Yumiko Shaku

Yumiko Shaku

出生 : 1978-06-12, Tokyo, Japan


Yumiko Shaku
Yumiko Shaku


カミノフデ ~怪獣たちのいる島~
His story follows a schoolgirl named Akari Tokimiya and the fantastical adventure which occurs when she visits the memorial service of her grandfather Kenzo, a master special effects man. She has unhappy memories of the old man and his passion projects, the last of which he died during the making of. At the memorial service, she meets classmate Takuya, a tokusatsu superfan, and a strange person named Hozumi, the star of the movie Kenzo was making when he died. Hozumi has with him a prop from the film, the titular “Brush of the God,” which transports Akari and Takuya into the world of the movie where they face fearsome Kaiju, including the legendary Yamata-no-orochi who is attempting to destroy everything. If they are to survive and get back to their homes, Akari and Takuya must find out the secret of the movie.
Iké Boys
Reiko Grafstrom
Two Japan-obsessed teenagers in Oklahoma must discover their inner hero when a magical anime transforms them into its super-powered characters.
An NHK documentary about the talented actresses who have portrayed the beautiful, intelligent and resourceful heroines of the long running series. Features interviews with Kumi Mizuno, Keiko Mari, Yumiko Shaku, and Megumi Odaka. Also featured are never before seen 8mm home movies shot by producer Tomoyuki Tanaka on the sets of classic Toho films.
When a hotel hallway is ravaged by a dreadful airborne virus, pregnant Japanese runaway wife Naomi is tragically thrust into the fight of her life. After getting infected, she is forced to crawl her way through other helpless victims to escape. In the room next door to her is Val, a mother trapped in a toxic marriage, who must also navigate her way out of the hotel corridor through the long and narrow stretch of isolated carnage, desperately looking for her young daughter Kelly. Will these two women avoid the debilitating sickness and get out alive?
KIRI 「職業・殺し屋。」外伝
相棒 -劇場版 Ⅲ- 巨大密室!特命係 絶海の孤島へ
ある朝、警視庁特命係の狭い部屋に出勤前の2人を待つ1人の男の姿があった。元警視庁特命係、現警察庁長官官房付の神戸尊。杉下右京にとっては懐かしい、そして甲斐享にとっては見慣れない顔。きっかけとなったのは、「馬に蹴られて男性死亡」と見出しに記された小さな三面記事だった。東京から300キロ離れた太平洋に浮かぶ鳳凰島という聞き慣れない島で起こった、一見ありふれた事故としか思えない記事。尊が特命係を久々に訪れたのは、その事故を手がかりに特命係をその島に潜入させて、妙な噂が絶えない島の実態を調査させるという、警察庁次長甲斐峯秋からの密命を受けたからだった。「確かめてみたくありませんか?」。尊は2人をそそのかし、鳳凰島への経由地となる八丈島行きの航空券2枚をデスクに置いて特命係の部屋を出ていく。 気乗りしないまま、八丈島から小型艇に乗って鳳凰島へと向かう特命係の2人。そこはある実業家が個人所有している島で、島内では元自衛隊員たちが訓練のために共同生活を送っていた。2人を事故現場へと案内するグループのリーダー神室司と高野志摩子。右京と享は、表面上は穏やかに、しかし、あからさまに「招かれざる客」として島の人々に迎えられていた。 事故で亡くなったのは、島での訓練に一時的に参加していた予備自衛官の会社員だった。当初、事故調査は島へと潜入するための口実に過ぎなかったが、右京は現場の調査で持ち前の嗅覚と洞察力を発揮。それは「事故」ではなく「殺人事件」に違いないとの確信を深め、極秘に鑑識課米沢守に連絡をとって証拠をつかもうとする。一方、警視庁内でも新たな動きを見せ始めていた。享の父親、峯秋の働きかけによって、右京と享を東京に連れ戻すという名目のもと、捜査一課の伊丹憲一、三浦信輔、芹沢慶二が特命係の後を追って島へと送り込まれることになったのだ。 特命係、捜査一課、そして鑑識課米沢。いつもの面々が島で再会し、事件の鍵を握る決定的な証拠を得て島の宿舎に戻ろうとした時、迷彩服に身を包んだ特殊部隊が彼らに襲いかかった。その計算され尽くした襲撃は、島で右京や亨が見た訓練中の元自衛隊員たちとは明らかに異なる手法のものだった。 彼らを襲ったのは一体何者なのか? そして、事件の真相の先にあるこの島に隠された秘密とは一体何なのか?
As an orphan, Naoto Date was scouted by mysterious organization Tiger's Cave. The group trains young men to become villainous wrestlers and collects half of their earnings. Naoto Date goes through a harsh training regime and eventually graduates from Tiger's Cave. He hopes other orphans will not have to go through the difficult life he has. Naoto Date then makes his debut as the villain Tiger Mask. With his earnings, he also begins to donate his earnings to an orphanage where he grew up. When Naoto Date hears of the orphanage's desperate financial situation, he donates all of his earnings, including the portion that is supposed to go to Tiger Cave. Tiger Cave now considers Naoto Date a traitor and they send assassins to get ride of Tiger Mask.
