Peter Cheung

出生 : 1945-04-02,


Mr. Nice Guy
A Chinese chef accidentally gets involved with a news reporter who filmed a drug bust that went awry and is now being chased by gangs who are trying to get the video tape.
Super Lady Cop
The result of a top secret project spearheaded by the Chinese government to create the ultimate soldier, Agent Nieh Ling (Khan) possesses superhuman strength and agility. She's also the only test subject that doesn't go insane as a result of the experiments she's subjected to, so when three of her fellow operatives embark on a rampage of violence in Hong Kong, Ling is dispatched to take them out. After a freak accident erases her memory, the super soldier is taken in by a wisecracking cop and his girlfriend, who nickname their high-kicking new pal "Chun Li." The suddenly-carefree Ling begins to enjoy the lighter side of life, but when her deadly targets surface, Ling and her new friends find themselves in the fight of their lives.
Supercop 2
As a crime wave sweeps through Hong Kong, the police call Jessica Yang (Yeoh), a rising star in the ranks, to help stop a notorious gang of thieves! What Jessica doesn't realize is that her boyfriend - recently discharged from the force - is the leader of this ruthless crime ring!
Thou Shalt Not Swear
Two undercover cops are forced to be a team to find a serial killer. Chow is straight-laced and Lau has ESP. The victims were all childhood friends. The killer is a ghost!
香港警察の中で「重案組」と呼ばれる特捜班を率いるチェンが不動産王ウォンの護衛任務を任される。だが、目の前で謎の犯罪集団にウォンをやすやすと誘拐されるという失態を犯したチェン。やがて、犯人の手がかりが台湾にあることが判明し、彼はホン警部とともに現地へと飛ぶ。そして二人は台湾当局の許可を得ずに重要容疑者を追跡、追いつめた容疑者をホンが死なせてしまったことから、強制送還されることになってしまう。一方、この事件がきっかけでチェンはホンが犯罪集団の内通者ではないかという疑いを抱くが…。 実話を基にしたシリアスなポリス・アクション。ジャッキー・チェンが、強いだけのヒーローではない人間的な刑事をリアルに熱演して新境地を見せた。
On Parole
Women in Hong Kong who have been in prison open a restaurant, but a triad boss tries to shut it down.
The Spirit of Love
Judging by her lavish home, a model is making a fortune doing TV commercials. When her boyfriend/boss comes over and tries to get romantic, the model begins seeing weird and scary visions. Visions of blood flooding her floor, and a three year old boy ghost. It seems that, three years earlier, she was pregnant and caught her husband athletically knocking off a blonde. Husband kicked her down the stairs, which causes her to abort. The ghost is evidently the aborted baby grown up. Back to the present day, hubby has teamed up with a new girl, and is trying to get back into the house and kidnap the boy ghost.
The Legend of Fong Sai Yuk
The secret Red Lotus Flower Society is committed to the overthrow of the evil Manchu Emperor and his minions. One of his Governors is sent on a mission to retrieve a list of members of that secret society. Meanwhile, Canton kung fu practitioner Fong Sai-Yuk falls in love with the beautiful daughter of a rich merchant.
The Cat
A cat from outer space teams up with a young girl and an old man to fight a murderous alien that possesses people.
恋人メイと穏やかな生活を送る香港警察のエース、チェン刑事の元に、国際警察から極秘プロジェクトの参加依頼が入る。それは東南アジアを拠点に暗躍する世界的な犯罪組織”チャイバの帝国”を壊滅すること。中国の国家保安局部長で、特殊任務のエキスパートである美女ヤンとコンビを組んだチェンは、組織のボスであるチャイバに取り入り、黄金の三角地帯で行われる大型取引への潜入捜査を開始する。 ジャッキー・チェンの人気シリーズ第3弾。美しきアクション女優ミシェール・ヨーが男顔負けの危険なスタントを披露。手に汗握る超絶バトルから目が離せない!
