England, 1954. On a train to London, Fitzwilliam (David Jonsson) meets Miss Pinkerton (Penelope Wilton), who tells him that a killer is on the loose in the sleepy English village of Wychwood under Ashe. The villagers believe the deaths are mere accidents, but Miss Pinkerton knows otherwise – and when she's later found dead on her way to Scotland Yard, Fitzwilliam feels he must find the killer before they can strike again. Because for a certain kind of person, murder is easy…
A collage crime movie from the first novel of Agatha Christie.
アガサ・クリスティ原作“世界一の名探偵”ポアロが挑む、エジプトの神秘ナイル川をめぐる極上の《ミステリー・クルーズ》。大富豪の美しき娘の新婚旅行中に、クルーズ船内で起きた連続殺人事件。容疑者は、結婚を祝うために集まった乗客全員…。豪華客船という密室で、誰が何のために殺したのか? そして、ポアロの人生を大きく変えた≪衝撃の真相≫とは? 愛と嫉妬と欲望が複雑に絡み合う、禁断のトライアングル・ミステリーの幕が開く。
休暇で熊野古道の近くにある和歌山県天狗村の「黒門ホテル」に宿泊していた勝呂武尊は、馴染みのラウンジで同席となった医師の沙羅絹子や、各地を旅している富豪の本堂家の人々(本堂夫人、礼一郎、凪子、主水、鏡子、絢奈)とそれに付き添う税理士の十文字幸太と出会い、その夜に言い争う男女が発した「分からないのか、こうなったらもう殺すしかないんだ」という言葉を耳にする。 自らの子供たちを支配し、全てを自分の思うようにしなければ気が済まない本堂夫人の態度に苛立ちを感じた沙羅医師は、礼一郎や鏡子に接触を図るが、それを快く思わない夫人は2人に彼女を無視するように命じる。その頃、勝呂は古き知り合いであり、今は代議士をしている上杉穂波と再会し、同行している編集者の飛鳥ハナの隙を見て逢瀬を重ねるが、空気を読めない勝呂の発言に気分を害した上杉代議士に背中を押され怪我をしてしまう。 怪我を理由に、翌日の全員がバスにて向かう熊野古道の探訪を断ろうとする勝呂だが、上杉代議士の願いを断れず、本堂家の人々や沙羅医師たちと共に探訪に参加。そこでも上手く同行していた飛鳥を騙し2人きりになるが、再び悪戯心の芽生えた上杉代議士に背中を押された勢いで山道を転がり落ちてしまい、遠回りをして助けに来た彼女の手を借りてバスへと戻り休む事となり、仕方なく彼女はバスへ戻っていた飛鳥と共に散策する。
Self - Writer (archive footage)
British writer Agatha Christie (1890-1976) published her first novel in 1920, in which the eccentric Belgian private sleuth Hercule Poirot made his debut. Later, in 1927, the first short story starring the gentle spinster Miss Jane Marple appeared. A fascinating journey through popular culture in search of the footprints of two of the most charismatic characters in crime and mystery literature.
Japanese adaptation of Agatha Christie's A Murder is Announced.
Self - Writer (archive footage)
Self - Writer (archive footage)
British author Agatha Christie (1890-1976) is the world's most translated author: her heroes, private detective Hercule Poirot and amateur sleuth Miss Marple, are known the world over. But who is the woman behind her bestsellers? A biographical search for clues, the unraveling of an iridescent personality whose existence and works were shaped by the tragic history of the 20th century: the eventful life of the Queen of Crime.
