Martin Lüttge

Martin Lüttge

出生 : 1943-07-07, Hamburg, Germany

死亡 : 2017-02-22


Martin Lüttge


Bittere Kirschen
Julius Dahlmann
Die Pferdeinsel
Reitlehrer Jürgen
Katja Steinfurth tries hard to reconcile her love relationship with her married boss and her obligations as a single mother - not always with success. When Tibor, the favorite horse of her son Lukas, behaves strangely aggressive after an accident and is to be euthanized, the horse whisperer Nils Peterson seems to be the last salvation. So Katja sets off with Lukas and Tibor on the way to the "horse island". And in the seclusion of the small picturesque island, the young woman gradually realizes that something has to change in her life.
Die Bullenbraut 2 - Der Tod hat 17 Karat
Paulas Vater
Der Judas von Tirol
Wen die Liebe trifft
Otto Schulz
The attractive young Franka runs the traditional porcelain manufactory Rhomberg with her father. In contrast to her fun-loving sister Joe, the sensible Franka has no time for men. That changes when she meets the sensitive, good-looking Luca - who unfortunately has just married her "best enemy" Nathalie. Franka suddenly has to fight against unfamiliar feelings. Joe falls seriously in love too, but is the easy-going bartender Marco the right one for her? The lives of the two sisters are turned upside down.
Neue Freunde, neues Glück
Ulrich Windeck
Die Bullenbraut – Ihr erster Fall
Paulas Vater
Der Konkurrent
Utta Danella - Das Familiengeheimnis
Franz Meinhardt
Journalist Jakob Goltz visits his parents at Bodenee for the first time in many years. The encounter with his hard-hearted mother Jonah tears up old wounds in Jacob, who has only sad memories of his childhood. When his wife Madlon plunges into an affair with Jonas estate manager Rudolf, Jacob's worst fears seem to be reaffirmed: All those who are close to his mother become unhappy. But Jakob does not suspect that Jonah has a sad secret in him
Im Schatten der Macht
Horst Herold
Katz und Hund
Pater Tobias Hund
Mein Weg zu Dir
Gottfried Vogt
The young, successful lawyer Lena Seidel travels to the small winegrowing town of Hilleritz on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Transport. There she is to convince the unruly villagers of the construction of a highway connection. Hardly Lena has arrived in Hilleritz, the canny head of the county Vogt puts his charming son Steffen on her: He should turn the "city lady" dubiously in the head, so they lose their original travel reason out of sight. However, when the two really fall in love with each other, the complications really start.
Flamenco der Liebe
Richard Werner
Verrückt nach Paris
Heimleiter Kollakowski
Sag einfach ja!
Pfarrer Ambrosius
Vera and Hans have been happy for 15 years - only the marriage certificate is still missing. Vera's mother wants to help the couple on the jumps and proposes them to the local radio station as "the perfect couple of the week". This means that if they marry within four weeks, the sender pays the wedding. The stars are not unfavorable. But just before the wedding date confirmed that Libra and Taurus are an explosive combination. The high-caliber romantic comedy shows in an amusing, subtle way how heavenly influences in relationships can move mountains.
Urged by her mother, Anke left her baby for adoption ten years ago. For years afterward, she did not speak to her again. Now the soon-to-be attorney from Hamburg travels back to her home village to make up with her dying mother. She learns that her daughter Christina lives with Alex, a past love of Anke's and Christina's real father. Old wounds break up again and long forgotten feelings of hate as well as love flare up again. Anke leaves her fiancé to face up to her past. She decides in favour of her child and of a life with Alex.
My Friend the Wolf
Biologist Karin Aich hopes to reintroduce wolves in Bavaria, making many enemies, including her own neighbors and family, along the way. One of her few supporters is a girl who befriends a feral wolfdog.
Tödliche Diamanten
Detektiv Dermühlen
Schweinesand - Eine Insel voller Geheimnisse
Koerbers Akte: Tödliches Ultimatum
