曲は、のちに幻の名曲と呼ばれる『クラウド アトラス六重奏』だった…。1973年、サンフランシスコ。巨大企業の汚職を追及する女性ジャーナリスト、ルイサは、会社が放った殺し屋に命を狙われるが…。2012年、イングランド。著書を酷評した評論家を殺害した作家ホギンズ。彼の自伝は大ヒットし、出版元の編集者は大儲けとなるが…。2144年、ネオ・ソウル。そこは遺伝子操作によって複製種が作られ、人間のために消費される社会。複製種の少女ソンミ451は自我に目覚め、反乱を企てるが…。そして遥か未来、文明がすっかり崩壊した地球。ある羊飼いの男のもとを、進化した人間コミュニティからやって来た一人の女が訪ねるが…。6つのエピソードは並行して描かれ、やがて怒濤のクライマックスへと突き進んでいく。
Famed for her extraordinary vocal range and uncanny ability to reach the emotional core of a song, We Will Always Love You pays tribute to that magnificent body of work and takes a closer look at the woman who brought it to life.Blessed with a once-in-a-lifetime talent and nurtured as an artist by legendary mentors Dionne Warwick and Aretha Franklin, Whitney Houston's life had all of the makings of a modern fairytale and, in many ways, it was. The singer scored a remarkable ten #1 hit singles, and even made a successful transition to the silver screen in The Bodyguard, for which she recorded her immortal version of 'I Will Always Love You'. However, behind the beautiful face and the girl next-door charm that endeared her to millions of fans, there lurked a vulnerability that brought a searing intensity to her music and, eventually, tragedy into her life.Now, for the first time on DVD, the complete saga of Whitney Houston's glorious career.
Kate Mathieson
A traumatized shark expert must battle her own fears to lead a thrill-seeking businessman on a dive into a dangerous section of water known as "Shark Alley."
Nurse Aimee
大晦日(ニューイヤーズ・イブ)のニューヨーク。夜にはタイムズスクウェアに人々が集まり、新年へのカウントダウンイベントが行われる。午後11時59分からは、ワン・タイムズスクウェア屋上から23メートルの高さに上げられていたボール (Times Square Ball) が、1分かけて降りてくる「ボール・ドロップ」が行われ、新年になると花火が上がる。
A drama centered on a go-go dancer with multiple personality disorder who struggles to remain her true self and begins working with a psychotherapist to uncover the mystery of the inner ghosts that haunt her.
A drama centered on a go-go dancer with multiple personality disorder who struggles to remain her true self and begins working with a psychotherapist to uncover the mystery of the inner ghosts that haunt her.
This High Definition, PBS miniseries uses letters, diaries, speeches, journalistic accounts, historical text and military records to document and acknowledge the sacrifices and accomplishments of African-American service men and women since the earliest days of the republic.
Audrey Burke
A recent widow invites her husband's troubled best friend to live with her and her two children. As he gradually turns his life around, he helps the family cope and confront their loss.
10th Anniversary of the 100 greatest films as chosen by the American Film Institute.
Rowena Price
A behind the scenes look at the making of the X-Men trilogy made up out of interviews shot during the production of all three films.
Ororo Munroe / Storm
時は20年前。ジーン・グレイは、プロフェッサーXに底知れない能力を見出され、それを操るべく「恵まれし者の学園」に彼女の居場所を与えた。 その10年後、とある大企業の社長の息子が思春期を迎え背中に翼が生え始めた。社長、ワージントンは、息子を普通の人間に戻そうとミュータント治療薬「キュア」を作り上げた。果たしてミュータントであることは病気なのか。ミュータント達の蟠りとマグニートーの作為が人類とミュータントの戦争を起こそうとしていた。
Cappy (voice)
Janie Starks
A drama set in the 1920s, where free-spirited Janie Crawford's search for happiness leads her through several different marriages, challenging the morals of her small town. Based on the novel by Zora Neale Hurston.
History of the character Catwoman
Patience Phillips / Catwoman
パティエンスフィリップス(ハル・ベリー)は、常に人々を喜ばせようとする従順な女性であり、専属のジョージヘダーレ(ランバートウィルソン)と彼の妻であるスーパーモデルローレル(シャロンストーン)が運営する巨大なヘダーレビューティ化粧品研究所のグラフィックデザイナーとして働いています。 恥ずかしがり屋の忍耐は、すぐに発売され、陰謀に関与している会社からの革新的なアンチエイジング製品に関する不吉な秘密を偶然知ります。 ちょうどその時、彼女は猫の強さ、速さ、敏ility性、鋭い感覚で生まれ変わって死から救われました。 キャットウーマンとしての復venの彼女の新しい人生で、彼女はオフィーリア・パワーズ(フランシス・コンロイ)という名前の神秘的な女性に導かれます。
In the seventies brushed glory, in the eighties met the failure and nineties resurfaced to become definitely a star. John Travolta is an actor undeterred.