Original Story
「ミステリーの女王」と称されるクリスティに敬意を表し、設定を日本に変更した以外は可能なかぎり原作に忠実に脚色している。 フジテレビ開局55周年特別企画として2015年に放送された『オリエント急行殺人事件』に続く三谷によるクリスティ作品の映像化であり、『オリエント急行殺人事件』と同じく主人公の名探偵・勝呂武尊役を野村萬斎が演じる。
原作では鋭い洞察力により難事件を解決に導く老婦人として描かれていますが、今回、日本版にアレンジするにあたって、“元敏腕刑事にして危機管理のプロ”という華麗な経歴を持つデキる女、天乃瞳子(あまの・とうこ)に大胆に生まれ変わります! ある夕方、瞳子の義母が『特急オリオン』に乗っていたところ、並走していた『寝台特急朝霧』内で男が女性の首を絞めているのを目撃。すぐさま通報したものの、寝ぼけていたとして車掌も警察も取り合いません。
しかし、その豪邸には、一筋縄ではいかない曲者の社長一族が顔を揃えていました。はたして、“消えた死体”の行方は…!? そして、なんと屋敷内でさらなる殺人事件も発生! 複雑に絡み合う一連の事件の真相とは…!? 列車ミステリーの要素はもちろんのこと、豪邸に舞台を移して次々に起きる殺人事件を、頭脳明晰な“和製マープル”天乃瞳子は、どう解き明かしていくのでしょうか…!?
ミステリーの女王アガサ・クリスティが1949年に発表した「ねじれた家」を映画化。無一文から巨万の富を築いた大富豪レオニデスが毒殺され、私立探偵のチャールズは、レオニデスの孫娘で元恋人のソフィアから捜査を依頼される。レオニデスの屋敷には3世代にわたる一族が勢ぞろいしており、巨額の遺産をめぐって疑惑や嫉妬、憎悪が入り乱れていた。捜査を開始したチャールズは、ソフィアを含めた一族全員に殺害の動機があることに気づく。そして真相に近づいていく中で、第2の殺人が起こり……。 一族を仕切る大伯母イーディス役に、「天才作家の妻 40年目の真実」ほかで7度のアカデミー賞ノミネートのグレン・クローズ。私立探偵チャールズ役は同作でクローズと共演しているマックス・アイアンズ。監督に「サラの鍵」「ダーク・プレイス」のジル・パケ=ブレネール、脚本に群像劇「ゴスフォード・パーク」でアカデミー脚本賞を受賞しているジュリアン・フェロウズ。
Original Story
Sumon is compelled to grow up in the city's underworld as mafia lord Osman Ali's killer machine. After killing a pregnant woman carrying Osman Ali's illegitimate child, Sumon's conscience leads him to defy Ali's order.
Original Story
The Japanese adaption of Agatha Christie's famous whodunit "Murder on the Orient Express".
Self - Writer (archive footage)
David Suchet, TV's Poirot, has spent more of his life acting out the plots and dramas created by Agatha Christie than anyone else in the world. Suchet is embarking on a journey to learn more about the woman who created Poirot and whose books remain outsold only by Shakespeare and the Bible. Suchet's journey takes him to the places Christie lived, the landscapes that inspired her and to meetings with people who knew the woman behind the fame and those inspired by her extraordinary legacy. He explores the close links between Christie's extraordinary life and her work and discovers what it was about the woman from a small seaside town that allowed her to become the best-selling murder mystery writer in history.
Prudence and Bélisaire Beresford have decided to take things easy. But when a rich Russian heiress disappears, Prudence can't resist and Bélisaire is forced onto the adventure. Their investigation will put them on the trail of a mysterious scientist who holds the secret to eternal youth...
An ordinary summer day change to darkness when a young woman's body is found dead in her garden. 6 people are invited to a beautiful house that holds a mystery of the dead woman. All 6 people has a history with the dead woman, some of them share a dirty past with her. What could they have done? Are any of them responsible for her death? Fatal Invitation invites you to a Chinese version of Agatha Christie.
Loosely based on "4.50 from Paddington" by Agatha Christie.
Like every weekend senator Henri Pagès and his wife entertain guests at their beautiful mansion in a peaceful village near Paris. But this time around, things go awry: Pierre Collier, a psychoanalyst and consummate womanizer, is brutally murdered. Claire, his wife, dazed and confused by his corpse, with a smoking gun still in her hand, seems to be the ideal culprit...
Troubled war veteran Jerry Burton and his sister Joanna rent a cottage in a seemingly tranquil English village which is plagued by a spate of poison pen letters... and murder.