Uncle Tak is famous for using Chinese herbal medicines to cure diseases. A martial arts expert, he also teaches the young how to defend themselves. One of his students, Johnny, dreams of monopolizing the teaching of kung fu throughout the United States. To accomplish this, he tries to kill Uncle Tak. Chuck, Uncle Tak's best student from Hong Kong, comes to Los Angeles to find his master. Chuck is willing to let Johnny have his way, and tries to take Uncle Tak back to Hong Kong. But Johnny and his men will not leave Chuck alone. Chuck, on his way back to Hong Kong, returns for the showdown.
Sting of the Scorpion
A group of police friends are investigating a suspicious fellow officer who might be involved in drugs and prostitution.
Center Stage
Based on the tragic true story of China's first prima donna of the silver screen, Ruan Lingyu, chronicling her rise to fame as a movie actress in Shanghai during the 1930s.
Angry Ranger
A man returning to his old neighbourhood after a prison term finds that the friends he used to hang out with are now a violent street gang that is terrorizing the community.
A mad scientist transfers his mind to a wicked robot, which then embarks on a program of kidnaping, rape and murder, during which a female detective is killed. To fight the robot, the police woman's corpse is then made into a robotrix.
Retreat of the Godfather
Kwong is a mafia king. When a rival gang steals a rare chinese artifact from him, he blaims his two "bag-men" and threatens to "cut their life" if they don't recover the treasure.
Erotic Ghost Story II
Wutung a sex demon returns in another body where he falls for the mortal girl Hsiao-yen, but heaven thinks otherwise with the girl being burned at the stake and her soul being incarnated in the just born Fang Yu-yin. Anger fills Wutung, and to stop this vengeance the town near his lair promise to offer him a virgin girl at the end of every month to become his sex slave. Ya-Yin is selected; however her lover rescues her from the clutches of Wutung. So Wutung sends his demon concubine to get her back, and to cause havoc on the village for the interference.
Bury Me High
In a mountainous region in an Asian backwater banana republic, it is said that the descendents of all those buried in its earth will be blessed with fantastic fortune and good health. However, if a special ceremony is not performed on the grounds, then the luck will only last for 24 years. A trio of Chinese Americans decide to venture into these mountains hoping to change their luck; Anna Wong (Moon Lee) is an executive facing a corporate meltdown, Wisely (Chin Ka-Lok) is dying of brain cancer, and UCLA Prof. Chang (Tsui Siu-Ming) is an expert in feng shui. Tin can potentate General Nguen (Yuen Wah) also has designs on the grounds -- hoping to turn his third world, fourth rate country into a superpower. Along the way, the three heroes fall in with a group of local rebels, including the high-kicking Nguen Van Vong (Sibelle Hu).
Doctor Vampire
Chinese doctor has his car break down in England. he wanders into a castle where vampires congregate. After having sex with a Chinese vampire he leaves, however his blood is so sweet the Chinese vampire is sent to Hong Kong bring him back. While in Hong Kong he begins to show signs of vampirism and his friends have to try to save him.
Pantyhose Hero
Two policemen must pretend to be a gay couple in order to investigate the murders of homosexuals in Hong Kong.
She Shoots Straight
Hong Kong police officer Mina Kao marries Huang Tsung-Pao, who is a member of a law enforcement dynasty. His father and his many sisters are also officers, and the eldest sister Chia-Ling is one of the highest ranking women in the police department. When a Vietnamese gang begins a rampage through the city, the women must overcome their suspicion of one another to bring the criminals to justice.
霊幻道士5 ベビーキョンシー対空飛ぶドラキュラ!
