Sevinç Erbulak

Sevinç Erbulak

出生 : 1975-10-20, Istanbul, Turkey


Tiyatrocu bir anne (Füsun Erbulak) ve babanın (Altan Erbulak) kızıdır. İstanbul Şehir Tiyatroları oyuncusudur. Televizyon dizileri ve sinema filmlerinde de oynamaktadır. Epsilon Yayınları'ndan 2002 yılında "Gözünü kırpma, düşerim" adlı kitabı (ISBN 975-331-403-5) çıkmıştır. Avukat Dalin Midyat ile evliliğinden 2006 yılında Zeynep Kavin adını verdiği kızı dünyaya gelmiştir. Afife Tiyatro Ödülleri'nde jüri üyeliği yapmıştır.


Sevinç Erbulak


Uzun Zaman Önce
Ahmet is married to Sevgi who runs a hair salon in town and their marriage has not been on track for some time. Ahmet suspects his wife has been cheating on him. Ahmet’s in secure and anxious state reaches its peak when he notices a foreigner in town. One midnight, at an old gas station out of town… Mehmet’s phone rings. Ahmet is at the end of the line, panicked and in fear. Mehmet realizes that he has no choice to help his brother. In this long and dark night, the two siblings unexpectedly find themselves in the middle of a homicide they have committed.
Mix Tape
Ulas, the son of a music-lover father tries to declare his love to Irem with a mix tape he's put together. However, they fall apart and it takes him 10 years to complete this declaration. 10 years later, Ulas who has become a music critic meets Irem by coincidence and yet it will take them another decade to get together.
Sleeping Princess
Çağan Irmak's delightful new film is a fairy tale for the waking hour. Aziz works as a clerk in a library and lives in his own quiet and peaceful little world. Then one day he discovers that he has new neighbours: Seçil, the owner of the new opened local beauty shop and her 10 year-old daughter Gizem. Life for Aziz becomes much brighter and livelier but then something unexpected happens and darkness descends once again. A whole new set of events is set in motion as a bunch of memorable characters join together to try to change the course of fate. From the Diary of Aziz: There are those who say that fate cannot be changed, for if it could, it would not be fate. So be it. How hopeless we would feel if we had to live in a world where nothing could change. Don't you think so? It might just be that there will come a day when you will realize that something bad that happened to you happened for a reason and caused something better to come about. You never know.
Times and Winds
Yakups Mutter
In a small, poor village leaning over high rocky mountains, the villagers are simple and diligent people who struggle to cope with a harsh nature. They earn their living off the earth and a few animals they feed. Fathers always prefer one of their sons. Mothers command their daughters ruthlessly. Ömer, the son of the imam, wishes hopelessly for the death of his father. When he understands that wishful thinking does not have any concrete results, he begins to search for childish ways to kill his father. Yakup is in love with his teacher, and one day after seeing his father spying on the teacher he dreams too, like Ömer, of killing his father. Yıldız studies and tries to manage the household chores imposed by her mother. She learns with irritation about the secrets of the relationship between men and women.
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