Poirot investigates the brutal murder of an American heiress and the theft of a fabulous ruby on the Blue Train between Calais and Nice. After traveling on the Blue Train from Calais to Nice, Hercule Poirot is pressed into service to help solve the murder of heiress Ruth Kettering who is found savagely beaten in her compartment. She was the daughter of wealthy industrialist Rufus Van Alden and very much wanted a divorce. Both her husband and her lover were on the train but she had changed rooms with another passenger, Katherine Grey, so the question naturally arises as to whether she was the intended victim. Grey may also have had enemies as she had recently inherited a very large sum of money and greedy relatives had suddenly taken an interest in her. When an attempt is subsequently made on Grey's life, this appears to the case but Poirot methodically sifts through all of the clues to determine the motive and identify the killer.
The Beresfords investigate mysterious deaths at an old people's home.
Self (archive footage)
A biopic of Agatha Christie including her 10 day disappearance.
David Suchet (His Dark Materials) is beloved detective Hercule Poirot in this star-studded, feature-length adaptation of the mystery by Agatha Christie. While vacationing in Egypt, Poirot intervenes when a jilted woman harasses her former friend (Emily Blunt, Mary Poppins Returns) and ex-boyfriend (JJ Feild, TURN: Washington's Spies), but their Nile River cruise turns deadly, nonetheless.
David Suchet (His Dark Materials) is beloved detective Hercule Poirot in this star-studded, feature-length adaptation of the mystery by Agatha Christie. While vacationing in Egypt, Poirot intervenes when a jilted woman harasses her former friend (Emily Blunt, Mary Poppins Returns) and ex-boyfriend (JJ Feild, TURN: Washington's Spies), but their Nile River cruise turns deadly, nonetheless.
Based on the novel by Agatha Christie In this TV movie, a classic mystery is updated and relocated to a glamorous world of London socialites and secret agents, introducing two unique and compelling investigators and taking us through to the highest corridors of power.
An actress mysteriously dies after the "Shubho Mahurat," a celebration of the first shot of the film. A journalist and her perceptive aunt investigate.
Agatha Christie's classic whodunit speeds into the twenty-first century. World-famous sleuth Hercule Poirot has just finished a case in Istanbul and is returning home to London onboard the luxurious Orient Express. But, the train comes to a sudden halt when a rock slide blocks the tracks ahead. And all the thrills of riding the famous train come to a halt when a man discovered dead in his compartment, stabbed nine times. The train is stranded. No one has gotten on or gotten off. That can only mean one thing: the killer is onboard, and it is up to Hercule Poirot to find him. [from imdb.com]
An Iranian TV-play adaptation of Agatha Christie's The Mousetrap.
In September 1938 a British detective comes to a small French coastal town in order to investigate the death of a colleague. Prime suspects are the members of English aristocratic family with plenty of skeletons in the closet. This is a loose adaptation of the Agatha Christie novel Towards Zero.
While a dectective vacations in Brighton to boost his health, the beautiful pearl necklace of a theatre actress staying at his hotel is mysteriously stolen.
A town busybody is poisoned at a busy reception in the home of famous film star Marina Gregg. The poisoned drink seemed intended for Marina, but Miss Marple is not so sure. She sets out to discover the true identity of the killer before he or she can strike again.
At the insistence of Ruth Van Rydock, an old schoolfriend who is convinced that there is something wrong, Miss Marple agrees to visit 'Stonygates', the country house of Ruth's sister.
Self - Writer (archive footage)
An investigation into the mysterious world of the crime novelist Agatha Christie, with comments from poison experts, policeman and pathologists and members of her family.
Adapted from Agatha Christie's The Mousetrap. A young couple recieve an assortment of strange guests at their newly opened Guest House. They all get snowed in, and then somebody is murdered...
The criminal history is inscribed in the everyday life of prosperous, apparently quite prosperous people. Suddenly, the truth is revealed, hidden for the time being under the guise of respectability. The past is returning, creating mysterious murders ...
A classic mystery story based on the famous novel by Agatha Christie.
An unknown judge invites a guilty governess and others to a 1930s safari, for justice one by one.