Miranda Grey
献身的で成功した犯罪心理学者であるミランダ・グレイ博士は、ある日、目を覚まして、彼女が働いているのとまったく同じ精神施設にいる患者を見つけました。 彼女はすぐに、夫が3日前に残酷に殺害されたことを発見し、血液の証拠が彼女に罪を犯しました。
(archive footage)
Dozens of stars--including Arnold Schwarzeneggar, Bob Hope, and more--demonstrate how the yuletide season is celebrated in the perpetually warm and sunny world of Hollywood, California.
Herself (archive footage)
Actor Obba Babatundé hosts this biopic showcasing the life of acclaimed African-American singer and actress Dorothy Dandridge, who overcame racism and personal tragedy to become one of the most acclaimed performers of Hollywood's golden age. The film combines rare historical footage of Dandridge, on and off the stage, and interviews with stars such as Laurence Fishburne, Jasmine Guy and Halle Berry discussing her powerful legacy.
Ororo Munroe / Storm
We find notes from Singer, Stan Lee, Stewart, McKellen, Berry, Mane, Davison, Romijn-Stamos, Paquin, Jackman, Janssen, and Marsden.
The short documentary about X-Men movie is featured on the X-Men 1.5 DVD.
The short documentary about X-Men movie is featured on the X-Men 1.5 DVD.
A documentary about Die Another Day.
Jinx Johnson
ボンドは北朝鮮側の非武装地帯にある基地で、アフリカから不正輸出されたダイヤモンドと引き換えに武器の密輸を行なっていたムーン大佐抹殺の任務を遂行した直後、彼の父であるムーン将軍に捕らわれ、長きに渡る監禁・拷問を受ける。 14ヶ月後、中華人民共和国の諜報員3名を殺害したのち、逮捕されたムーン大佐の側近のザオとの捕虜交換が行われ、ようやくMのもとに戻れたボンドは思いがけない言葉を耳にする。それは00(ダブルオー)ナンバーの剥奪だった。1週間前に北朝鮮内部に潜り込んでいたアメリカの工作員が処刑され、ボンドが居た収容所から情報が発信された事から、北朝鮮での拷問でボンドが機密事項を洩らしたのが原因だと疑うアメリカはこれ以上の情報漏れを恐れザオとの交換でボンドを連れ戻したのだという。ボンドを疑うMは、ボンドの00ナンバー剥奪という決断に至ったのだ。 この結果に納得のいかないボンドは、自らのプライドと00ナンバーを取り戻すべく単身でMたちのもとから脱出。香港を拠点に活動する中国の諜報員ミスター・チャンの協力のもと、ザオがキューバに潜伏中との情報をつかみ、キューバに飛ぶ。そこでアメリカ国家安全保障局(NSA)の諜報員ジンクスと遭遇する。
Through vintage film clips of past Bond movie epics, and with the participation of several former "Bond Girls" as interviewees (among them Dr. No's Ursula Andress and Diamonds Are Forever's Jill St. John), the documentary traced the evolution of the typical James Bond heroine from decorative damsel in distress to gutsy (but still decorative) participant in the action.
A documentary about Die Another Day.
Storm (archive footage)
The historical saga of American superheroes. Born in the period between the Great Depression and the World War II to combat the hobgoblins of the modern world, these mutant human beings with superhuman powers colonized the funny papers, radio dramas, television and films, to become a truly national industry in the United States: they gave expression to the fears and obsessions of the twentieth century and bolstered American ideals.
The Concert for New York City took place on October 20, 2001 at Madison Square Garden. It was a celebration of the strength of New York and a thank-you to the heroic firefighters, police officers and rescue workers who saved tens of thousands of lives on September 11th. More than 6000 firefighters, police officers and rescue workers attended as guests.
A benefit concert and telethon organized by George Clooney and broadcast uninterrupted and commercial-free by the four major television networks just 10 days after the September 11, 2001 attacks on the World Trade Center and The Pentagon to raise money for the victims and their families,
Ginger Knowles
Leticia Musgrove
Ororo Munroe / Storm
Executive Producer
An acclaimed stage performer, Dorothy still struggled with the challenge of her color, in a time that wouldn't let some stars in by the front door. Yet against the odds she beat out many more famous rivals for the role of "Carmen Jones", becoming the first black woman ever nominated for a Best Actress Academy Award. Marriages and affairs would break her heart, but her heart was strong. Seductive and easily seduced, she was born to be a star - with all the glory and all the pain of being loved, abused, cheated, glorified, undermined and undefeated. Here was a woman who wouldn't wait in the wings. Halle Berry stars as Dorothy Dandrige.
Dorothy Dandridge
An acclaimed stage performer, Dorothy still struggled with the challenge of her color, in a time that wouldn't let some stars in by the front door. Yet against the odds she beat out many more famous rivals for the role of "Carmen Jones", becoming the first black woman ever nominated for a Best Actress Academy Award. Marriages and affairs would break her heart, but her heart was strong. Seductive and easily seduced, she was born to be a star - with all the glory and all the pain of being loved, abused, cheated, glorified, undermined and undefeated. Here was a woman who wouldn't wait in the wings. Halle Berry stars as Dorothy Dandrige.
Halle Berry
A film director (Adam Rifkin) decides to chart the course of a young actor (Tony Markes) as he tries to make it in Hollywood...