Staatsanwalt Max Koerber
Koerbers Akte: Kleines Mädchen – großes Geld
Staatsanwalt Max Koerber
It Happened in Broad Daylight
Tödliches Alibi
Kommissar Rolf Petzold
Mayday - Flug in den Tod
Olivia - Ein Kinderschicksal bewegt die Welt
Professor Kantor
When six year old Olivia is diagnosed with the Wilms tumor in her kidney, the doctors suggest an immediate operation and chemotherapy. Healing chances would be 95%, but when her parents learn how other children suffer from the procedure, they're terrified and refuse to expose their daughter to such a torture. Instead they consult faith healer Hamer, who claims to be able to heal cancer without drugs. When the youth welfare office attempts to force them to have Olivia medicated properly, the family flees from Germany. So Olivia's condition worsens, and a great press campaign is started to change the parent's mind...
Captive Love
Liebe und Maloche
Laura Ley
Trucking Teddybeer
Der kleine Staatsanwalt
Christian Kaiser
Zahn um Zahn
The Wannsee Conference
Dr. Rudolf Lange
A real time recreation of the 1942 Wannsee Conference, in which leading SS and Nazi Party officals gathered to discuss the "Final Solution to the Jewish Question". Led by SS-General Reinhard Heydrich, the Wannsee Conference was the starting point for the Jewish Holcaust which led to the mass murder of six million people.
A Lot of Coal
Adolf Winkelmann's cult movie "A Lot of Coal" tells the story of miner Katlewski. Katlewski is in his early 20s and a miner from Recklinghausen. He no longer realizes with his wife and the prosperity they have achieved.
Die Weber
Drei Freundinnen
Protokoll eines Verdachts
Bernd Möller
Wo die Liebe hinfällt
… von Herzen mit Schmerzen
Yesterday's Tomorrow
Alfons Eichmayr
If Die Mörder sind unter uns was about the ruins around then, Zwischengleis is about the ruins within, the ones that couldn’t be erased by new construction work. If Susanne back then could slowly overcome her concentration camp memories to prevent Hans from taking justice into his own hands, here Anna cannot forget that she couldn’t protect a strange boy in the mad final days of WWII when she was fleeing the approaching Soviet Army with her mother and younger brother. She’s a prisoner, caught in a timeloop in her head, it’s not an accident that her name is a palindrome. Wars take everything away from her: for her one true love Charles Stone, a colonel with the occupation forces, is sent to the battlefields of Korea, never to return.
Eine Dummheit macht auch der Gescheiteste
Hans und Heinz Kirch
Heinz Kirch
Die Wohngenossin
Der Lord von Barmbeck
Julius Adolf Petersen, genannt „Der Lord von Barmbeck“
Die Kugel war Zeuge
William H. Kennedy
Geliebte Dame
Das blaue Hotel
Johnny Scully
Der Menschenfreund
A Free Woman
Oskar Merz
A divorced woman in her thirties fights a losing battle in Munich to attain belated self-fulfillment. The die is cast in a briskly impersonal society geared to male dominance and early training for career women.
Betreten verboten
Ich log die Wahrheit
Robert Rotter
Wölfe und Schafe
Apollon, ihr Neffe
How I Became a Negro
Tiefe blaue See
Jackie Jackson
Tod nach Mitternacht
William Wöhler
Wie eine Träne im Ozean
Josmar Goeben
Rebellion der Verlorenen
David Kühn
Köpfchen in das Wasser, Schwänzchen in die Höh
Der Rückfall
Tom Fashion
Die Einladung
Go for It, Baby
Martin is 25 years old and very reserved about work. Together with his buddy Henry, he lives in their Schwabing apartment in the day. But everything changes when he falls in love with the attractive Barbara and observed a slump: For when he gives up the police report, the officials themselves suspect him of the crime. In addition, he still owes a text to the hit producer Viktor Block. Suddenly Martin is up to his ears in chaos.
Gottes zweite Garnitur
Bruce Heacock
Eine Handvoll Helden
Jäger Hinnerk
An episode from the war in 1806 when a small troop of Prussian soldiers digs in at a mill in order to defend itself against the overwhelming advance of the French army. 
Der öffentliche Ankläger
Bratkartoffeln inbegriffen
Charles Wingate
Der Trauschein
Nun singen sie wieder
Der Fall Michael Reiber