一眉道士の弟子ホウとフォンは、道士の言いつけで骨ツボに月光が当たらないように遮ろうとするが間に合わず、月光を浴びた骨ツボの魔物やベビーキョンシーが魔性の力を表し凶暴化してしまうが、道士が駆けつけ事なきを得た。そこに村民が慌てて駆け込んできて、樹の精の虜にされた弟を助けてほしいと言う。道士の作戦でホウが樹の精を誘い出し、フォンの鏡で正体を見破って退治することに成功する。 ある日、村長の依頼で村の風水を占うと、空気ではなく水に問題があることが分かった。一行が荒れ果てた教会に着くと、マザーとシスター達が教会を再建しており、道士が内部を案内してもらうと祈祷室で悪魔と戦ったケイ神父が白骨化していた。 教会を出て道士達は新しい水源を探すために道具を設置するが、昼食中に怪しげなコウモリ達が目印の杭を動かしてしまう。その場所を掘ってみると、胸にルビーの短剣がつき刺さったミイラ化した遺体が発掘された。道士は遺体が蘇る危険があるため燃やすようにと指示するが、ルビー欲しさに警備隊長は遺体を木像とすり替えてしまう。ルビーを取るために怪我をした隊長の血が遺体に滴り落ちると、みるみる内に生気が蘇り隊長の婚約者を襲った。遺体はもう一人の神父が悪魔に敗れ、ドラキュラ(西洋の吸血鬼)と化した姿だった。 一方、ホウとフォンは娼婦の幽霊に取り憑かれて帰ってきたが、道士の術で女の亡骸を発見する。そこで偶然ドラキュラと遭遇し道術で封じようとするが、西洋の吸血鬼であるため道教のお札は効果がなく、強力な封印術も破られ一時退却する。 道士はこのことを隊長に報告に行き、吸血鬼と化した婚約者から噛まれそうになっていた隊長を間一髪で救うが、色魔と誤解され囚われてしまう。捕まった道士が隊長の婚約者からあやうく噛まれそうになった時、ベビーキョンシーが牢屋を爆破して救出する。 教会ではマザーとシスター達がコウモリの大群に襲われ隠れていた。ホウとフォンは教会に向かいマザー達を救出するが、目覚めたドラキュラに阻まれる。そこへ道士が到着し、ドラキュラと壮絶な一騎打ちを繰り広げる。
The Blonde Fury
Cindy, an American FBI agent, travels to Hong Kong to investigate a newspaper editor, Ronny Dak, who is suspected of printing counterfeit money using the newspaper’s presses. The American teams up with a rival reporter and her friend Yu, an undercover law enforcer. Cindy’s investigation takes a sharp turn, however, when Yu’s father, the prosecuting lawyer in the counterfeiting case, is kidnapped.
Her Vengeance
Kit-Ying is an unassuming nightclub employee in Macao who inadvertently angers a gang of drunken patrons. They follow her home after her shift and mount a viscous gang assault. After her traumatic ordeal, she vows to hunt them down one by one.
Three Against the World
Three Against The World is a 1988 Hong Kong action film directed by Brandy Yuen and starring Andy Lau and Rosamund Kwan.
ポリス・ストーリー2 九龍の眼/クーロンズ・アイ
正義感からの行き過ぎ捜査で、交通整理係に降格になったチェン刑事。今日もかつて自分が逮捕した悪人チュウの汚い挑発に熱くなり、大乱闘を起こしてしまった。署長から休暇を言い渡されたチェン刑事は、売り言葉に買い言葉で辞表を提出。恋人メイとバリ旅行を計画するが、たまたま立ち寄ったショッピング・センターで爆破事件に遭遇。休暇を返上し、不動産企業を脅迫する爆弾魔一味を追い詰める。 「香港国際警察 NEW POLICE STORY」で再始動したジャッキー・チェンの代表作となる人気シリーズ第2弾。恋人役マギー・チャンとの愉快な掛け合い、ダイナミックな爆破シーンなど、前作からパワーアップした見どころ満載な作品。
Eastern Condors
A motley group of Chinese prisoners held in the US is sent on a covert mission with the promise of a pardon: to go deep into Vietnam and destroy a secret depot of missiles that the US left behind during the pull-out.