An American woman gets involved in a diamond theft in South Africa.
A disturbing psychological thriller based on the classic novel by Agatha Christie. Ten strangers are forced to come face to face with their dark pasts after receiving an anonymous invitation to an isolated island off the coast of England.
Travelling on the 4.50 from Paddington, Mrs McGillicuddy witnesses a murder on a passing train - but where is the body?
Faced with two false confessions and numerous suspects after a despised civil magistrate is found shot in the local vicarage, Detective Inspector Slack reluctantly accepts help from Miss Marple.
In Acapulco, Hercule Poirot attends a dinner party in which one of the guests clutches his throat and suddenly dies. The causes seem to be natural until another party with most of the same guests produces another corpse.
During a murder hunt game at a country house, to which Hercule Poirot is invited as an "expert", a real murder occurs.
Actress Jane Wilkinson wants a divorce, but her husband, Lord Edgware, refuses. She convinces Hercule Poirot to use his famed tact and logic to make her case. Lord Edgware turns up murdered, a well-placed knife wound at the base of his neck. It will take the precise Poirot to sort out the lies from the alibis - and find the criminal before another victim dies.
Ginger Lynn and Harry Reems play a happily married couple who find their wedded bliss interrupted by an offer for an all-expense paid trip to the mysterious Bacchanale Island. A young couple receives two tickets in the mail for a free stay at an island resort. After they get there they find out that someone is killing off the guests one by one.
When Miss Marple arrives at palatial Stonygates, one thing is certain. Before there's time to lather a warm scone with marmalade and place a tea cozy, murder most foul is bound to occur.
Dr. Arthur Calgary visits the Argyle family to return an address book lost some time ago by Jack Argyle, only to find out that Jack has been executed for the murder of his mother. Calgary can prove that Jack was innocent. In spite of opposition from a hostile family, he is determined to solve the crime.
Mr. Fortescue, owner of a big company, unexpectedly dies. The autopsy shows that he has been poisoned. Nobody actually loved him, and even his family members had their reasons to kill him. But who really did it? And who is responsable for killing his young servant and his wife within the next couple of days? Of course the only person who can answer this question is Ms. Marple. And of course, the murderer is the person you least expected it to be.
One year ago on November 2, seven people sat down to dinner at the Luxembourg. One of them, Rosemary Barton, never got up. She was thought to have committed suicide due to post-flu depression.
Aging Major Palgrave, an idiosyncratic but charming mystery writer, reveals to Miss Marple that one of the guests at a luxurious Caribbean resort they're staying at is a Bluebeard-type wife murderer. Unfortunately, the Major succumbs to an apparently accidental overdose of alcohol and blood pressure medication before revealing the killer's identity. When it's discovered that the medicine belonged to another guest and the revealing photograph the Major was carrying is missing, Miss Marple realizes that the serial killer has struck again and more murders will follow.
After a chance meeting and an indiscreet conversation, childhood friends Tommy Beresford and Tuppence Cowley become involved in a convoluted intrigue led by a mysterious man known simply as Mr. Brown.
Clarissa, the wife of a Foreign Office diplomat, is given to daydreaming. 'Supposing I were to come down one morning and find a dead body in the library, what should I do?' she muses. Clarissa has her chance to find out when she discovers a body in the drawing-room of her house in Kent.
Sir Wilfred Robarts, a famed barrister is released from the hospital, where he stayed for two months following his heart attack. Returning to the practise of his lawyer skills, he takes the case of Leonard Vole, an unemployed man who is accused of murdering an elderly lady friend of his, Mrs. Emily French. While Leonard Vole claims he's innocent, although all evidence points to him as the killer, his alibi witness, his cold German wife Christine, instead of entering the court as a witness for the defense, she becomes the witness for the prosecution and strongly claims her husband is guilty of the murder.
American computer whiz Luke Williams meets elderly Lavinia Fullerton on a London-bound train. She reveals she's discovered the identity of a serial killer in her village and is going to report it to Scotland Yard. When she's murdered after disembarking the train. Williams vows to pursue the case himself
Filipino take on Agatha Christie's classic story.
