Tomohiro Waki
出生 : 1980-10-11, Hiratsuka, Kanagawa, Japan
Set in a solitary island school where only students who have caused problems are gathered, and communication from the world is cut off. Homura Itsuki comes to the school as a transfer student. At the school, there is a study group for the 19th-century French cruel drama "Grand Guignol", and Itsuki ends up joining that study group. In addition to the members of the study group, the teachers who manage them, the head chef, the mysterious new teacher, and other people who gather at the school are somewhat suspicious. And finally, a serial murder case like "Grand Guignol" occurs. On an isolated island with no way to escape, Itsuki and his friends are caught up in the vortex of fear of death and love and hate between men.
原田龍二の主演で描く任侠人情ドラマ。 柴山一家本部長の車田清は、組同士の抗争により親分を殺されたことから仇を討ちにいくが、失敗したことで追われる身となってしまう。清の身を案じた二代目組長の笠寺は、名古屋で運送屋を営む待田組でおとなしくしているよう、清に命じる。しかし、待田組は岐阜から来た備後組からたびたび嫌がらせを受けていた。はじめはおとなしく耐えていた清だったが、堅気の運送屋の仲間が手を出されたことから、堪忍袋の緒が切れてしまう。 義理人情を重んじるあまり、厄介ごとに耐えていく主人公のヤクザ・車田清役を原田が演じる。共演は、駒木根隆介、川野太郎、石橋保、石垣佑磨、つまみ枝豆、薬師寺保栄ら。監督は「修羅の群れ」「日本統一」シリーズの辻裕之。
Spin-off focused on Oda Seiji from Conflict series
Toshiki Hikono
Two part-time workers at a scrap yard run get into a high debt, they plan a car theft to fix the problem. But they find a woman tied-up both hands and feet inside the car they were supposed to steal
A brash kid must enroll into a high school known for its violent student body after the police get wind of his impending duel with a crosstown rival.
Dora (Ryo Ryusei) and associates runs a badger game scheme to extort victims out of money. One day though, their target looks like an ordinary guy, but he turns out to be a yakuza. Dora and his associates fall into a far darker world. Dora steps into a business that offers to take revenge on others by any means necessary.
本町奉行所の見廻り同心・渡辺小五郎(東山紀之)と妻のふく(中越典子)は、 「後妻打ち」をきっかけに夫婦ゲンカになり、ふくは家出してしまうことに。折も折、夫から逃れた妻たちが駆け込む「縁切り寺」で、住職と女たちが斬り殺される事件が起こる。妻の家出中とあって「もしや」と案じて寺へと急ぐ小五郎だが……。同じ頃、江戸の町に、夫婦で裏稼業を営む夫婦仕事人がやってくる。 “瓦屋の陣八郎”(遠藤憲一)と“泣きぼくろのお宮”(山本美月)だ。偶然、街角で陣八郎とお宮に出会った小五郎に対し、二人を知るお菊(和久井映見)は、「あいつらとだけは関わるべからず」と忠告する。ところが、遊び人で博打好きの陣八郎は、今度は遊郭で開かれた博打で経師屋の涼次(松岡昌宏)と出会ってしまうことに。そんな矢先、縁切り寺の殺人事件の下手人らしき男が自殺体で見つかるが、小五郎は事件の背後に陰謀の匂いを感じ取る。しかし、寺の管轄は寺社奉行ということもあって、与力の増村倫太郎(生瀬勝久)はこれ以上の捜査には及び腰だ。事件からまもなく、寺社奉行の江田島兼良(中丸新将)の鶴の一声で、坊主の燕天(竹中直人)が寺の住職に就任する。もともと寺の跡継ぎとして修業をしていた経験のあるリュウ(知念侑李)は、新しい寺の様子に違和感を覚える。 何事もなかったように女たちの受け入れが始まった縁切り寺に、今日もお市という女(田中美奈子)が、娘のみさと(宮武美桜)とゆい(宮武祭)を連れて駆け込んできた。 だが、寺の背後では、女たちの弱みにつけ込んで食い物にしようとする陰謀が蠢いていたのだった……。
Fresh the Pike
The dead have risen to feast on the flesh of the living, and just when it seems that all hope for humanity has been lost, bikini girls with machine guns take one last shot at saving mankind from certain extinction. In the near future, a deranged scientist named Sugita has conducted a series of experiments intended to reanimate the dead. Unfortunately for the entire population of the planet, these experiments were a resounding success. Now, as a massive, shambling army of the undead launches a bloody war against their living counterparts, wandering beauties Aya (Eri Otoguro) and Reiko (Manami Hashimoto) team up to destroy every last zombie in sight. Unfortunately, Aya's sword-wielding schoolgirl sister Saki (Chise Nakamura) is in league with the nefarious Sugita. When Aya discovers that Saki has killed their father, she vows to take brutal revenge against her murderous younger sibling. Meanwhile, the zombie population is growing at an alarming rate.
Prince Yokozuna
At age 16, a tomboy princess, Princess Anmitsu, has no love interest in her life and worries her parents. Despite their concern, Anmitsu runs away from the castle to venture into the commoners' life. During her daring adventure, she befriends a group of children who make a living by pick-pocketing. At the same time, she finally meets her prince charming Senbei, the leader of the group. However, she soon finds herself in an awkward position when she learns of the children's new plot: they are planning to steal the treasures from her own castle. Will she be able to put a stop to it without revealing her true identity?
Inside the police there is a special investigation for consecutive police motorcycle cases. Yuji's investigation reveals that homeless people and girls are suffering from the murder game!