Sworn Brothers
Superstar Andy Lau and Cheung Kwok Keung are heroic bloodshed brothers in the riveting triad saga Sworn Brothers! Lau (Andy Lau) is a fast-rising enforcer with the triads, but beneath his "bad" exterior is the sworn brother of Cheung (Cheung Kwok Keung), a Royal Hong Kong Police officer just returned from Scotland Yard. The two men are on opposite sides of the law, but both share a bond that cannot be tarnished, either by years or differing ideologies. Can the brotherhood of these two righteous men set things right in the underworld? Co-starring Tung Piu (Jackie Chan's Police Story films) in a compelling role as a corrupt cop, and loaded with many exciting actions sequences, Sworn Brothers is a standout triad action-drama in a genre already loaded with many similar films. With potent melodrama, and the type of heightened emotions that typify many popular eighties Hong Kong films, Sworn Brothers hits the action-drama bulls-eye in entertaining and bloody style!
My Cousin, the Ghost
Cousin Big (Richard Ng) returns home from the UK in order to find a wife and settle down. He has previously driven out his illegal immigrant friend Ma (Wu Ma) from the UK and the scores aren't settled. That is all cast aside when not only one, not two but three ghosts are to be dealt with and one is Cousin Big who has fallen in love with one of the ghosts (Wong Man-Si)...
The ghost of a courtesan who died in 1934 returns to Hong Kong fifty-three years later, seeking to reunite with the man she loved.
Righting Wrongs
Jason Chan, a Hong Kong lawyer, is angry at the way the law protects criminals and decides to take the law into his own hands, dishing out vigilante justice when a key witness and his entire family are murdered. But hotshot cop Cindy Si is soon on Chan's case, and the situation unravels into a fight that only a few will survive.
Naughty Boys
Frequent Jackie Chan cohort Mars stars as Sing, an ex-con who's supposed to dig up the buried loot of his three still-jailed buddies...but when he gets to it, he finds that the treasure chest is full of rocks! The other three are convinced that Sing stole the goods for himself, so Sing decides to hide out with his kick-butt cousin Kuen, played with athletic aplomb by kung-fu princess Kara Hui! But some insurance investigators (Carina Lau and Billy Lau) are also after the loot, and there's even a mousy travel agent (future director Clarence Fok) thrown in for good measure. It all adds up to numerous shenanigans and action-comedy hijinks, culminating in a knockdown action finale set in a warehouse! Wooden crates, two-by-fours, and more props than you can name are used and abused in the name of creative eighties HK-style action, which Jackie Chan and company are only too glad to dispense to the audience!
Happy Din Don
Michael is a guitarist in a night club, but his indulgence in gambling costs him his job. He is kicked out of the band. Wandering in an alley, he accidentally overhears a gang of drug dealers plotting. He is caught as he tries to get away. Michael seeks the help of his roommate, Roger who is the manager of a girls band preparing to go on a performing tour to Thailand. Roger takes Michael as a band member so that he can get away. While in Thailand, Michael falls in love with the leading female singer of the band. He tries all sorts of ways to gain her attention and love, while keeping one jump ahead of pursuing gangsters...
Where's Officer Tuba?
Tuba is a fainthearted cop who prefers to play in the brass section of the police band to pounding the streets. One day, he finds himself caught up in an extortion case with trigger-happy detective Rambo Chow. When Rambo gets fatally wounded, he makes a half-hearted vow to avenge his death. Tuba is more than a little surprised when Rambo's spirit returns to make sure the timid cop makes good on his promise. Backed up by his hotshot partner Cheung, Tuba eventually summons the gumption to track down the baddies.
Witch from Nepal
A Hong Kong man goes on vacation to Nepal where a local tribe imbues him with magical powers which he must use to fight a growing evil.
The Millionaires' Express
What happens when a glamorous express, with high government officials, wealthy merchants, concubines and a gang of brigands on board, speeds towards the small town of Hanshui, where escaping bank robbers, corrupt officials, and gamblers await? Well, let's just say the Titanic had a smoother maiden voyage.
Yes, Madam!
Asprin and Strepsil, two petty thieves who inadvertently become involved in a murder case when they steal items belonging to a murdered man. The man had hidden an important microfilm in his passport, which the thieves pass onto a forger friend Panadol. Inspector Ng is assigned to the case, along with Inspector Morris from Scotland Yard! The investigation leads the cops to the bumbling crooks and soon they are on Triad leader Tin's tail, he will stop at nothing to get the incriminating film back and with his hitman and bodyguard at his side, he proves too much for the inspectors to catch using legal means, in frustration they give up their badges and go after Tin alone.