When two mysterious deaths mar an otherwise pleasant weekend in the English countryside, unflappable flapper Lady Eileen Brent teams up with the dashing Jimmy Thesinger to solve the dastardly deeds. Their sleuthing leads them into a world of espionage and international intrigue as they discover a secret society known as "The Seven Dials" and the attempted theft of top-secret government documents.
This intriguing story is set in the 1930s at a country house, where two amateur sleuths, Bobby Jones and Lady Frankie Derwent, try to unravel the mystery behind a tale of murder, suspense and false identities. And the only clues the two have to go on are the puzzling last words of a dying man. Featuring characters created by Agatha Christie, Why Didn't They Ask Evans is a classic crime thriller sure to please murder-mystery fans.
「オリエント急行殺人事件」に続きオールスター・キャストで映画化されたアガサ・クリスティのミステリ。原作は『ナイルに死す』。美貌と聡明さを兼ね備えた上、つい最近莫大な遺産を相続したリネット・リッジウェイは、親友ジャクリーンの婚約者と突然婚約をし、人目を避けてエジプトへハネムーンに旅立った。しかし豪華客船カルナーク号には、彼女に何らかの利害関係や遺恨、ないし敵意を抱いている者たちが勢揃いしていた……。壮大なエジプトの景色を背景に、物語中バラバラになっていた様々な謎が最後には全て一本の線で結ばれるという、クリスティ推理劇の醍醐味が存分に堪能出来る推理映画の傑作。D・ニーヴンを始め、M・ファロー、J・バーキン、O・ハッセー、J・ウォーデンらの素晴らしい役者陣に加え、ポアロ役のP・ユスティノフの演技が絶品! 文句のない第一級の推理映画。
「オリエント急行殺人事件」に続きオールスター・キャストで映画化されたアガサ・クリスティのミステリ。原作は『ナイルに死す』。美貌と聡明さを兼ね備えた上、つい最近莫大な遺産を相続したリネット・リッジウェイは、親友ジャクリーンの婚約者と突然婚約をし、人目を避けてエジプトへハネムーンに旅立った。しかし豪華客船カルナーク号には、彼女に何らかの利害関係や遺恨、ないし敵意を抱いている者たちが勢揃いしていた……。壮大なエジプトの景色を背景に、物語中バラバラになっていた様々な謎が最後には全て一本の線で結ばれるという、クリスティ推理劇の醍醐味が存分に堪能出来る推理映画の傑作。D・ニーヴンを始め、M・ファロー、J・バーキン、O・ハッセー、J・ウォーデンらの素晴らしい役者陣に加え、ポアロ役のP・ユスティノフの演技が絶品! 文句のない第一級の推理映画。
ミステリーの女王・アガサ・クリスティーの名作をオールスターキャストで映画化。 1930年代、アジアとヨーロッパを結ぶ国際列車オリエント急行で起きた殺人事件をめぐり、名探偵エルキュール・ポワロが、真犯人と事件の真相を追う。
Ten people are invited to a hotel for a weekend getaway by a Mr. U. N. Owen, who mysteriously isn't in attendance. When the group gets together for their first dinner, a record is played in which Mr. Owen accuses each guest of committing various unpunished crimes, which sets off a series of murders in the hotel.
Shiftless dreamer Michael Rogers fantasizes about a lifestyle above his means and marries a wealthy, young girl who just came of age. They hire a famous architect to build their dream home amidst a series of suspicious incidents. The spouse has dark intentions toward his naive, inexperienced bride. Secrets from his past and sinister ties to their house guest Greta lead to a terrible turn of unexpected events.
A murder-mystery, in which the friend of a wealthy, elderly couple tries to bring about a reconciliation between them on the one hand, and their their estranged relatives on the other.
A wealthy playboy gathers a group of bourgeois friends at his isolated beach house for a weekend of relaxation. When bodies start pilling up, they realize they’re trapped with a killer in their midst, sending them in a frenzy to figure out who amongst them is killing the others before they are killed next.
The Belgian detective Hercule Poirot investigates a series of murders in London in which the victims are killed according to their initials.