Midori Mimura
石川県の小さな港町を舞台に、天才指揮者と勘違いされた少女とアマチュアオーケストラがともに成長していく姿を描くハートフルストーリー。日本海に面する港町の石川県志賀町福浦は、過疎化や高齢化で寂れていくばかり。町民の楽しみは「福浦漁火オーケストラ」という数十年前から続くアマチュア楽団の存在だったが、老指揮者の吉川が急死したことで、解散の危機に。楽団は、吉川の孫娘の高校生・美咲を呼び寄せて天才少女指揮者に仕立て上げ、町を盛り上げようとするが……。主人公の美咲役に「阪急列車」「麒麟の翼」「SPEC 天」など話題作への出演が続く注目の若手女優・有村架純.
Pilot for a TV series. In the pilot Hiroshi Tachi is a lower ranked samurai investigating the the murder of Tanuma Okitsugu's son Mototomo by Sano Masakoto. Those events are a matter of history but the plot that Hiroshi unveils and is eventually killed for is fictional.
With the recession still occurring in Japan and the area of Osaka thought to be hit hardest by the economic downtown, Osaka's gubernatorial election occurs. The surprise winner of the election is Sekai no Nabeatsu (Atsumu Watanabe). Three months into his gubernatorial term and with little help from national government, Sekai no Nabeatsu declares Osaka an independent country and takes office as its first President. The Osaka Police then receives a message warning of an impending assassination attempt on the President of Osaka. Police Detectives Hayakawa (Daisuke Miyagawa) and Banba (Kendo Kobayashi) then set out to search for the criminal group. Can the bumbling detectives protect the president? Will there be a future for the country?
世にも奇妙な物語 ~2009秋の特別編~
  「検索する女」   「自殺者リサイクル法」   「理想のスキヤキ」   「呪い裁判」   「夢の検閲官」
Eri Hinata
Goro is a sommelier who transforms into the titular Kamen Rider G to fight the former anti-terrorism unit Shade, who captured and brainwashed him into a soldier, before the unit went underground due to the use of kidnapped people as supersoldiers. During a raid at TV Asahi led by Daidō Oda, who demands the release of their imprisoned leader, Seizan Tokugawa, Goro encounters his girlfriend Eri Hinata. She jogs his memory and he attacks his former comrades while getting Eri out of harm's way. This makes Oda reveal his true form as the Phylloxera Worm while his subordinates transform into the Acarina Worm, the Subst Worm, the Brachypelma Worm Viridis, and the Cochlea Worm to attempt to destroy the traitor. After an extended fight across the city and countryside, G manages to defeat Phylloxera Worm thanks to the encouragement of Decade and the other primary Heisei Riders appearing before him. Running off, Goro vows to save the world from Shade before returning to Eri.
銀幕版 スシ王子! ~ニューヨークへ行く~
Ineko Houjou
世にも奇妙な物語 ~2006秋の特別編~
***Kyouko-san (Miss Kyouko) A young therapist at a hospital investigates when a spirit appears and kills people who say "Kyouko-san, Kyouko-san, please make me pretty" to the bathroom mirror. ***Buchou OL (Manager-OL) [office lady] An OL and her boss switch bodies. ***Kinou Kouen (Yesterday at the park) Domoto Koichi plays a man who loses his friend due to a freak accident. He then finds that through a time slip, he can return to the previous day and save his friend. ***Neko ga Ongaeshi (Cat Repays a Favor) Kashiwagi Emi (Uchiyama Rina) is unable to get over her grandmother's death. Her cat Kuro decides he will cure her loneliness. ***Kazoku Kaigi (Family Meeting) A family of three meet with a car accident, but strangely wake up in their home the next morning. They are then told that they have to sacrifice one of them so two may live.
Ryoko Kyogoku
Zhen Youmei
Akane Yashiro
スカイハイ 劇場版
Mina Saeki / Izuko
Akane Yashiro
劇場版ポケットモンスター 水の都の護神 ラティアスとラティオス
Lion (voice)
500年に及ぶ鎖国政策が続けられているその国 建御雷家の末裔である若く美しい娘・雪は、あらゆる感情を抑圧し、冷徹に人を殺す刺客として育てられてきた。ある日、空暇と名乗る老人から雪の母・亞空を殺した人物が建御雷家の首領・白雷だと知らされ、反旗を翻す。ところが、返り討ちに合い重傷を負った彼女は、反政府組織の活動家である隆に助けられ、彼との生活の中で、次第に人間らしい感情を取り戻していく。しかし、執拗な追手はすぐそこまで迫っていた。白雷と壮絶な戦いの中、翻弄される雪の運命は――。