Mr. Boo Meets Pom Pom
Hong Kong detectives Chau and Beethoven join forces with Mr. Boo in a daring mission involving a jewelry heist and a museum caper.
The Protector
Billy Wong is a New York City cop whose partner is gunned down during a robbery. Billy and his new partner, Danny Garoni, are working security at a fashion show when a wealthy man's daughter, Laura Shapiro, is kidnapped. The Federal authorities suspect that Laura's father is involved with Mr. Ko, a Hong Kong drug kingpin, so the NYC police commissioner sends the two cops to Hong Kong to investigate.
Night Caller
A family guy cop (Melvin Wong) goes deep into a case and gets involved with a deranged killer. His partner and friend (Philip Chan) along with a new protégé Porky (Pat Ha) take over the case and look for his missing partner (who's "enjoying" the twisted company of the killer. Can Inspector Chan and Porky find Melvin before he becomes the latest victim of the psychotic killer?
香港発活劇エクスプレス 大福星
Zu: Time Warrior
This is the US Release Version of Zu: Warriors From The Magic Mountain. Features additional footage extending the backstories of the main protagonists, and a simpler story line with the deletion of other footage.
The Owl vs Bombo
Sammo and George Lam are partners in crime and they scam some triad big shot out of a load of money and decide to retire. Three years later they both receive letters from Stanley Fung, in which he informs them that he has proof of all their criminal activity and unless they do exactly what he says–he will turn it over to the cops. Fung is an ex-cop himself and is trying to get the goods on the same triad leader that Sammo and George scammed.
Heroes Shed No Tears
The Thai government hires a group of Chinese mercenaries to capture a powerful drug lord from the Golden Triangle. The mercenaries manage to capture the drug lord, but soon find themselves pursued by his forces, and the forces of a bitter Thai officer. The Chinese mercenaries are vastly outnumbered, and as their numbers begin to dwindle, their desperation pulls them into a corner as their enemies close in on them.
スペイン・バルセロナ。カンフーの達人トーマスとデビッドは、ある日、怪しい男たちに追われる謎の美女シルビアを助ける。友人のヘボ探偵・モビーの手を借り、実はシルビアが伯爵の娘で、彼女の遺産を狙う伯爵の弟が一味の黒幕だと知ったトーマスたち。だが度重なる激しい襲撃に、ついにシルビアがさらわれてしまう。3人は彼女を助けるため、最強の戦闘集団と壮絶な肉弾戦を繰り広げる! ジャッキー、サモ・カン、ユン・ピョウの黄金トリオが再集結し、バルセロナを中心に全編オールロケを敢行。終盤には3人それぞれの決闘シーンがあり、中でもジャッキーとマーシャルアーツ世界王者ベニー・ユキーデが拳を交える、スピーディな攻防は圧巻だ。
Long Arm of the Law
A group of desperate Chinese criminals hope to make a quick, effortless score in Hong Kong. Things go afoul, and the gang must hide out until the heat dies down, besmirched with the blood of an undercover cop.
The Return of Pom Pom
Hong Kong detectives Chau and Beethoven return in this sequel to "Pom Pom." This time out, they join forces with their boss, Inspector Chan, to find the notorious Flying Spider, who is suspected of stealing government money Chan was responsible for. Meanwhile, Beethoven falls in love with Flying Spider's daughter, Mimi.
Profile in Anger
Leung Cheng-Yee is a successful architect who is mistakenly involved in a complex and vicious murder plot. After his wife is murdered and his life turned completely upside down, Leung decides to seek a bloody vengeance himself.
Mr. Wong (Michael Hui) is the chief chef in a Teppanyaki restaurant. His overbearing wife and sadistic father-in-law make his home life a misery, so he spends all day dreaming about his dream girl, Sissy (Sally Yeh). When she comes into the restaurant, Wong seizes the opportunity and arranges to take her on a tour of the Paradise Island. Unfortunately, his wife and her friend go with him.