Ten strangers are invited as weekend guests to a remote mountain mansion. When the host doesn't show up, the guests start dying, one by one, in uniquely macabre Agatha Christie-style. It is based on Christie's best-selling novel with 100 million sales to date, making it the world's best-selling mystery ever, and one of the most-printed books of all time.
Gumnaam is a 1965 Indian suspense thriller film directed by Raja Nawathe, starring Manoj Kumar, Nanda, Pran, Helen and Mehmood. Eight people are trapped on an island when their plane abandons them. They find a large mansion whose butler is expecting them. Then one by one, they die...
During an annual board of trustees meeting, one of the trustees dies. Miss Marple thinks he’s been poisoned after finding a chemical on him. She sets off to investigate at the ship where he had just come from. The fourth and final film from the Miss Marple series starring Margaret Rutherford as the quirky amateur detective.
A murderer is brought to court and only Miss Marple is unconvinced of his innocence. Once again she begins her own investigation.
Miss Marple and Mr. Stringer are witnesses to the death by heart attack of elderly, rich Mr. Enderby. Yet they have their doubts about what happened. The police don't believe them, thus leading Miss Marple to yet again investigate by herself.
Miss Marple believes she's seen a murder in a passing-by train, yet when the police find no evidence she decides to investigate it on her own.
Theatre Play
Mystery film based on an Agatha Christie story.
A woman is murdered and a hand bill of a resort run by a young couple is found. Is the murderer headed for it? Who is next victim? All the boarders, including owners are under false name. Why? A policeman arrives, will he be able to stop?
Ten strangers are invited to a mansion on a remote island, where they are killed one by one by a mysterious assailant. Based on the Agatha Christie novel, also known by the title And Then There Were None.
Agatha Christie tale of a man on trial for murder: a trial featuring surprise after surprise. Not to be confused with the later Hollywood adaptation.
Cecily Harrington, struggling along on a small allowance, wins a fortune in a lottery. She decides to travel rather than marrying her fiance Nigel Lawrence. A stranger, Manuel Cortez, comes to rent her flat and she falls in love with him, and they are married. For their honeymoon, they go to an isolated English college where she, unlike the audience, doesn't realize she has married a fortune-hunting Bluebeard with a few murdered wives in his past. The question is will she be able to repent in leisure her decision to marry in haste.
Ten strangers are summoned to a remote island and while they are waiting for the mysterious host to appear, a recording levels serious accusations at each of the guests. Soon they start being murdered, one by one. As the survivors try to keep their wits, they reach a disturbing conclusion: one of them must be the killer.
Ann Harding plays a lovely but somewhat naive young woman who goes on a European vacation after winning a lottery. Swept off her feet by charming Basil Rathbone, Harding finds herself married before she is fully able to grasp the situation. Slowly but surely, Rathbone's loving veneer crumbles; when he casually asks Harding to sign a document turning her entire fortune over to him, she deduces that her days are numbered.
A talented American actress enlists the help of the famed Belgian detective, Hercule Poirot, to negotiate a divorce from her husband, Lord Edgware, only to find him the next day stabbed to death in his library. Who would want him dead?
The story gets under way at a weekend house party where a scientist is murdered and his secret papers stolen. Putting his "little grey cells" in action, Belgian detective Hercule Poirot methodically pieces together the clues, revealing the culprit to be -- you guessed it -- the Least Likely Suspect.
Black Coffee is a 1931 British detective film directed by Leslie S. Hiscott. Based on the 1930 play Black Coffee by Agatha Christie featuring her famous private detective Hercule Poirot, it stars Austin Trevor as Poirot with Richard Cooper playing his companion Captain Hastings. A famous but hated scientist, Sir Amory, is killed during a house party, and some of his valuable papers are missing. Poirot rapidly determines the cause of death and the motive, then narrows down the suspects to the most likely culprit.
Belgian sleuth Hercule Poirot investigates a mysterious suicide at a country house.
Based on Agatha Christie's "The Secret Adversary," a young couple looking for adventure become involved in the mystery of a missing woman and an espionage ring.