Robert Rehme

出生 : 1935-05-03,


Gods and Generals
Executive Producer
The film centers mostly around the personal and professional life of Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson, a brilliant if eccentric Confederate general, from the outbreak of the American Civil War until its halfway point.
Love and Treason
Executive Producer
Kate is a Naval officer whose married to a Marine. When she learns her husband is committing treason she turns him in. He's sent to prison and she divorces him and would have to deal with the stigma of being married to a traitor. A few years later, her husband escapes from prison and the consensus is that he's going after her. And he approaches her but doesn't do anything to her. She thinks he's up to something and tries to find out what it is.
Executive Producer
When Maggie's sister Jenna saddles her with an autistic newborn named Cody she touches Maggie's heart and becomes the daughter she has always longed for. But six years later Jenna suddenly re-enters her life and, with her mysterious new husband, Eric Stark, abducts Cody. Despite the fact that Maggie has no legal rights to Cody, FBI agent John Travis takes up her cause when he realizes that Cody shares the same birth date as several other recently murdered children.
Executive Producer
An ex-con takes a job driving a truck cross country. What he doesn't know is that the truck is filled with illegal weapons and now he must fight to survive and save his family.
Executive Producer
時は2058年、高度に発展した文明によって地球環境は破壊されてしまった。ジョン・ロビンソン教授(ウィリアム・ハート)とその家族は、人類生存のための新天地の惑星「アルファ・プライム」を調査する使命を帯び、宇宙へと飛び立った。 しかし、その宇宙船に同乗していたスパイ(ゲイリー・オールドマン)の工作によってナビゲーションシステムを破壊され、一家は宇宙空間で迷子になってしまう。
Escape: Human Cargo
Executive Producer
An American entrepreneur is closing a deal in Saudi Arabia in 1977. After a fallout with his influential Saudi partners, they have him arrested. Due to the US policy of noninterference in SA, the embassy won't help him. He must escape.
The Battle of Brazil: A Video History
The struggle of releasing "Brazil" in the United States of America is examined in this Criterion documentary.
Woman Undone
Executive Producer
When Terri Hansen (Mary McDonnell) emerges from a fiery car crash as a widow, the local sheriff at first believes her account of the accident. But there's a snag in her story. Namely, a bullet in her dead husband. Just what did happen on that dark desert road? Through a series of telling flashbacks, we and the jury learn the bizarre truth. Randy Quaid and Sam Elliott costar in this riveting drama.
Executive Producer
After explosions destroy all the bridges connecting Manhattan to the rest of New York, the authorities attribute the disaster to a terrorist organization. New York cop Jake Gorki, flying over the Federal Reserve Bank in his helicopter, suspects something else: a robbery.
大統領の友人がクルーザーの中で一家皆殺しにされる。CIA情報担当副長官ジャック・ライアンは、被害者が麻薬組織の金の洗濯係だったことを突き止めた。大統領は密かに組織への攻撃を補佐官に命令する。 CIA作戦担当副長官は密かに特殊部隊をコロンビアに送り込む。麻薬王の情報係コルテズはボスの地位を乗っ取るため補佐官に取引を持ちかけ、攻撃の中止を約束させる。 それを知ったライアンは見殺しにされようとしている隊員たちを救うために現地に向かうが、全ては彼のせいだと聞かされているCIA工作員クラークが殺害命令を受けて待ち構えていた。
CIA分析官を辞職し、アメリカ海軍兵学校の教官となったジャック・ライアンは仕事を兼ねて妻と娘の三人でロンドンに来ていた。 ライアンが講演の仕事を終えて家族との待ち合わせ場所であるバッキンガム宮殿の広場に着いた時、イギリス王室のホームズ卿がIRAの過激派グループに襲撃される。持ち前の正義感から襲撃犯と撃ち合いになりホームズ卿を助け、ショーンの逮捕に協力、彼の弟を射殺する。 だが、今度は護送中に脱走し弟の復讐に燃えるショーンのターゲットになってしまい、なおもホームズ卿の命を狙うケビンのIRAグループの事件にも巻き込まれていく。
Necessary Roughness
When the Texas Southern Armadillos football team is disqualified for cheating and poor grades, the University is forced to pick from a team that actually goes to school. Will they even win a single game?
Vice Squad
Executive Producer
An unlikely Hollywood hooker helps a detective set a trap for a mutilator pimp.
An Eye for an Eye
Executive Producer
Sean Kane is forced to resign from the San Francisco Police Department's Narcotics Division when he goes berserk after his partner is murdered. He decides to fight alone and follows a trail of drug traffickers into unexpected high places.