Bruce Lee: The Legend
The Official Golden Harvest tribute to the Master of the Martial Arts Film, Bruce Lee.
The Body Is Willing
A wealthy playboy sets out to sleep with Japan's foremost recording artist, Mari Yamasaki, despite her wishes to the contrary. Will he succeed in adding her to his list of famous conquests?
アヒル飼いのトンは、 金持ちのお坊ちゃんに八百長を頼まれた試合で優勝してしまい、 村にいられなくなってしまう。街へ向かう途中、 スリにあったトンが投げつけたスイカがサッカー王キンの車に命中し大目玉を食らう。懲りないトンは、 プロサッカーチームの入団試験を受けに行くが、 なんと試験管は、 あのキンだったのだ…。
蜀山奇傅 天空の剣
In the fifth century, constant civil war scars western China. To escape death, Ti, a young scout, jumps through a crevice in the Zu mountains where he gets entangled in a great battle against the Blood Demon, a supernatural entity seeking to wreak havoc upon the world.
Duel to the Death
In 16th century, during the Ming dynasty era, every ten years the greatest swordsman from Japan faces the greatest swordsman from China in a duel to the death for their nation's honor. As a duel approaches, Chinese champion Ching Wan (Damian Lau) and Japanese champion Hashimoto (Norman Chui) uncover a plot to rig the fight.
Carry on Pickpocket
Hung Tai-Kong aka Rice Pot and Chan Yin-Tung aka Chimney are two friends who work with their master Kam Ming and his daughter Ann as a team of pickpockets.
The Prodigal Son
A rich man's son believes himself to be the best kung fu fighter in Canton. Unfortunately, his father, anxious for his son's safety, bribes all his opponents to lose. After a humiliating defeat at the hands of an actor in a traveling theatre company, the son resolves to find a better teacher.
Mousy, the laundry guy, is attacked several times by an angry theatre troupe member. Although he survives, his friend doesn't. So, he overcomes his cowardice and decides to avenge his friend's death.
ブルース・リー 死亡の塔
Encounter of the Spooky Kind
Sammo is Courageous Cheung, a pedicab driver in a rural community who is known around town as the man who fears nothing. Well, this is proved false before the opening credits finish when he endures a particularly frightening nightmare of flesh-eating zombies. But, that's just the beginning of his run-ins with the supernatural.
The Sword
Li Mak-Jan is a swordsman who has wandered for a number of years searching for the reclusive master swordsman Hua. After encountering two fellow swordsmen, Li comes across his old love, who tells him that not only has their town fallen on hard times (the temple is in ruins) but, worst of all, in the time he has been away she has moved on and married another man. Turns out, her husband is quite evil, of course, and just a little bit insanely jealous as well as very interested in swords, particularly those belonging to masters. The husband sends his henchman to kill Li, but Li escapes.
The Happenings
A group of teenagers stop at a service station after a leaving a disco. In a fight resulting from their inability to pay, the staff on duty are killed by the group, which leads to a desperate night of cat and mouse with the police.
The Victim
Chung Yao, a martial arts expert, has long been on the run from his stepbrother, who he caught trying to rape his wife on their wedding night. His brother has never given up the chase however, and Chung Yao live in constant fear that the vengeful stepbrother will murder him and his wife.
The Magnificent Butcher
A plump butcher student of Wong Fei Hung, Lam Sai-Wing gets into trouble with a rival kung-fu school known as Five Dragons. He is accused of raping the Head of that school's goddaughter and killing his son. Now Ko, the Head of Five Dragons, wants revenge.
After being cheated out of some money, two small time crooks convince a martial arts expert to take them on as students.
Itchy Fingers
Biggie (Roy Chiao) and Tiny (Richard Ng) grow up together. They fight all the time. Biggie is a detective and Tiny is a thief. Biggie has the satisfaction of catching Tiny and putting him behind bars. When Tiny is released, he is approached by Daigau who wants Tiny's help to steal the world famous diamond.
Warriors Two
In an attempt to save his village from being taken over by brutes, Wah is beaten to a pulp and his mother brutally murdered. Determined to take revenge, Wah learns the art of Wing Chun and enters into a showdown with the nasty villains.