Zola Taylor
In the mid-80s, three women (each with an attorney) arrive at the office of New York entertainment manager, Morris Levy. One is an L.A. singer, formerly of the Platters; one is a petty thief from Philly; one teaches school in a small Georgia town. Each claims to be the widow of long-dead doo-wop singer-songwriter Frankie Lyman, and each wants years of royalties due to his estate, money Levy has never shared. During an ensuing civil trial, flashbacks tell the story of each one's life with Lyman, a boyish, high-pitched, dynamic performer, lost to heroin. Slowly, the three wives establish their own bond.
Shelby Coles
Shelby Coles (Halle Berry) is engaged to marry talented white jazz musician Meade Howell, but the pair face opposition from both Meade's family, who object to an inter-racial marriage, and Shelby's parents, who want her to marry a professional. As Shelby is afflicted by pre-marital doubts, handsome Lute McNeil arrives on the scene, determined to make Shelby his at any cost.
Two clueless homegirls move to L.A. to become dancers, but instead find themselves scamming a dying millionaire to eventually become B*A*P*S (Black American Princesses).
Josie Potenza
A rich man's wife finds she has a bad prenuptial agreement with an even worse husband. Over drinks with a stranger, she fantasizes about doing her husband in to void the prenup — but much to her surprise, the stranger decides to turn her imagination into reality.
A struggling actress in New York City takes a job as a phone sex operator.
Miss Sandra Beecher
A bunch of high school misfits in Hawaii, introduced by their new teacher, attend a science fair in which they draw up inspiration to build their own solar car and win a trip to compete in the 1990 World Solar Challenge in Australia.
Khaila Richards
Khaila Richards, a crack-addicted single mother, accidentally leaves her baby in a dumpster while high and returns the next day in a panic to find he is missing. In reality, the baby has been adopted by a warm-hearted social worker, Margaret Lewin, and her husband, Charles. Years later, Khaila has gone through rehab and holds a steady job. After learning that her child is still alive, she challenges Margaret for the custody.
Nikhaule / Queen Sheba
In the land of Israel, Solomon (Jimmy Smits) is trying to figure out a way to become the world’s supplier of frankincense. He sends an envoy to the tiny country of Sheba to announce his intentions. The Queen of Sheba, Nikaule (Halle Berry), is outraged by Solomon’s greedy plan.
Sharron Stone
Modern Stone Age family the Flintstones hit the big screen in this live-action version of the classic cartoon. Fred helps Barney adopt a child. Barney sees an opportunity to repay him when Slate Mining tests its employees to find a new executive. But no good deed goes unpunished.
Autumn Haley
Several players from different backgrounds try to cope with the pressures of playing football at a major university. Each deals with the pressure differently, some turn to drinking, others to drugs, and some to studying.
Kathleen Mercer
Deadbeat dad kidnaps his kids from the bus to an abusive foster home and they go on a run. The cops are after them, they bicker constantly and his idea of a way out is grim, yet this dangerous ride might just turn them into a family.
A "rockumentary", covering the rise to fame of MC Gusto, Stab Master Arson, and Dead Mike: members of the rap group "CB4". We soon learn that these three are not what they seem and don't apear to know as much about rap music as they claim... but a lack of musical ability in an artist never hurts sales, does it? You've just got to play the part of a rap star...
Angela Lewis
Marcus is a successful advertising executive who woos and beds women almost at will. After a company merger he finds that his new boss, the ravishing Jacqueline, is treating him in exactly the same way. Completely traumatised by this, his work goes badly downhill.
Waymon has a great job in real estate and a promising future, but he's also trapped in a loveless longterm relationship. He meets Natalie, a beautiful club-hopping hipster, and quickly falls in love. Realizing he's just not cool enough to attract her on his own, he seeks the help of his friend Bobby, a free-spirited smooth talker who works in the mail room at Waymon's firm and utilizes the predicament as leverage to advance in the company.
A successful and married black man contemplates having an affair with a white girl from work. He's quite rightly worried that the racial difference would make an already taboo relationship even worse.
Executive Producer
A mother and her twin sons who have been haunted by an evil spirit for years find their safety and their surroundings compromised when one of the children questions whether the evil is real or imagined.
A mother and her twin sons who have been haunted by an evil spirit for years find their safety and their surroundings compromised when one of the children questions whether the evil is real or imagined.
Executive Producer
One year after her husband mysteriously disappears, Sara Morse discovers a strange, extraterrestrial object underneath their home, Sara and her kids embark on a race to find their husband, father and, most important, the truth.
Sara Morse
One year after her husband mysteriously disappears, Sara Morse discovers a strange, extraterrestrial object underneath their home, Sara and her kids embark on a race to find their husband, father and, most important, the truth.
A detailed look into a key element of action filmmaking, the second unit. We go behind the scenes and allow some of the biggest names in Hollywood to show us why the men and women of second unit are the unsung heroes of the film industry.
A San Francisco heiress is brutally murdered in her remote beach house, and her handsome newspaper publisher husband Jack is accused of committing the gruesome crime. He hires lawyer Teddy Barnes to defend him, and their chemistry spills into an affair.