Rainbow In My Heart
Chung is in charge of an advertising company in Hong Kong. He's about to marry a model Woo. But Chung finds that Woo is cheating on him on her birthday. He's hurt so he goes to Korea for his new commercial. Chung starts to appreciate a Chinese singer Chelsia Chen by watching TV. He invites her to join his commercial shooting and they fall in love with each other. The commercial's successful in Hong Kong and Chelsia becomes a star now. Chung's uncle urges Chung to invite Chelsia to come to Hong Kong and he does so. Woo suddenly comes up and requires to cooperate with Chung again but gets refused. Woo's mad then turns to cooperate with another directo Choi. However, she's not happy with Choi and still wants to go back to Chung.
Follow the Star
On that side of the track is Ah Sing (Roy Chiao), uncouth, unkempt, a garage repairman, a bravado with plenty of tricks up his overall sleeve. And on the other side of the track is rich, young recording artist Gayle (Rowena Cortes), idol of the young with her songs and dances, but an orphan. Harry is her manager. They should not meet, least to say forming some kind of partnership, but they do. Gayle goes to Ah Sing's garage for repairs. When Harry and she drive off, the car's undercarriage Ah Sing and drags him along. Fate steps in the form of five toughles who stop the car and kidnap Gayle to a farmhouse. It so happens that Gayle's father and the five were robbers but the father took off with all the money while the five were caught. They want the money back now they have served the time...
The Iron-Fisted Monk
Husker is a student of the Shaolin monks, learning kung fu so that he can avenge his uncle who was murdered by the Manchus who control the province. He leaves his training early, desperate to teach the killers a lesson, and teams up with a martial artist monk who is teaching a group of factory workers how to defend themselves. When the Manchus strike again, Husker and his Buddhist pal decide it's time to even the score.
The Shaolin Plot
When a terrible kung fu master seeks various martial arts manuals from around China to make himself even more evil, he must come to blows with a Wu Tang student sent to stop him.
Mr.Boo! ミスター・ブー
探偵のウォン(マイケル)は香港で私立探偵事務所「萬能私家偵探社」を開いているが、従業員は美人秘書のジャッキー(テレサ・チュウ)と間抜けな助手のチョンボ(リッキー)の3人だけだった。 不倫調査の仕事をこなしていたある日、探偵志望の青年キット(サミュエル)が安月給で良いから雇ってくれと事務所を訪れた。最初はこれ以上雇うつもりは無い(実際には、これ以上給料を払いたくない)と断ったのだが、直後に起きたスリ騒ぎでの鮮やかな対応を見て、渋々雇い入れることになった。 今まで以上のケチケチ振りを見せるウォンに対し、我慢するチョンボとキット。ウォンとともにキットが初めて行った不倫調査で、証拠を押さえたまでは良かったが……
Chelsia My Love
For many years, Mr. Lee has been keeping a secret from his wife and two daughters that his elder daughter, Chelsia, is having some serious heart disease. Only his good friend, Dr. Fong, who made the diagnosis knows about it. Chelsia meets Ma, an overseas Chinese, at her secondary school graduation ball and gradually they fall in love with each other. Doctor Ma's son Chileung, who grows up with Lee's daughters, is fond of Chelsia while the younger daughter Chelwin loves him. However, neither of their affection is returned.
Princess Chang-Ping
A beautiful Cantonese opera about the forbidden love between a princess and a scholar. The backdrop is Ming dynasty China and the two would rather die than be apart.
The Man from Hong Kong
Australian authorities arrest a man believed to be connected to the Sydney criminal underworld and send for Inspector Fang Sing Leng (Jimmy Wang Yu) from Hong Kong to question him. After the alleged criminal is assassinated, Inspector Leng and the Sydney police try to hunt down those responsible and hope to solve their case along the way.
The Seven Coffins
Hsiao Tsui is the most beautiful girl in a prosperous prostitution house in a North China town. But every client of hers is chased and scared by ghosts. She is thus very poorly treated by the owner. House madame Chiao takes pity in Tsui and hides her in an abandoned inn. There are seven coffins in the inn, all results of unnatural deaths...
The Dragon Tamers
Carter Wong plays a young chinese martial arts student who travels to Korea to learn Taekwondo. Soon he comes up against a vicious gang who want all the local martial arts schools to join their evil association. But before he can defeat the bad guys, he has to learn to master his own strong desire to fight.
The Association
Plain-clothes detective Wang is the best in his trade. One day he stumbles across a young girl's body who apparently is died of abortion. Wang investigates the guilty abortionist who leads Wang to a secret organization called "The Welfare Association". Actually it is an international prostitution racket. Wang sneaks into the association. When he is about to arrest the association's organizer, a girl, Lei, whose sister's death cause by the secret society, saves Wang in certain death. Wang arrests the organizer but has set her free from headquarter. Wang and Lei get together in getting the commander dismissed.
The Tournament
As the title indicates, Angela and her brother played by Carter Wong fights in a Thai kick boxing tournament. Angela Mao shows her amazing skills in this movie, and she's in her top form. The movie is also beautifully shot, and its quality is a notch or two above similar movies of the era.
Chinatown Capers
Ever the pair of do-gooding drifters, Embroidered Pillow and Chili Boy always come to the aid of Hong Kong's downtrodden and oppressed - even if it means traveling all the way to America! This time the two friends are off to San Francisco's Chinatown in search of a millionaire's missing daughter (Sylvia Chang, who also appears in Slaughter in San Francisco), who has vanished under shady circumstances. Typical Backalley Princess shtick ensues, including the duo's disastrous stint waiting tables in a Chinese restaurant and run-ins with the local street gangs. But just when things are looking hopeless, Sam and Polly find the lead they need, and the chase is on!
The Shrine of Ultimate Bliss
An Australian cop heads to Hong Kong to head off the supply of a new designer drug which raises the sexual appetite of anyone who takes it.
Bruce Lee: The Man and the Legend
This documentary tells the story of Bruce Lee and his unsuccessful efforts to start a acting career in the U.S., he returned to Hong Kong where he became an international star, and his death at age 32.
Beach of the War Gods
A sort of re-telling of Kurosawa’s “Seven Samurai”. This time the protagonists are a group of Chinese villagers who must band together to recruit outside help to defend themselves against marauding Japanese pirates demanding protection money. Set in year 1556, it’s supposedly based on true events occurring during the twilight of the Ming Dynasty.
None But the Brave
Story is about how a revolutionist, played by Cheng Pei Pei, taking on the identity of a Captain's (Ou Wei) long lost sister who is actually dead. Cheng manages to fool the Captain for a while, but little by little, the Captain catches on to her and the revolutionist's plan to stop Chinese-Japanese relations.
Seaman No. 7
When a sailor accidentally kills a Japanese man in a bar room brawl, he tries to escape the law by hiding himself in a freighter heading for Japan only to find himself in the middle of a massive drug war.
Back Alley Princess
Polly Shang Kwan and Sam Hui are con artists who befriend a family of street venders and entertainers. The group constantly faces financial problems as they are ripped off by thugs, their rent is raised and car breaks down. Polly Kuan (who portrays a man for the entire film) lies, cheats, and steals to come up with the cash that everyone needs. Things get more serious when triad thugs kidnap the daughter of the family, and sell her to a triad boss, killing Carter Wong in the process.
Korea, 1934. During the Japanese occupation, there is open warfare between rival martial arts schools. There is a fight in the marketplace, and three Chinese students can't stand the unfair way of students that side up with the invasors, when they gang assault one of the fighting men. Between the three, they send the aggressors away. Retaliation is heavy: their school is destroyed, and they are banished. They return to China, and start their own school, and set out on good-will visits to the other martial arts schools, only to find that everybody in their neighbourhood is already dominated by the Japanese. They have many kung fu fights to win, before they eventually manage to establish peace.
One-Armed Boxer
A martial-arts student learns the iron fist and death grip techniques to avenge his teacher's death.